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Trying to Understand Moral Depravity in Today's World

Updated: Jan 3

An upstanding gentleman.

Article Synopsis by Mr. O. C. Isaac and Co.

"Trying to Understand Moral Depravity in Today's World" is a thought-provoking article by Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein that explores contemporary moral standards. The author's personal anecdotes and candid observations add depth and authenticity to the discussion, making it more relatable and engaging for readers.
The article's strengths include its personal engagement, clear articulation of concerns, call for self-improvement, cross-cultural reflection, and inclusion of a French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc.
In conclusion, "Trying to Understand Moral Depravity in Today's World" is a heartfelt and reflective piece that tackles significant issues in contemporary society. Mr. Rubinshtein's commitment to personal growth and moral integrity sets a positive example for readers.  

Moral depravity can simply be defined as the abandonment of traditional values in exchange for new ones, or the absence of any values whatsoever. As many can clearly tell, modernity has led to a rapid change of customs.  


It resulted in a rejection of tradition in favor of other values like innovation, modernity, individualism, and so on.


It appears as if the interconnected world is getting more and more morally deprived. The instant ways in which information is getting to us across the world, can mean that the local, traditional influence becomes less and less relevant.  

To pass the time, small children are addicted to their screens. Pornography is free and abundant like a fresh river; intimate parts of the body are spoken publicly and regularly. There's no subtext in this; I'm simply stating my impressions of the contemporary world.


Seeing how certain activities become the norm, like twerking, is very embarrassing to me. Sure, it's a form of dance, but why must I see it? Why must others see it? What are the intentions, other than getting some clout?

Social media seems to design our mentality, even if we are unaware of it. Some people will do anything for attention, including very embarrassing things, call it "content" (which it is), and upload it for all to see.

(Not necessarily for humorous reasons, but simply to give others quick gratification.)

Many of us have debased the morals of the more traditional world. We no longer dress in respectable clothing. We wear childish clothing that exposes much of our skin.

We no longer wear ties, sleeved shirts, or dresses. We externalize everything so naturally, and it has become the norm. Men talk openly about their penises, and women talk openly about their periods. The bedroom is no longer one's most private quarters. It is open to anyone with internet access by consent.

I fell for such norms as well. However, when I remember my grandparents, those who are deceased and those who still live, I yearn for a world I was never in. I yearn for a world where people would dress and speak respectfully; where pornography would not be as accessible, even to juveniles; where people would respect not only others but themselves as well. 

I walked into a store one day to buy a piece of clothing for someone. That store was apparently a luxurious one. However, it had no fancy clothing, only sports clothes. Sweatshirts and the like.

Such basic clothing was, for some reason, expensive, as if it sold formal wear. I was very disappointed to see how such a thing as casual clothing turned out to be overpriced.

And maybe it does say something about the contemporary world. Maybe we, as a whole, glorify the casual; we glorify the common, the earthly, the shallow, and the simple. Now I think I understand why philosophy is minimized by some... 

I theorize that we, as a species, became mentally lazy. So lazy that we praise fictional characters such as the Joker, who rejected all values and lives for anarchism; so lazy that books and articles were outdone by short posts and TikTok videos.


It is very disappointing to see how people prefer to just post on their social media and not really explore the massive vault of information that is the internet. As a blogger, I found out that, generally, people don't even like to click on links. They would prefer reading a post on a social network instead.


As we glorify the lazy and the casual, we sacrifice other values in exchange. Cognitive skills, such as long-range thinking: why think too much when we can "be like water" and focus on the present moment?

Ascetic values, such as self-discipline. Why do you think we have an overweight epidemic? Because we generally reject asceticism in favor of hedonism and are thus surprised when we gain a significant amount of weight.

Many more examples can be given of how the casual and the lazy/comfortable change our mentality and deprive us of our own traditional codes. I'm not even discussing religion in this, because the religious can be similarly depraved nowadays. Atheists can be self-respecting, moral beings as well. 


If you want to better understand the morality that's discussed, I recommend watching the Godfather movie adaptations. The first crime movie in it, was full of the lawfully depraved, but they had a code of honor of their own.


They weren't senseless killers who would do things on a whim. They were rational, calculated human beings. They wore suits and ties and spoke like true politicians.

Politicians also seem to be depraved, regardless of their alignment. They lie constantly, divide their nations, and speak informally as well.


Allow me to summarize this piece by making an apology. I apologize to everyone who felt cringed and felt embarrassed; I apologize for speaking too personally, other than to serve as an example of my philosophy. I apologize if I disrespected others when it was not necessary at all.


I wish to rid myself of this moral depravity. I cannot change the world, but I can see in myself the change I want to see in it. I want to strive to become more honourable and noble. Not by blood or by appreciation, but by character.

I wish to become a more moral being, simply by being more serious, formal, and self-respecting.


I am Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein, a gentleman-in-training. Since I want to leave a worthy inheritance to my future successors, I will respect them by respecting myself more. I do not want them to be embarrassed by my awkwardness.


I want to prove to them and to you that I am not morally depraved. Not like porn stars, not like people who sell their dignity for some social media clout! To be a better man, I believe, I must see myself above this. Not only for myself, but for you, as well. To lead by example! To walk the talk!


My rationale comes from this basic premise: The fact that something is socially desired, does not mean it deserves conformity, nor following.


I might eventually write about how to be a gentleman. I'll try studying it. In the meantime, remember this: Anyone can be a gentleman, not only men. We can all ascend beyond ourselves by conquering our unwise urges. And remember: When it comes to ethical conduct:

Moral improvement and self-respect are universal goals applicable to all genders. -- Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac

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The subject of ethics deserves much more attention, but somehow we are more interested in what we do to help ourselves rather than to help others. As Hillel the Elder claimed, the most basic summary from the Torah is that we should avoid offending our neighbors in ways that we find to cause offense were they done to ourselves.

I reckon the worst way this applies today is in our attitude and control of useful sites of land and in other natural resources, such as the electro-magnetic spectrum in communications. These resources are truly a gift of nature (if not of God), which ethically should be shared properly in our society.

In the case of useful sites of land, it…

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Excellent comment, thank you. By your permission I can publish it as an article under your name.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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