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How Peace Can Be a Liability

Updated: Feb 21

A gallant man in anger mood.

The "problem" with peace is that it is often an uneventful life, and an uneventful life is arguably a boring one, at least for some. Those who strive for greatness should seek it in conflict, where they can prove themselves, and not in peace, where conflicts and adversities are few. The fewer enemies you have, the less chance you have to prove your might, presence, and relevance. I have learned this on my own.

Peace is something many of us seek, whether it's peace from military conflicts, like the one happening in Ukraine, or peace from debt, annoying neighbors, and other stressful events or people. The problem with that, however, is that when it finally arrives, one must prepare themselves for a life of relative dullness. After all, a lack of action arguably means a lack of excitement, challenge, and trials.

Why, then, should one seek peace? I seek peace mainly because I am very sensitive to sounds, and thus I afford myself a life of physical solitude. I don't have to face the challenge and stress that come from regular work, AKA, work other than this very site.

Therefore, my life is very, very uneventful. It mainly consists of me spending time in leisure and doing house chores (I have my own apartment, for those unaware) until I have an idea to write something, such as this.

Because of these facts, I largely see my life as being in its very epilogue, even though I am only in my twenties. In the absence of adversity and with most of my desires in the world fulfilled, I see little reason to continue living other than writing.

The other small reason is the impact of an unwanted suicide on others, something I do not desire for myself either. Thus, I force myself to live just to write, and to be honest, I feel quite comfortable with this arrangement.

The reason why Ms. Chen, my "nemesis", is even relevant is because she was my only influential enough person to even be considered a nemesis, and I mostly knew her from almost a decade ago. In a sense, a main reason as to why I wish her to be disillusioned with her calling me irrelevant is because I have very few other people in my life.

If I had more people close to me who could be adversaries, perhaps I wouldn't be so fixated on becoming more relevant in this world. I'm just not used to it, but I now understand my potential better.

Based on my example, a peaceful life could be very boring, or even an unwilling one, unless you have a goal in mind that is worthy enough to occupy your time, energy, and thoughts.

Should you have a peaceful life but not anything else, you might find yourself asking philosophical questions such as "Is my existence even needed in this world?", or "What is even the point in continuing to write?" In a sense, writing has pretty much restored my hope to continue living, despite the grayness of my hermit lifestyle.

For some, that purpose is giving one's kids a better future. For others, it is the search for a life partner. Anything should be useful as long as it keeps one away from the possible fact, that this existence is futile and non-eternal, as nihilists would tell you.

A peaceful life, beyond the pleasures that accompany it, is like a reception room in Death's office. You spend your life without challenges or conflicts, indirectly waiting for the inevitable end.

Those who are not as peaceful are too occupied, for good or bad, with life's struggles and hardships; an occupation that separates them between worrying about life and contemplating death.

Of course, they might think about it, but they have other things to take care of, things that are challenging, before even considering death as their nearest option. That nearness, you see, could even be decades away, as it is in my case.

A peaceful life is not for everyone. Those who seek struggles and conflicts may find it difficult to live their lives without them.

Also, those who seek greater renown may have a harder time finding it in this lifestyle, because greatness is something that is developed and challenged by adversity and competition. Those who choose the path of peace may find it more difficult to live a life of greater significance beyond the influence of their current or past occupation(s).

I won't let my disabilities stand in my way of at least trying to move up in the world, while remaining in relative peace at the same time.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher from Israel, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate his life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe. Several podcasts on me, as well as a radio interview, have been made since my career as a writer. More information about me can be found here.

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