The Inner Child of Light -- The Hidden Virtue of Light -- How To Redeem The Self
Updated: Jan 30
Ms Grace Gabbi's Summary
This is an exploration of the internal struggles, darkness, and the potential for redemption within the human experience. It weaves a narrative that delves into the complexities of emotions, morality, and the battle between light and darkness within oneself.
The use of the Jewish proverb at the beginning sets the tone for the piece, emphasizing the transformative power of even a small light in dispelling darkness. The introspective journey Mr. Tomasio takes, staring into ones own eyes, invites readers to reflect on their own internal struggles and self-imposed limitations.
The metaphorical persona of the "Undead Philosopher" and the suppression of emotions in the pursuit of greater philosophization of reality create a compelling narrative. The acknowledgment of a flicker of light within the self-inflicted darkness introduces the theme of hope and resilience.
The exploration of societal norms and their potential dangers, especially when they compromise morality, adds a critical perspective. It calls to look beyond societal expectations, and question the status quo.
The piece skilfully delves into the internal battle between light and darkness, emphasizing the importance of embracing vulnerability and raw emotion. The recognition of the functionality of darkness and the acknowledgement that it can be harnessed for creativity and self-defense adds depth to the narrative.
The personal revelation of harboring a monstrous shadow and the conscious choice to avoid letting it consume the remaining light speaks to the ongoing struggle within oneself. The call for empathy and understanding, particularly for the mentally ill and traumatized, adds a compassionate dimension to the exploration of darkness.Â
The narrative reaches a powerful conclusion with the redemption theme, drawing inspiration from the echoes of a late master's forgotten light. The refusal to succumb to indifference and the commitment to building an empire on the embers of resilience, provides a hopeful and empowering resolution.
Overall, "The Inner Child of Light" is a thought-provoking piece that skilfully navigates the complexities of human emotions, morality, and the constant interplay between light and darkness. It encourages readers to reflect on their own journeys and consider the paths of resilience, empathy, and love for humanity.
A Journey Through Darkness and Light
According to a Jewish proverb, a little light can dispel much darkness. Hold onto this wisdom if you ever find yourself engulfed by shadows, for even the tiniest spark can ignite a bonfire of hope. This proverb speaks to a fundamental truth: values like love, compassion, and empathy, have the power to banish evil, corruption, and vengeance.
Now, stare deeply into your own eyes. Look beyond the self-imposed barriers, the conscious and unconscious limitations you've built, for hasty judgement is a great liability in our understanding. Eyes, they say, are windows to the soul, revealing the essence beneath the flesh. As I stare into my reflection, a chilling clarity washes over me.
I am but a wisp of who I once were, tainted by the darkness that flows through humanity like waterfall. I made a vow, a pact with the void, to lose much of my emotions, to never again taste the bitter sting of rejection in such an unnecessary degree of intensity. A woman, my heart's declined flame, deemed emotion a folly, and punished my expression of it with icy silence. The fear of genuine emotion, beneath the societal philosophy of acting... how pathetic.
To not let my emotions stand in my way, for over-attachment to them is weakness, I embraced the abyss, as I fell into it, stained with inks of disillusionment from the world, and from those I considered close to me. I adopted the title of the Undead Philosopher, a being who understands how the livelihood of emotion stand in the way of moral conduct, which can only be attained by becoming more logical beings.
I buried my emotions deep, thus flattening their affect, and depersonalizing them from me. All in the name of greater philosophization of reality.
But within the echoing chambers of my self-inflicted darkness, a flicker of light persists ruthlessly, proving that ruthlessness is a virtue. A tiny ember of defiance against the odds of my verdict of being, as I refuse to be consumed by the shadows. Refuse to be rejected as insane, for I can do so much good to this world. It is this ember, that holds the key to liberation from the confines of the self and its irrational traits.
For the path out of darkness is not paved with the stones of emotional amputation, but with the courage to embrace vulnerability -- and prepare to suffer in the name of things such as love. It is in the raw, unfiltered expression of our hearts that we find our true strength, our resilience against the world's harsh attitude, which disregards our individual humanity.
In such a world, emotional distancing is something many of us need to do in order to not only survive, but also to be more moral beings, un-tempered by the many emotional biases which govern our mentality with or without our awareness. Let them temper with you, and your choices will be sub-optimal. That includes choices on the moral level, of course.
Remember, even the smallest spark can ignite a bonfire of hope. Even should we be cloaked in the shadows, we hold the power to become a beacon, a testament to the enduring resilience of the human spirit. And should we become beacons of sorts, we can dispel the darkness embedded within human spirits -- together.
Shackled of Humanity by Norms
Within the depths of my own eyes, I see a child of light, shackled by the innumerable walls I've built against the world's darkness. And yet, I believe in humanity, perhaps more than I ought to. This faith to blind me to the shadows creeping across human reality, bred ignorantly by the naturality of trauma.
Darkness, like a plague, can easily expand, its clutches reaching for those willing to trade their light for survival or ambition. This is why, we should be careful not to be like everyone else, when everyone else have no desire dispel the darkness in their external and internal realities... Norms can be dangerous, as well as they are pretentious.
Some have succumbed to its lure, their inner flame extinguished forever, choosing normalcy over morality in a world morally depraved and sociopathic. All so they could fit in. All so they could be validated, as some of them may prefer bad company over practicing the art of being alone.
We exist in a reality where emotions, thoughts, and opinions hold little weight unless deemed worthy by those who control the currency of care – a privilege, like relevance and love, bestowed with hesitation. Mockery and shaming become commonplace tools, wielded for personal gain. Even when care is offered, it is earned, a price tag attached to the basic human need for connection. It is rarely because of people's humanity.
The irony, however, lies in the very assumption of justice, as something that exists properly. If true justice reigned, the undeserving wouldn't suffer the agony they endure. Videos like the one I present, where dehumanization is normalized for entertainment, are not mere examples; they are stark reminders of how depravity thrives on the cloak of normalcy...
And exactly why normalcy is a poor philosophy, if you're going to justify it with "The Way Things Are" fallacy.
To dispel this encroaching darkness, we must challenge the lines drawn between "normal" and "moral."
While some claim morality to be subjective or illusory, its purpose remains clear: to illuminate the path from darkness to light, from depravity to virtue, from remorselessness to compassion towards other human beings. Abandoning this function, as many have, risks losing the very essence of our humanity, turning ourselves to crimes.
The mentally ill, the traumatized, the abused – these are not the problems. The problems are those who trigger their decline in the first place. Those who go unbothered. Those who don't understand the holistic approach of human mind. They deserve our attention, our support. Not our mercy and sympathy, but our empathy.
How can we call ourselves family members, friends and so on, when we disregard our family members and friends?
I choose the path of morality, even if it means embracing eccentricity over normalcy. Norms are merely agreements, not binding chains, and I reserve the right to disagree when they conflict with my conscience. For the norms care not for my suffering. Morality does, as it does for you, as well.
How Darkness is Redeemed by Its Functionality
I harbor a monstrous shadow within me... a product of a burning desire to exact vengeance against those who promised me their trust, but failed to deliver. I have no desire to unleash this beast, to let it consume the light that remains. I instead choose to not be like them.
The war between light and darkness is not a metaphor. It's a constant battle, waged not just externally but within ourselves. Ignoring our and others' internal realities can be most dangerous for the overall, external reality. When someone is in distress, the moral thing to do, for yourselves as well, is to show the necessary empathy, so they won't become heartless monsters.
Darkness must be minimized, not for some utopian ideal, but to prevent the horrors that human darkness is capable of birthing. Through artistic expressions, like video games and stories with deep plots, we can utilize the less happier parts of us, and craft most wonderful things that can bring joy to others. It is far better than inflicting malicious suffering on others.
From the twisted pleasure in another's suffering to the atrocities of war, the reign of darkness leaves behind a trail of human tragedy. Many of these tragedies are overlooked by the world. We must learn from them, so we won't repeat the same mistakes, only to deeply regret afterwards.
Within the depths of my own eyes, I see the child of light, the original Tom I buried beneath layers of reason, logic, and a self-imposed name change. This is who I was, who I may never fully reclaim, for darkness, though unwelcome, has its uses, unfortunately...
Purity is no longer my aim. I am a man who has chosen to venture beyond the safety of isolation. For I no longer care if I suffer or not. I care only to serve the traits of a good philosopher. Thus, darkness became not a shield. Darkness became an acceptable part of reality. An inevitable, part of reality, which I refuse to escape from, under the liability of peace and serenity.
Ruthlessness, while born of darkness, can be a necessary tool in a world where not all deserve forgiveness. Most likely not, for darkness, in its own twisted way, can be a counter-attack, a means to protect oneself from the toxicity of others by mirroring it back. Doing so could prevent abuse by refusing to enable the actions of the abusers.
The Echoes of a Shadowed Heart -- My Redemption
When hurt, we hurt in return. It's not always conscious, but a ripple effect in the natural circle of the abyss within us, most prominent in true narcissists. This abyss, I see it reflected in the emptiness that followed my grandfather's passing. Eccentric, deemed irrelevant, his little light flickered unseen, mourned by very little as a result.
But while the world may scoff at the unconventional, I refuse to follow suit. I won't let the indifference that met his end, be my own. I will build my empire, not on the ashes of another's forgotten flame, but on the embers of my own resilience. I have become Mr. Tomasio.
This article empire wouldn't be defined by mere retaliation. No. There are others who are important as well. Being altruistic is how people gain their benefit. And I live to contribute.
In the echoes of my shadowy late master, I find my own spark, ready to blaze a trail that is far removed from the ordinary, far brighter than the indifference that followed with his end. The choice between light and darkness may not always be clear-cut. However, in the name of my own mental survival, both threads find their place, weaving a story of strength, defiance, and ultimately, hope.
I will be his redemption, for I care enough about those other than myself. Even if they are dead, even if they minimized me.
I refuse being weak. I choose to love humanity.