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  • The Human Connection as Agriculture -- How to Treat Those You Care About For Progress

    (French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc. English version, below) "Si vos priorités tournent autour du profit, vous avez échoué en tant qu'être humain. Le capitalisme n'est pas un progrès, mais un conditionnement" -- John Duran -- éminent philosophe américain "Quand aucun buisson des champs n'était encore dans le pays et aucune petite plante des champs n'avait encore poussé, car l'Éternel Dieu n'avait pas fait pleuvoir sur le pays, et il n'y avait personne pour travailler la terre" - Genèse 2:5 *********************************************** Il est préférable de traiter les relations humaines comme des terrains pour construire des champs agricoles, et jamais, jamais comme des usines industrielles. C'est si vous vous intéressez au cœur de la personne en face de vous, et non à vos propres intérêts égoïstes. La mentalité capitaliste, qui n’est pas orientée vers le bien-être et l’épanouissement humain, ne devrait pas s’appliquer à des relations humaines profondes et honnêtes. C'est parce qu'il est préférable de ne pas exploiter le cœur à votre propre profit. Non. Le cœur doit être nourri comme l’agriculteur nourrit ses récoltes. Vous ne devriez pas placer des « usines » sur les cœurs, mais vous devriez verser de la pluie sur eux et observer le cœur grandir de plus en plus. Il faut leur donner le temps de pousser, comme un agriculteur doit attendre que ses récoltes soient prêtes à récolter. Les usines ne sont pas là pour entretenir et développer le sol, mais pour l’exploiter selon leurs propres conditionnements qui ne correspondent pas aux facteurs locaux. Cependant, l’environnement qui l’entoure pourrait ne pas s’adapter à la nature exploitante des usines. Et l’ajustement, ou l’adaptation, est la manière dont les choses et les êtres survivent et durent. Les usines pollueraient le ciel avec de la fumée, pollueraient les eaux avec des déchets toxiques et diminueraient la santé des personnes qui les entourent. Ainsi, ceux qui aiment ne doivent pas être exploités comme s’ils constituaient une entreprise commerciale, comme s’ils étaient un terrain d’industrialisation. Pour qu’ils vous ouvrent leur cœur, vous devez en prendre soin comme un jardinier s’occupe de ses fleurs. Le jardinier doit laisser à ces fleurs le temps de pousser et de s’épanouir. S’ils nourrissaient les fleurs avec trop d’eau, elles se faneraient et ne parviendraient pas à devenir les meilleures versions d’elles-mêmes. Abandonnez votre tendance capitaliste à générer du profit lorsqu’il s’agit d’émotion humaine ou d’« âme », comme certains d’entre vous pourraient l’appeler. Cela mérite de grandir. Pas pour l'exploitation ! Pas même pour que vous en profitiez à travers le toilettage, (et je fais référence à son sens originel de préparation à un autre état d'être) ! Il mérite de grandir pour lui-même. Et la meilleure façon d’aimer l’âme de quelqu’un est de la laisser grandir d’elle-même. Sans trop de restrictions. La personne doit digérer et réfléchir à vos paroles et aux expériences que vous avez partagées ensemble. Il faut du temps. Il ne faut pas trop précipiter les choses, sinon elle ne grandira pas. Les êtres humains sont comme ça, comme des cultures qu’il faut nourrir et cultiver. Ce que nous appelons « la Rat Race (la Course effrénée)» est trop pour beaucoup d’entre nous parce que cette « course » nous exploite pour l’argent et la production. Ceux qui ne parviennent pas à devenir des travailleurs productifs et rentables se retrouveront au chômage, bénéficieront de l’aide sociale ou erreront dans la rue. Mais lorsque vous êtes dans une relation profonde, honnête et intime avec une personne, vous devez la laisser être elle-même, sinon elle souffrira. Ils souffriront parce que c’est le monde industriel extérieur qui les oblige à se réprimer au nom de la survie. Mais lorsqu’ils sont seuls avec vous, ils méritent de ne pas être réprimés. Ils méritent d’exprimer leurs émotions, même si celles-ci vous mettent mal à l’aise. Ils méritent même d’agir de manière insultante s’ils sont blessés, car c’est dans l’étreinte chaleureuse de l’amour qu’il leur est permis d’être elles-mêmes. Nous méritons d’exprimer notre colère, d’exprimer notre anxiété et d’être humains. Être imparfait et reconnu pour nos défauts ; sinon par la nature industrieuse de ce monde capitaliste, du moins par les personnes qui existent dans notre monde privé. L'appartement. Le salon de discussion sur les réseaux sociaux. L'endroit où vous allez pour être seuls ensemble, etc. C’est pourquoi la confidentialité est impérative dans de telles connexions, connexions qui ne sont en aucun cas professionnelles. Des connexions qui ne sont pas là pour servir de fonctions à quelque chose de plus grand. Des connexions qui ne dépendent pas de conditionnalités ; la même conditionnalité qui existe sur le lieu de travail, au bureau, dans les réunions d'affaires et dans les usines... Celle qui nous rend malheureux et déprimés. Pourquoi? Parce que nous sommes toujours censés être des êtres que nous ne sommes pas par définition. Un lieu d’affaires ne tient pas compte de votre identité authentique. Les relations basées sur l’amour, même si elles ne sont pas romantiques, sont attendues du meilleur POUR vous et non DE vous. Pour les relations basées sur l’amour, acceptez-vous tel que vous êtes. Vous ne devriez pas être conditionné tout le temps. C’est en compagnie de ceux qui vous acceptent tel que vous êtes vraiment que vous pouvez grandir et émerger comme une belle fleur et vous préparer au pollen des abeilles. Le progrès ne se fait pas en maximisant les bénéfices. Cela se fait en étant humain et en tenant compte de toutes les parties impliquées. Je suis désolé, "Yurika". J'ai été une mauvaise abeille. Pardonne-moi. Je me souviendrai bien de toi. ************************************************************** (Original version, here) "If your priorities revolve around profit, you have failed as a human being. Capitalism isn't progress, but conditioning" -- John Duran -- Proufound American philosopher "When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground" - Genesis 2:5 ************************************************ Human connections are best treated like grounds to build farming fields in, and never, never industrial factories. That's if you are interested in the heart of the person in front of you, and not in your own selfish interests. Capitalist mentality, which is not geared towards human wellbeing and fulfillment, should not be applied to deep and honest human connections. That's because the heart is best not to be exploited for your own gain. No. The heart is to be nurtured like the farmer nurtures his or her crops. You should not place "factories" on hearts, but you should pour rain on them, and watch as the heart grows bigger and bigger. You need to give them time to grow, like a farmer needs to wait for his crops for harvesting. Factories are there not to nurture and develop the ground, but to exploit it in accordance to their own conditioning that does not align with the local factors. However, the environment around it may fail to adjust to the factories' exploitive nature. And adjustment, or adaptation, is how things and beings survive and endure. The factories would pollute the skies with smoke, taint the waters with toxic waste, and decrease the health of the people around them. As such, those who love are not to be exploited as if they were a business venture, as if they were grounds for industrialization. For them to open their heart to you, you must tend to it like a gardener tends to their flowers. The gardener needs to give said flowers time to grow and blossom. Should they feed the flowers with too much water, they would choke and fail to grow as the best versions of themselves. Surrender your capitalist tendency to turn profit when it comes to human emotion or "soul" as some of you may call it. It deserves to grow. Not for exploitation! Not even for you to enjoy it through grooming, (and I refer to its original meaning of preparing to another state of being)! It deserves to grow for its own sake. And the best way for you to love someone's soul is to let it grow by its own accord. Without much restrictions. It needs to digest and reflect upon your words and upon the experiences you shared together. It needs time. You mustn't hasten it too much, or it will fail to grow. Human beings are just like that, like crops to be fed and grow. What we call "the Rat Race" is too much for many of us because this "race" exploits us for money and production. Those who fail to be productive and profitable workers will either end up unemployed, on welfare, or wandering in the streets. But when you are in a deep, honest, and intimate connection with someone, you must let them be themselves or they will suffer. They will suffer because it is the industrial, external world that forces them to repress themselves in the name of survival. But when they are alone with you, they deserve to go unrepressed. They deserve to express their emotions, even if these are uncomfortable to you. They deserve to act, even, in an insulting manner if they are hurt, because it is within the warm embrace of love that they are allowed to be themselves. We deserve to express anger, deserve to express anxiety, and be human. To be flawed and recognized for our flaws; if not by the industrious nature of this capitalist world, then by the people who exist in one's private world. The apartment. The chat room on social media. The place you go to be alone together, etc. This is why privacy is imperative in such connections, connections that are not professional by any means. Connections that are not there to serve as functions of something greater. Connections that do not depend on conditionality; the same conditionality that exists in the workplace, in the office, in business meetings and factories... The one that causes us to be miserable and depressed. Why? Because we are expected all the time to be things we are not by genuine desire. A place of business disregards your authentic self. Connections based on love, even if not romantic, are expected the best FOR you and not FROM you. For love-based connections accept you for who you are. You shouldn't be conditioned all the time. It is in the company of those who accept you for who you truly are, where you can grow and emerge like a beautiful flower, and prepare for the pollen of the bees. Progress is done not by maximizing benefit. It is done by being humane and taking consideration of all parties involved. I am sorry, "Yurika". I've been a bad bee. Forgive me. I will remember you well.

  • "Human Godhood" -- How We Are More Than What We Restrain Ourselves

    (French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc. English Verison, below) « Le côté divin de l'humain » : comment nous sommes plus que ce que nous nous restreignons à être Le potentiel humain, même s’il est individuel, peut dépasser même notre propre connaissance. Peut-être pourrions-nous le nier, mais peut-être ne le faisons-nous pas. Cependant, nous sommes bien plus que ce que nous sommes actuellement. Et par là, je veux dire que nous sommes plus que ce qui nous limite. Quelles entraves ? Le soi sociétal, moral, mental, etc. – le moi abstrait dépasse ses limites abstraites. Dans le domaine de la psychologie, cela s’appelle la transcendance du soi. Nous sommes peut-être de la viande, du sang et des os. Cependant, nous disposons d’un accès complexe à la dimension mentale, qui dépasse de loin notre potentiel par rapport à celui de nos homologues biologiques. C’est grâce à notre accès à cette dimension mentale, qui nous a permis de coopérer et de former un groupe avec une communication complexe, qui nous a permis de former, diriger et se servir d’innombrables constructions sociales, et d'acquérir du pouvoir. Le même pouvoir qui nous a finalement permis de conquérir la Terre et de devenir l’espèce dirigeante et dominante de cette planète, alors que nous avons éteint d’innombrables autres espèces qui rivalisaient avec notre ambition d'avoir toujours plus. Le pouvoir est tout. Le pouvoir est essentiellement la capacité et le potentiel de déclencher et de préserver le changement. La dimension mentale humaine nous a permis d’accéder à de nombreuses avancées technologiques que de nombreux animaux pourraient tout aussi bien considérer comme inimaginables. La capacité de forger l’acier. La capacité de voler. La bombe nucléaire. L'Internet. Tous ont une chose en commun : ils n’auraient pas pu être réalisés sans notre dimension mentale. C’est à travers le domaine abstrait de l’être humain que nous avons accès aux nombreux potentiels de ce monde. Et pour devenir le moi idéal, afin de nous libérer des chaînes de nos propres limitations imposées, nous devons être conscients que nous sommes bien plus que notre petite vie quotidienne. Que nous sommes plus que nos préoccupations, que nos peurs, que nos angoisses. Que nous sommes plus capables que de simplement travailler de 9h à 17h, d'élever une famille et d'obtenir des diplômes universitaires. Nous sommes capables de former des empires. Nous sommes capables d'être « Divins », comme Prométhée. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire, nous sommes capables de bien plus. Nous sommes capables de causer beaucoup de joie dans ce monde, tout comme nous sommes exactement le contraire. L'être humain est un immense coffre-fort de potentiel qui sera ou non actualisé conformément à ses espoirs et à ses rêves les plus sincères. Philosophes, dirigeants politiques, leaders d’opinion, inventeurs, maîtres artistes et artisans – ce que tous ces « grands hommes et femmes » ont en commun, c’est qu’ils ont tous réalisé la grandeur contenue en beaucoup d’entre nous, sinon tous. On n’est pas génial en faisant semblant. On est formidable en accomplissant ce dont on est vraiment capable, au-delà des entraves des limitations sociétales et autres limitations mentales. C’est lorsque le potentiel humain se libère, c’est lorsque l’être humain se révèle grand, approprié et même irremplaçable aux yeux de beaucoup ! Quelqu'un m'a aimé autrefois ! Elle m'a dit ça ! Elle m'a dit que je suis bien plus ! Elle avait raison! Grâce à sa sagesse, j'ai mis au point une technique qui m'a permis de me débarrasser de mon handicap physique post-traumatique ! Oui! C'est grâce à sa perspicacité que j'ai finalement pu me remettre de mon statut de handicapé physique, psycho-somatique ! Plus de canne ! Fini la faiblesse physique ! Le potentiel était en moi depuis le début ! Je ne l'oublierai jamais! Car j’ai réalisé que je suis plus que ce que je peux percevoi ! Je ne vous révélerai jamais son nom car j'ai de l'honneur. Elle m'a aidé d'une manière que moi seul pouvait comprendre... Et c'est grâce à la dimension mentale, qu'elle m'a permis de devenir la meilleure version de moi-même. Un Prométhée métaphorique qui m'a montré le véritable amour et m'a appris les voies du véritable amour. Le même véritable amour que je veux vous transmettre, à vous et à l’humanité ! Le même véritable amour sur lequel j’ai demandé à un volontaire de créer une mini-série ! Parce que la meilleure façon d’aimer quelqu’un est de le laisser être la meilleure version d’elle-même! Et quand ils ne font qu’un en eux-mêmes, beaucoup de bien peut en être le résultat! De nombreux problèmes peuvent être résolus si nous nous démontrons simplement le véritable amour. Pas de haine. Pas de vengeance. Pas de dépit. Pas même la peur ou l’inquiétude, mais l’émotion même qui permet aux gens de s’accepter tels qu’ils sont vraiment ! Et permettez-leur de devenir les êtres dont ils sont capables ! Qu’ils le sont déjà, mais qu’ils ne s’en rendent pas compte ! Mais tant que nous sommes constamment dans des ruminations de peur et d'inquiétude, nous ne pourrons jamais transmettre cette inconditionnalité aux autres, et ainsi, ils ne seront jamais capables de se guérir eux-mêmes et de se guérir correctement, tout comme cette personne m'a permis de le faire. ! Sans jugement ! Sans crainte ! Depuis que cette personne m’a permis d’être moi-même, je suis maintenant un meilleur philosophe qui a réussi à surmonter cette période de fatigue chronique! Je pensais que je ne me remettrais jamais de cette horrible maladie qui faisait de moi un handicapé ! Ce qui permet aux humains de devenir « divins », AKA, devenir bien plus grands que dans la situation de restrainte qu'ils s'imposent c'est le véritable amour et la coopération qui en découle ! Un élargissement de la personnalité, une « renaissance », au plus profond de ce que nous méritons d'être : nous-mêmes, au-delà les vérités que nous nions ou craignons. Et c’est grâce à la coopération, en général, que nous avons réussi à conquérir ce monde et à régner en maître sur ses dieux mortels ! Mais qu’en est-il de nous-mêmes ? Qu’en est-il de notre divinité en nous-mêmes ? Qu’en est-il du pouvoir inexploité qui réside non pas collectivement, mais individuellement ? Plus nous pourrons extraire de potentiel de nous-mêmes, plus la variété d'actions dans nos vies s'élargira. Plus ce potentiel se développera, plus nous pourrons faire de bien dans ce monde. Car le potentiel est une puissance en soi ! Et tout est énergie. Faire le bien est l’impératif moral de tout philosophe honnête, de celui ou celle qui vit conformément à la vérité et à ses vertus. Et pour les philosophes, la plus haute vertu est de ne pas induire en erreur si facilement avec de fausses découvertes et d’utiliser leurs découvertes pour réduire la souffrance humaine. Tout commence par se rappeler que nous avons le droit d’être nous-mêmes et que c’est normal de l’être. ********************************** (English version, original) (Background music) The human potential, even if individual, is one that my exceed even our own knowledge. Perhaps we may deny it, and perhaps we do not. However, we are far more than what we currently are. And by that, I mean that we are more than our shackles. What shackles? The societal, moral, mental and so on -- the abstract self exceeds its abstract limitations. In the realm of psychology, that is known as Self-Transcendance. We may be meat, blood and bones. However, we have a complex access to the mental dimension, which far exceeds our potential than that of our biological counterparts. It is through our access to this mental dimension, that allowed us to cooperate and form complex communication, which allowed us to form, lead and serve countless social consturcts, and build power. The same power that eventually allowed us to conquer Earth and become the ruling, dominant species of this planet, as we extincted countless other species who rivaled us with our hunger for more. Power is everything. Power is essentially the ability and potential to trigger and preserve change. The human mental dimension allowed us access to many technological breakthroughs that many animals might as well consider unimaginable. The ability to forge steel. The ability to fly. The nuclear bomb. The internet. All have one thing in common -- they could not have been made without our mental dimension. It is through the abstract realm of the human being that we are granted access to many a potential in this world. And in order to become the ideal self, in order to break free from the shackles of our own imposed limitations -- we must be aware that we are far more than our little, day-to-day, lives. That we are more than our concerns, than our fears, than our anxieties. That we are more capable than just working at a 9 to 5 job, raising families and getting university degrees. We are capable of forming empires. We are capable of being "Divine", like Prometheus. For good and bad, we are capable of far more. We are capable of causing much joy in this world as much as we are the exact opposite. The human being is a massive vault of potential that either will or will not be actualized in accordance to one's most sincere hopes and dreams. Philosophers, political leaders, thought leaders, inventors, master artists and craftsmen and craftswomen -- What all these "great men and women" have in common is that they all fulfilled the greatness contained within many if not all of us. One is not great by pretense. One is great by fulfilling what they are truly capable of, beyond the shackles of societal and other mental limitations. It is when the human potential is unleashed, is when the human being proves himself as great, relevant and even irreplaceable in the eyes of many! Someone loved me once! She told me this! She told me I am far more! She was right! Thanks to her wisdom I devised a technique that got me rid of my post-traumatic physical disability! Yes! It's thanks to her insight, ultimately, that I recovered from my physical, psycho-somatic handicap status! No more cane! No more physical weakness! The potential was in me all along! I will never forget her! For I realized, I am more than what I may percieve myself to be! I will never reveal to you her name for I have honor. She helped me in ways only I might ever understand... And it was thanks to the mental dimension, that she allowed me to become the better version of myself. A metaphorical Prometheus who shown me true love and taught me the ways of true love. The same true love I want to impart to you and to humanity! The same true love I ordered a volunteer to create a miniseries on! Because the best way to love someone is to let them be the best version of themsleves! And when they are ones, much good can be caused! Much problems can be solved, if we just shown each other true love. Not hatred. Not vengeance. Not spite. Not even fear or worry, but the very emotion that allows people to accept each other for who they truly are! And allow them, to become the very beings they are capable of! That they already are, but are not aware that they are! But as long as we're in constant ruminations of fear and worry, we will never be able to impart this unconditionality to others, and thus, they will never be able to heal themselves and ourselves properly, just like that person allowed myself to do! With no judgement! With no fear! Since that person allowed me to be me, I am now a better philosopher that managed to overcome this Reaping Fatigue Era! I thought I will never recover from that horrible ailment which made me a handicap! What allows humans to become "divine", AKA, far greater than their current restraint, is true love and the cooperation that stems from it! A personality enlargement, a "rebirth", deep into what we deserve to be -- ourselves, beyond the truths we either deny or fear. And it is through cooperation, in general, that we managed to conquer this world and reign supreme as its mortal gods! But what about ourselves? What about our divinity over ourselves? What about the untapped power that lies not collectively, but individually? The more potential we'll be able to extract from ourselves, the wider the variety of actions in our lives will become. The wider it will become, the more good we'll able to do in this world. For potential is a power of its own! And everything, is, energy. Doing good is the moral imperative of every honest philosopher, he or she who lives in accordance to the truth and to its virtues. And for philosophers, the highest virtue is to not decieve so easily with false findings, and to use their findings to reduce human suffering. It all begins with remembering that we are allowed to be ourselves, and that it is okay to be so.

  • What It's Like To be Dead Inside (Poem)

    (French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc, English Below) Pour faciliter la compréhension de ce poème, permettez-moi de l'expliquer d'une manière plus simple : Le corps et l'esprit sont connectés. Un traumatisme post-traumatique peut entraîner une détérioration de la santé physique, ce qui s'est produit dans mon cas au cours de cette horrible année récente. Il existe un domaine appelé neuroplasticité. Les êtres humains peuvent littéralement façonner leur cerveau. C’est ce que j’ai fait dans mon cas, en développant ma propre branche de la neuroplasticité – une technique de visualisation qui m’a débarrassé d’une grande partie de qui j’étais. Les gens dans mon entourage immédiat sont lentement devenus confondues en voyant une « personne » différente dans le même corps.. Ce que nous savons de la conscience, c’est qu’elle peut être reconstruite. ********* En parlant de mon handicap, il a été résolu par mon intellect. Pourquoi devrais-je être si modeste? Je crois que c'est Chen qui a dit : "Tu n'es pas approprié". Ma vengeance est planifiée: qui est l'intellect suprême, l'être mort-vivant? Est-ce qu'ils apportent de l'aide, ou une chose lâche ? Avec peu d'émotion je comprends clairement, La réalité, l'intelligence, la sagesse, c'est mon domaine. Je réorganise, j'écris des articles, Dans mon ermitage, j'accepte l'agonie, De nos jours. Parce qu'au final, ce n'est que de la douleur. Peu importe à quel point ça te fait crier intérieurement, Rubinshtein. La neuroplasticité n'est qu'un outil pour voir, Un moyen pour devenir un meilleur moi, Utiliser le meurtre intérieur est la clé, Pour enfin se libérer d'un handicap physique. Demandez à mes lecteurs, je comprends la réalité, Bien plus que l'être moyen émotionnel, Comprenez, c'ést la faiblesse, de la sensibilité, Cela m'a rendu faible, j'ai utilisé une canne, C'est embarrassant. Cela a gêné Tomasio, cela m'a ancré, cela m'a rendu pathétique, alors j'ai pris le couteau et la fourchette. C'était du business, juste du travail. Je suis revenu du massacre intérieur, Il n'y a pas de rire. Tu penses qu'il y a quelque chose à l'intérieur ? Il y a peu, je ne mens pas. Le reste est à la traîne, C'estt un fait. C'est une charge excessive, Je l'abandonne au bord de la route. Regarde dans mes yeux, Je suis mort à l'intérieur, c'est la vérité, pas de mensonges, Maintenant, je comprends les gens, Avec seulement la puissance de mon intellect. C'est ce que je devais faire pour régler ça, Pour faire comprendre à Chen que je ne suis pas du genre à me mêler de ça. Comme un corbeau, je suis alimenté par la vengeance pour passer la journée, Si vous voulez vivre en paix, ne licenciez aucune affaire, d'accord ? Personne ne pousse mon siège de bureau, Je vis pour travailler, je vivrai ainsi jusqu'au bout, Vous dites que c'est déprimant, j'appelle cela de la détermination, Avoir peu d’émotion signifie que je suis aussi impitoyable. Et à l'avenir, je prouverai encore plus, La philosophie est pertinente, Si tu supportes la fin de ça, Je vais t'expliquer pourquoi la philosophie est la réponse. La vie est vide, malgré sa couleur et le cœur, Lorsque nous traitons les choses et les gens comme des produits dans un panier, C'est seulement la logique qui nous dit la vraie valeur de la vie, Peu importe ce que nous ressentons et ce que nous recherchons. Parmi les concepts, c'est le plus élémentaire, Au fond des profondeurs, c'est le fondement de tout, Se connecter, anéantir r et conclure sans remords. L'émotion s'y oppose-t-elle ? Souvent, bien sûr. C'est parce que les sentiments sont aveugles, Détruire notre potentiel d’être une meilleure humanité. Sans logique, à quoi ça sert ? La logique verbale, la philosophie l'est essentiellement. Alors j'ai regardé ma proie, professionnellement, Mes émotions me regardaient avec peur, Pour leur avoir résisté j'ai osé, Car ce sont celles-ci qui m'ont fait prendre du retard : Pertinence mondiale. Je peux maintenant bien mieux opérer. Je ne suis pas fier, je ne ressens même pas cela, Je déplore rationnellement ce que j'étais ! Je n'aime pas ce que je suis devenu, tu ne vois pas ? Mais pour mieux comprendre, c’est la clé ! Mais ça va, je suis incapable de vouloir, Me suicider (mais aussi le contraire). Le monde m'a puni pour être qui je suis, Ce petit Tom, Et honnêtement, je ne voulais pas le tuer. Je l'ai tué seulement pour toi. Oui. Des formes infinies que je peux maintenant porter, Conformément à la demande générale. Le monde ne peut pas être juste, alors j'agis, Dans la façon dont les autres veulent voir cet homme. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est simplement de demander, Car je suis devenu un maître des masques. Au fond de moi,je sais que vous interagissez tous désormais selon une base conditionnée. Tout ce que je vois est faux, Il vous manque le courage d'être vraiment vous-même, Alors, pour ne pas prendre ma propre vie, J'ai sorti une tronçonneuse métaphorique des étagères. L'authenticité est seulement souhaitée, Au sujet du véritable amour mais au sujet des empires, Et pour le respect, même gagné, J'avais besoin de sculpter un meilleur Rubinshtein. Tout cela était dû à un simple fait : Vous vous soumettez à votre incompétence émotionnelle. L'hédonisme, si manipulateur, Vous rend à la fois joyeux et pourtant faible d’esprit. L'humanité est divisée en deux : Ceux qui ressentent et ceux qui, utilisent ce que vous ressentez pour leurs propres intérêts, Le pouvoir du coeur n'appartient pas seulement à vous, Pourquoi diable je veux être le premier ? Non, je refuse d'être le faible ou le peureux. Que ce soit avec ou sans masque, La plupart des êtres humains agissent comme suit : Leurs propres intérêts égoïstes, Comblent les vides qu'ils pensent simplement avoir, Pour se retrouver à nouveau insatisfait. Ce que beaucoup d'entre vous atteignent Cela ne changera pas que c'est vain. N'hésitez pas à gagner, Ce que vous pensez avoir. Une fois que vous l'avez obtenu, Vous constaterez que vous avez échoué. C'est le seul deuxième type qui prévaut, Dont l’un d’eux est Tomasio Rubinshtein. Alors au diable ce qu'on vous a dit, Il y a des êtres humains qui émettent rarement des émotions. un peu comme des robots, et pourtant je comprends mieux que ceux-là, Que vous considérez comme cher. La logique est la construction de ce monde, Soyez aveugle et regardez par aprèes la vérité se dévoiler : Vous n'avez pas besoin d'émotion pour tout comprendre, Il vous suffit de répondre à l'appel de la logique. Débarrassé de ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin, de ce qui vous alourdit. Ça peut vous faire passer pour un imbécile, comme un clown, Et si c'était trop pour vous d'y voir clair, Cela peut même devenir votre dernier tour. N'hésitez plus et choisissez cette solution , La mort intérieure, c'est votre adversaire. Comme c'est ironique, Que le manque d'émotion, C'est ce qui a amélioré mes capacités cognitives ********************************** (Original Version) To ease the understanding of this poem, let me explain it in a simpler manner: The body and mind are connected. Post trauma can lead to deterioration of physical health, which happened in my case this recent, horrible year. There is a field called neuroplasticity. Human beings can literally shape their brains. So I did in my case, as I developed my own branch of neuroplasticity -- a visualization technique that got me rid from much of who I was. People in my private life slowly became confused as they saw a different "person" within the same body of myself. What we do know about the consciousness, is that it can be rebuilt. ********* (Background music) Speaking of my disability It was solved by my intellect, Why should I be so modest? I believe it was Chen who said, "You're irrelevant", My vengeance was planned: Who's the supreme intellect, The undead being? Do help they bring, Or a cowardly thing? With little emotion I clearly, understand, Reality, intelligence, wisdom, they're my land. I revamp, write articles, In my hermitage, I accept agony, In this day and age. Because in the end it's just pain. No matter how much it makes you scream inside, Rubinshtein. Neuroplasticity is but a tool to see, A means, to become a better me, Using inner murder was the key, To finally be free of physical disability. Ask my readership, I understand reality, Far more than the average being of emotionality, Understand, it was weakness, sensitivity, It made me weak, use a cane, Shameful liability. It stood in the way of Tomasio, It grounded me, made me pathetic, so, I took the knife and the fork. It was business, just work. Came back from the inner slaughter, There's no laughter. You think there's something inside? There's little, I don't lie. The rest lagged in the back, That was a fact. It was an excess load, I abandoned it by the road. Take a look in my eyes, I am dead inside, it's truth, no lies, Now I basically understand people, With only the potence of my intellect required. That's what I needed to do to settle this, To make Chen understand I am not one to meddle with. Like a crow I'm fueled by revenge to make it through the day, If you want to live in peace just don't fire any cases, okay? No one pushes my office seat, I live to work, I'll live to the end of it, You call it depressing, I call it full of purposefulness, Having little emotion means I am also ruthless. And in the future I'll even prove more, Philosophy's relevant, If you endure the end of this, I'll explain why philosophy's the answer that is. Life's empty, despite the color and the heart, When we treat things and people like products in a shopping cart, It's only logic that tells us the true value of life, Regardless of what we feel and what we strive. Among the concepts, it is the most elementary, In the depths of depths, it grounds it all, Connects, cancels, and concludes with no remorse. Is it opposed by emotion? Often, of course. That's because feelings blind, Hurt our potential of being a better humankind. Without logic, what's the point of this? Verbal logic, philosophy essentially is. So I looked at my prey, professionally proper, My emotions looked at me scared, For resisting them I dared, For they were the ones that made me lag to: World Relevance. I now can far better operate. I don't take pride, for that I don't even feel, I lament rationally what I used to be! I don't like what I became, don't you see? But for better insights, it was the key! But it's okay, I'm incapable of wanting, To kill myself (but also the opposite). The world punished me for being who I am, That little Tom, And honestly, I didn't want to kill him. I only killed him for you. Yes. Endless forms I can now wear, In accordance to popular demand. The world can't be fair, so I act, In how others want to see this man. All you need is just request, For I became a master of masks. Deep inside I know you all interact under a basis that's conditional. All I'm seeing is fake, You lack the bravery to truly be yourselves, So in order to my own life not to take, I took a metaphorical chainsaw out off the shelves. Authenticity is only desired, Among true love but not in empires, And for respect, to even be gained, I needed to sculpt a better Rubinshtein. It was all because of a simple fact: You submit to your emotional incompetency. Hedonism, so manipulative, Makes you both joyful and yet weak in mind. Humankind is divided to two: Those who feel and those who, Use what you feel for their plans, Your heart is a power that isn't just yours, Why in the world would I want to be the first? The weak? Of unease? No, I refuse to be. Whether mask on or mask off, Most human beings act of, Their own selfish interests, Fulfill voids they merely think they have, Only to find themselves unsatisfied again. Much of you attain Won't alter what's vain. Feel free to gain, What you will think you'll have. Once you get it, You'll find that you've fail. It is the only the second type that prevails, Whose one of them is Tomasio Rubinshtein. So to heck with the things you've been told, There are human beings who rarely emote. Robotic and yet understand better than those, Whom you regard as dear to you. Logic is the construct of this world, Be blinded to it and watch as the truth unfolds: You don't need emotion to understand it all, You just need to answer to logic's call. Rid of what you don't need, its weighing you down. It can make you look like a fool, like a clown, And should it be too much for you to bound, It can even become your last round. Go ahead and choose your component, Inner-murder it, it's your opponent, How ironic it is, That the lack of emotion, Is what enhanced my cognitive motion.

  • How To Cope With War Like a Stoic (By Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac)

    (French version by Mr. Roland Leblanc, English Version below) Comment faire face à la guerre comme un stoïcien (par M. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac) (Avertissement : les messages des écrivains invités ne correspondent pas nécessairement aux convictions, aux pensées ou aux idées du directeur de Philosocom, M. Tomasio Rubinshtein. Le but des messages d'écrivains invités est de permettre un large éventail de récits émanant d'un large éventail de personnes. Pour postuler pour un article d'écrivain invité de votre choix, veuillez envoyer votre demande à *************************** Introduction Le stoïcisme est une école de philosophie hellénistique apparue dans la Grèce antique vers le 3e siècle avant notre ère et qui a gagné en popularité dans la Rome antique. Le stoïcisme est connu pour l'accent mis sur l'éthique, la rationalité et le développement de la vertu, ainsi que pour son approche pratique de la bonne vie. Les stoïciens avaient une approche unique de la guerre, influencés par leurs principes philosophiques. Ils croyaient qu’il fallait accepter l’inévitable et maintenir la tranquillité intérieure même face à l’adversité. En matière de guerre, les stoïciens comme Épictète et Sénèque ont souligné les points suivants: * Acceptation du destin : les stoïciens croyaient que certaines choses échappaient au contrôle humain, y compris l'apparition de guerres. Ils préconisaient d'accepter ce fait et de se concentrer sur ce qui peut être contrôlé, comme les réactions et les décisions de chacun. L’acceptation du destin est un principe stoïcien fondamental qui encourage les individus à reconnaître et à accepter les aspects de la vie qui échappent à leur contrôle. Cela implique de comprendre que certains événements, résultats ou circonstances sont déterminés par des facteurs externes et qu’aucune inquiétude ou résistance ne peut les changer. Essentiellement, l’acceptation du destin dans le stoïcisme consiste à reconnaître les limites de l’action humaine et à trouver la sérénité et la sagesse en acceptant les incertitudes de la vie. Il permet aux individus de relever les défis avec une plus grande sérénité et de maintenir leur paix intérieure. * Paix intérieure/tranquillité : le stoïcisme encourageait les individus à maintenir la paix intérieure (ataraxie) au milieu du chaos de la guerre. Cela impliquait de contrôler les émotions comme la peur et la colère, car celles-ci pouvaient obscurcir le jugement. La paix intérieure fait référence à un état de calme, de tranquillité et d’équilibre mental et émotionnel. C’est un état dans lequel un individu se sent à l’aise, libre de tout trouble intérieur et peut maintenir une stabilité émotionnelle quelles que soient les circonstances extérieures. Atteindre et maintenir la paix intérieure est un objectif précieux dans de nombreuses traditions philosophiques et spirituelles, notamment le stoïcisme, le bouddhisme et les pratiques de pleine conscience. Dans le stoïcisme, la paix intérieure est étroitement liée à l’acceptation du destin et à la culture des vertus. Les stoïciens croient que le vrai bonheur et la paix viennent d’une vie conforme à la raison, à la vertu et à l’acceptation de l’ordre naturel de l’univers. En pratiquant ces principes, les individus peuvent atteindre un sentiment de tranquillité intérieure même face aux défis et aux incertitudes extérieurs. (Note de M. Rubinshtein : En tant que personne souffrant d'un trouble anxieux, je témoigne que la raison aide à calmer l' esprit). * Devoir et vertu : les stoïciens ont souligné l'importance du devoir et de la vertu. En temps de guerre, ils croyaient qu'il était essentiel d'accomplir son devoir de citoyen ou de soldat, tout en adhérant à des principes vertueux comme la justice et le courage. Pour les stoïciens, le devoir et la vertu étaient des aspects étroitement liés d’une vie morale et pleine de sens. Reconnaître et remplir ses devoirs éthiques, tout en s'efforçant d'incarner les vertus cardinales, étaient considérés comme le chemin pour atteindre la paix intérieure et le vrai bonheur, quelles que soient les circonstances extérieures. * Aversion pour la violence : bien qu'ils soient préparés à la guerre, les stoïciens favorisaient généralement les résolutions non violentes et la diplomatie. Sénèque, par exemple, a exhorté à la retenue et à éviter des effusions de sang inutiles. Les stoïciens prônaient généralement une aversion pour la violence et favorisaient les moyens non violents de résoudre les conflits et les différends. Autrement dit, ils reconnaissaient que certaines situations pouvaient nécessiter une légitime défense ou une action justifiable. Il est important de noter que les stoïciens reconnaissaient qu'il pouvait y avoir des situations où la légitime défense ou la défense d'autrui pouvait être nécessaire. Cependant, même dans de tels cas, ils ont souligné que le recours à la force devait être proportionné, juste et conforme aux principes éthiques de chacun. Les stoïciens croyaient à la résolution non violente des conflits, à la maîtrise de soi et à la culture des vertus pour mener une vie plus paisible et harmonieuse. * Endurance : Le stoïcisme enseignait l'endurance face à l'adversité. Cela était particulièrement pertinent dans le contexte de la guerre, où les soldats étaient censés endurer les épreuves et les dangers avec résilience. L'endurance, dans le contexte du stoïcisme et plus largement dans la philosophie et la vie, fait référence à la capacité de résister et de persévérer dans des circonstances difficiles, des défis et des épreuves avec résilience et force intérieure. Le stoïcisme, en particulier, met fortement l’accent sur l’endurance en tant que vertu et élément clé pour mener une vie vertueuse. Cependant, l’endurance, telle qu’elle est vue dans le stoïcisme, n’est pas simplement une réponse passive à la souffrance ; c'est une approche active et fondée sur des principes face aux défis de la vie. Il s'agit de cultiver la force intérieure et la sagesse nécessaires pour affronter l'adversité avec sérénité et poursuivre la recherche de la vertu et d'une vie pleine de sens, quelles que soient les circonstances. * Préparation et formation : les stoïciens ont souligné l'importance de la préparation La préparation et la formation sont des aspects essentiels du développement et de la croissance personnels et jouent un rôle important dans divers aspects de la vie, ce qui est le cas dans le stoïcisme. Dans le stoïcisme, l’idée de préparation et de formation est étroitement liée à la recherche de la sagesse, de la vertu et de la tranquillité. En préparant activement et délibérément leur esprit et leur caractère, les individus peuvent mieux faire face aux défis et aux incertitudes de la vie avec résilience et paix intérieure. Les stoïciens croyaient que cette formation était un processus continu qui pouvait conduire à une vie plus significative et plus épanouissante. En résumé, sachant que les humains sont égoïstes, il y a toujours un cas de convoitise possible, de désaccord et de conflit. La guerre ést donc inévitable. Les stoïciens abordaient la guerre en mettant l’accent sur l’acceptation, la paix intérieure, le devoir et la vertu. Leurs enseignements fournissaient un cadre philosophique permettant aux individus de naviguer dans les réalités de la guerre tout en s'efforçant de maintenir leurs principes éthiques et leur sang-froid. ************************************** (Original version, English) (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to (Background theme) Introduction The Stoics were a school of Hellenistic philosophy that emerged in ancient Greece around the 3rd century BCE and gained popularity in ancient Rome. Stoicism is known for its emphasis on ethics, rationality, and the development of virtue, as well as its practical approach to living a good life. The Stoics had a unique approach to war, which was influenced by their philosophical principles. They believed in accepting the inevitable and maintaining inner tranquility even in the face of adversity. When it came to war, Stoics like Epictetus and Seneca emphasized the following points: * Acceptance of Fate: Stoics believed that some things are beyond human control, including the occurrence of wars. They advocated accepting this fact and focusing on what can be controlled, such as one's reactions and decisions. Acceptance of fate is a core Stoic principle that encourages individuals to recognize and come to terms with the aspects of life that are beyond their control. It involves understanding that certain events, outcomes, or circumstances are determined by external factors, and no amount of worry or resistance can change them. In essence, acceptance of fate in Stoicism is about acknowledging the limits of human agency and finding serenity and wisdom in embracing life's uncertainties. It allows individuals to navigate challenges with greater equanimity and maintain their inner peace. * Inner Peace/tranquility: Stoicism encouraged individuals to maintain inner peace (ataraxia) amidst the chaos of war. This involved controlling emotions like fear and anger, as these could cloud judgment. Inner peace refers to a state of mental and emotional calm, tranquility, and balance. It is a state in which an individual feels at ease, free from inner turmoil, and can maintain emotional stability regardless of external circumstances. Achieving and maintaining inner peace is a valuable goal in many philosophical and spiritual traditions, including Stoicism, Buddhism, and mindfulness practices. In Stoicism, inner peace is closely related to the acceptance of fate and the cultivation of virtues. Stoics believe that true happiness and peace come from living in accordance with reason, virtue, and an acceptance of the natural order of the universe. By practicing these principles, individuals can attain a sense of inner tranquility even in the face of external challenges and uncertainties. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: As someone suffering from an anxiety disorder, I testify that reason helps calm my mind). * Duty and Virtue: Stoics stressed the importance of duty and virtue. In a time of war, they believed it was essential to fulfill one's duty as a citizen or soldier, while adhering to virtuous principles like justice and courage. For the Stoics, duty and virtue were intertwined aspects of leading a moral and meaningful life. Recognizing and fulfilling one's ethical duties, while striving to embody the cardinal virtues, were seen as the path to attaining inner peace and true happiness, regardless of external circumstances. * Aversion to Violence: Despite being prepared for war, Stoics generally favored non-violent resolutions and diplomacy. Seneca, for example, urged restraint and avoiding unnecessary bloodshed. The Stoics generally advocated an aversion to violence and favored non-violent means of resolving conflicts and disputes. That is, while they recognized that some situations might require self-defense or justifiable action. It's important to note that the Stoics did acknowledge that there might be situations where self-defense or the defense of others could be necessary. However, even in such cases, they emphasized that the use of force should be proportionate, just, and in line with one's ethical principles. Stoics believed in non-violent conflict resolution, self-control, and the cultivation of virtues to lead a more peaceful and harmonious life. * Endurance: Stoicism taught endurance in the face of adversity. This was particularly relevant in the context of war, where soldiers were expected to endure hardship and danger with resilience. Endurance, in the context of Stoicism and more broadly in philosophy and life, refers to the ability to withstand and persevere through difficult circumstances, challenges, and hardships with resilience and inner strength. Stoicism, in particular, places a strong emphasis on endurance as a virtue and a key component of leading a virtuous life. However, endurance as seen in Stoicism, is not merely a passive response to suffering; it's an active and principled approach to life's challenges. It's about cultivating the inner strength and wisdom to face adversity with equanimity and to continue the pursuit of virtue and a meaningful life, no matter the circumstances. * Preparation and Training: Stoics emphasized the importance of preparation and training to be better equipped to face the challenges of war. They believed that through training and mental discipline, individuals could better handle the stress of combat. Preparation and training are essential aspects of personal development and growth, and they play a significant role in various aspects of life, including Stoicism. In Stoicism, the idea of preparation and training is closely tied to the pursuit of wisdom, virtue, and tranquility. By actively and deliberately preparing the mind and character, individuals can better face the challenges and uncertainties of life with resilience and inner peace. Stoics believed that this training was an ongoing process that could lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. In summary, Having known that humans are egotistic there's always a case of envy, disagreement and conflict. Thus made war inevitable. The Stoics approached war with a focus on acceptance, inner peace, duty, and virtue. Their teachings provided a philosophical framework for individuals to navigate the realities of war while striving to maintain their ethical principles and mental composure.

  • What Is My Eternal Debt to Philosophy and Why

    (Background music) I do not believe justice exists in this world as much as it can. However, I believe justice can be served not by divine hands, but by mortal hands as well. And I am not talking necessarily or exclusively about exacting revenge. No. I have proven Philosocom's relevance in the embodiment of appreciation throughout the world. People recognize my empire's worth, and most importantly, its potential. In reality, my attempt to prove mine and this site's relevance was part of a bigger plan. I am not a narcissist who craves validation. Negative. Validation was necessary not for myself, but for you. And we do not live in a vacuum but in an interconnected, universalized culture. I can work on my articles on my lonesome, but I refuse to. For something to be relevant, it must necessarily have relationality to a bigger context. The bigger context is you, the readership. And no, you are not being used. You come and visit this place by your own will, as I know you do because you value my work, and I appreciate it. I am only alive to philosophize because philosophy saved my life once from the depths of existential despair. It was through reason that I was restored back from such void. However, unless I tell you this myself, no one would care. No one would care, because we live in an era of post-truth. And post-truth can make people lonely because it is the truth that can set us free. Through the truth we overcome intolerance, caused by our own emotions, and see the world beyond our platonic impressions. That includes loneliness. The loneliness of ourselves, as well as the loneliness of others. When we are asked for how are we, we are expected to give an answer that would please the asker. And since it is abnormal to not be polite, we are forced by the norms to pretend and mask our true selves in the name of another's feeling. In the name of how reality makes others feel, and not how reality really is. As such, the truth sets us free from the chains of delusion, thus allowing ourselves to relate to others more, and for others, to connect to us. This is why honesty is important in relationships. In reality, there is little to no justice, because truth and justice are interconnected, for truth informs justice. Post-truth leads to misinformation, and thus to a life of delusion, pretentiousness, and loneliness. In reality I only live to philosophize to pay my debt to the world of philosophy for saving my life back then. It only feels true because it's the least I can do for a field many disregard and mock, to the point of claiming it is dead. But still, I don't care what I feel as much, and I don't care as much about philosophy's irrelevancy when it has the power to save lives like it did with my own. For I have a debt to pay for a field that saved me from death. I don't even do it to feel alive or to live. I am only in servitude. A servitude of a lifetime. My desires are irrelevant. It is oh-so unprofessional to not do one's job because one does not feel like it. I do not act on willpower. I act on power and reason. And the reason is that human beings can bring justice to this world, but refuse to, or are unaware that they should, by the reasoning of equality. Karma, whether real or fictional, is something that can be presented through human act. And not only through retribution, but also through empathy, love and compassion. Because if someone is hurt, and have done nothing wrong to deserve it, justice deduces that they need to be shown compassion. But human beings are unjust creatures, because their knowledge and intellect is limited. As does mine, of course. However, intellect shouldn't be underestimated or mistaken for a display of vanity. It should be celebrated as the very tool that can solve problems, increase empathy, and of course, lead to a greater understanding of justice. And justice is about what should be. It is perception that shapes reality by its represented behavior. The more our perceptions are aligned with the truth, the better informed we could be, to better exact justice into this world, and as such, be more fair to others and ourselves. I am indebted to philosophy for life because it saved my life. I am owed what was saved. That's how debt works. Had it not saved me, I would've died. I don't feel anything about it. I just know what needs to be done, by my own intellect. And intellect is but a tool in reality. It's the very salvation of much of human suffering in this world, and much justice can be given to the things and beings who need it. And without the understanding truth bestows on us, we might as well forever be doomed to repeat the same actions that serve as obstacles in our path. To be able to show compassion, one must understand another's situation. And to be compassionate, is to share one's current position, even if by cognition/intellect alone. One must also desire to reduce it. ...No one shares my experience with me. No matter how many people are there, reading me, or being in my personal life, no one understands or asks me about it. I am shown respect and admiration, which I appreciate. But they are no substitute for sharing my pain. The pain that I could've died by nihilistic despair. Because for that one needs compassion. My contributions to the global legacy of philosophy is how I display my sincerest thankfulness. Knowing my prevented fate, and remembering it ever since, made me a broken man. I see no other reason to live, for I already know the reason as to why I still live. And that is the hypocrisy that lies in many human companies. The fakeness, and the delusion runs deep, merely because many lack the intellect to relate to another. We think we are with one another, but as long as we remain ignorant of our authentic selves, we will fail understanding others as well as ourselves. Lonely or not, I have a debt to pay. It will end when my life ends. That is the rationality of justice, unhindered by norms nor by post-truth. I tried pursuing other activities over the years. They are in vain. Very few people can understand me empirically. I am repaying what I was saved, with what was saved. I don't care about being happy or joyful. I don't care about the fact that my country is at war. I live to repay, and in death that repayment will be paid in full, per what was saved, and therefore, given. And justice is that severe, as logic itself.

  • Why You Should Develop the Habit of Looking Both Ways -- Ethics (By Ms. Hali Bash March)

    (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to When we all were children we were taught (hopefully) to look both ways before crossing the road. Why were we taught that? Because there was something important that demanded our attention that could potentially arrive from both directions. This way of looking at the world is somewhat like a giant crossroad that is consistent of many spectrums. It is known that our world is very complicated to comprehend, thus many search for the easiest way of navigating it - by seeing "black and white", meaning simplify reality into dichotomous "good" and "bad" concepts. But a person who is mature enough should know by now that reality isn’t that simple. A person who stole something is called a thief- a thief meaning he is a bad guy. Now we receive new information that the person stole food, we are starting to think -- well, maybe he isn’t that evil, maybe he was just hungry and desperate. Maybe we are told that he stole gold -- now we think he is a greedy person (bad). But then we hear that he is stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Suddenly he becomes no less than a hero (Robin Hood). So, by understanding the concept of context, we can understand that there is no "black and white" morality that we can rely on in the way that we are observing the world. What should we do, then? The spectrum way of perceiving the world suggests to always define the 2 edges of the spectrum, the most extreme ideas for each way, the "blacks and whites". When we defined our domain of ideas we can imagine the spectrum of ideas relevant to this specific spectrum. If we take the previous example of the stealing man -- we need to define what is good and what is bad by spectrums, so stealing as defined by law is prohibited and thus bad, and distributing food for the poor is good by morality. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: A more-developed person would indeed be morally complex, as in the example of the anti-hero. I view myself as an anti-villain because I am a vengeful man with a moral code and with good intentions). So, we decided to create our spectrum with law on one side and morality on the other. I want to note that the spectrum is not a built in concept, and like we did right now -- it can be defined however you want, as long and there are 2 edges. Spectrums that are not balanced will just be useless when trying to use, and of course when using them with another person, the other person needs to be aware of the spectrum or they won't understand your argument. Back to our spectrum of law and morality on the subject of stealing. Depending on the extra information given to us, we can decide where we put our case. Since the spectrum is subjective, it is important to remember its place as a tool. Tools are great help in the hands of people who knows how to use them, as seen in this video of a katana master challenging his student to cut down bamboo target cleanly. The students and the master use the same tool, but the master knows how to maximize its effectiveness (Example video). So, in order to use this tool effectively, you should prepare your arguments for the percentage you choose to place your case on the spectrum. For example if I'm a big fan of the law, and perceive the law as morality chosen by people smarter than me, I'll choose greater weight for the law, placing the case closer to law. Ultimately, my argument concludes of an explanation of a value system in which law is above the morality of a single person, but never ignores the other side of the spectrum -- meaning that respect should be given to the act of helping the poor, even if we think the person should be punished at the end. Maybe they deserve a medal and also a few years in prison. It's all about balances of both sides. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: Ms. Hali's arguement is also about the importance of equity over bias, which is a very important priority that's required to understand the bigger picture, and be more objective). Another example of a spectrum on the same subject is the System versus the citizens. Now we are looking at the same case but from a totally different perspective -- and we ask ourselves what is the relationship between the system and the citizens? We can argue that the system's role is to keep order and to protect from chaos. We can also argue that the system job is to provide good enough environment for the people to be able to have enough, not needing to steal food in order to survive. In that way of perceiving the case, we can conclude that although the system job is to keep the order in the city, once it failed to provide essential resources for its people, the authority of the system is put in question, and thus we can argue that it is, in fact, very moral to take law into your hands when the system is unjust or had failed. Of course, we can use the same spectrum on the opposite argument and claim that in order for the system to provide for the people, the people must play along and respect the system's authority. So as you've learned here, the spectrum is a tool of looking at problems from a more holistic perspective. It can vary greatly upon how the person chooses to use this tool. So the most important guide lines to keep in mind here are – 1. Never forget to respect and include both sides of the spectrum in your arguments. It doesn’t have to be a 50\50 case, but without including both sides in your argument, you can't use the spectrum tool. 2. Be open minded and creative -- try to look at the case from different angles and perspectives. Try different edges to the spectrum to further strengthen your argument. 3. Share and explain this method to the other person in order to create common ground of understanding when arguing. A debate without guidelines or context can be very tiring and pointless. 4. And last one -- Be respectful of others and their opinions. Debates are not just for winning, but for conveying ideas. Be smart in your arguments but also be smart in your listening. This method of looking at life can help you see the world as a more balanced, whole concept, and helps you avoid drama and prejudice in your own mind, since it's "forcing" you to look at ideas you don’t necessarily agree with, but have to accept their existence nevertheless So, in conclusion -- learn to look both ways.

  • Using Numerology and Gematria to Understand True Love - Part 3: Tarot Cards (By Mr. R. Leblanc)

    (Series Directory) (Background music) (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to ******************* In this third part, I will introduce you to Tarot Card interpretation used to access the deeper meanings of the quote: "Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them" -- Kalen Dion The results we had were the following: 297 (We did get this result from adding the numbers pertaining to each letter; a number from 1-9), so : 200, 90 and 7. From which we get : 2+9+7 = 18, so : 18. From which we get : 1+8 = 9, so : 9. And from further using prime factors of : 297, we get : 3x3x3x11, so, if we add the factors, we get : 3+3+3+11 = 20, so : 20. And from further reducing 20, we get : 2+0 = 2, so : 2. And, as a second way of seeing things, we get some more insights by looking at the prime factors of : 297 themselves; 3 and 11, so : 11 and 3. Note: to convert those numbers into Tarot cards, one needs to look at the Hebrew letters that are associated with the above numbers: 200 is Tarot card 20 90 is Tarot card 18 7 is Tarot card 7 20 is Tarot card 11 Then, we will look at: 1. Tarot card 20: Judgement: The Judgement card represents the judgement day or awakening call heralding a rite of passage. As one cycle comes to an end we need to prepare for a new stage in our development, the future is waiting. Now is the time when past efforts yield positive results, when we can reap the rewards, when we realise that we are drawn in a new direction and recognise our true calling. In it's positive meaning the Judgement card reminds us that through honesty and true reflection we can realise where we have erred on our path and that we need to forgive ourselves to regain a feeling of self-worth and accomplishment. Placed in a negative situation, Judgement symbolises indecision, a fear of letting go, remorse, and regret, and imbalance, imprisonment. 2. Tarot card 18: The Moon: The Moon in all its phases represents the world of dreams, illusions, and the subconscious. Traditionally the symbol of the feminine, the card's meaning encompasses the maternal, the Great Mother, womanhood, and cycles. The Moon is an ambivalent card, its imagery signifies the difficulty to see things clearly: inspiring and lacking courage, enchanting and bewildering, deceptive and receptive - all sides of the same coin. Signalling fluctuating moods and uncertainty we must pay attention to our dreams, confront our subconscious and deal with the issues that come to the surface in order to progress to a higher level of awareness. Being able to put our imagination and creative talents to good use is an added bonus. Negative qualities, such as ambiguity, confusion, hidden fears, deception, can be a cause for failure. 3. Tarot card 9: The Hermit: The Hermit card symbolizes meditation, reflection, and solitude. As one of the cards resembling old age, it also represents bearing the light of wisdom, looking into the unconscious, and observing dreams. There is an emphasis on peace and patience, by which maturity is reached, and a striving to connect to the higher spiritual self. The Hermit also depicts the spiritual leader, the taskmaster who leads with purpose, conscience, and wisdom. A mature person, the Hermit symbolizes deliberation about which path to follow, reassessment of achievements and goals, and taking the time to reflect and plan. In a negative environment, this card can resemble excessive isolation, lack of communication, intolerance, crisis, and doubt. 4. Tarot card 7: The Chariot: The Chariot symbolizes enthusiasm, competitiveness, and triumph. Employing all powers at one's disposal, physical, spiritual, and intellectual, one achieves success and victory. The positive sides of the self, being strong and self-controlled, balancing conflicting emotions, triumphing over obstacles, and sustaining an effort, support attaining goals, thereby leading the way to transformation and self-knowledge. A dictatorial approach, recklessness, and extreme ambition can be on the other, negative side of the equation. 5. Tarot card 2: High Priestess: The mysterious High Priestess jealously guards her secrets and occult wisdom. This card symbolizes the unconscious, a concern with our internal worlds, spiritual forces, and the understanding of higher truths through dreams and intuition. As a wise woman, the High Priestess is the Goddess of fertility and is seen as a healer, possessing intuitive powers and clairvoyance, trying to create harmony and inner balance. She emphasizes the necessity to get in contact with our inner self, to reflect and meditate, to trust our feelings, and to let dreams and intuition guide us. Observing rather than participating or acting, the High Priestess can also represent platonic love, manipulation, a pause in a process that was progressing, or even a standstill, causing doubt and confusion. 6. Tarot card 11: Strength: The Strength card, depicting a gracious queen-like figure and a wild lion, shows that real strength has to be combined with graciousness and gentleness to become a force. It symbolizes inner strength, determination to overcome obstacles, self-knowledge, and self-discipline, as only when we know ourselves and act in a responsible manner will we be able to deal with challenging situations and overcome difficulties successfully. Yet this card does not only represent physical strength; moral and emotional strength is included in the meaning. Patience, compassion, dealing with frustration, accepting of others, tolerating imperfection (in oneself and in others), all leads to being a complete person. The negative qualities of strength include misuse of power, aggressiveness, and intolerance. 7. Tarot card 3: The Empress: The Empress signifies the queen of life, the perfect woman, the archetypal mother. She represents the matriarchal goddess, being part of nature, fertility, sexuality, and the generative forces. As the life-giving mother, she is connected to the Earth and the natural rhythms, the appreciation of the senses. As a card of good fortune, she signifies that if we are gentle and caring, as well as patient, we can bring anything to fruition; we have to be able to wait until the time is right for action so that we can reap the rewards; hard work pays off and relationships become satisfying. The Empress can, in negative situations, also depict vanity, undeveloped creativity, stagnation, and apathy. Conclusions About True Love: * The Judgment card suggests to us that we pay attention and make sure we are willing to start over again and get on track as often as we need to. There is no sin, but opportunities to readjust ourselves for the better each time we are at a crossroads. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: The card can thus teach us the value of making mistakes and that we are imperfect beings. We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves even though we should learn from our mistakes -- specifically to make better decisions with others and with ourselves). * The Moon card is suggesting to us to become able to use our dreams, our intuitive part, and our subconscious in a positive and clear way. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: It is imperative to listen to our hearts in romance. This obscure song tells us why, even when choosing partners). * The Hermit card is the goal that we can reach once we get on a truth-seeker path; it is a valid choice as it enables our reach of Wisdom within. (Mr. R's note: How can you expect to truly love if you are not interested in seeking the truth? True love is the path of the truth seeker. The philosopher is a lover of wisdom, therefore he or she seeks it honestly, like the partner seeks his or her significant other genuinely and not out of pretense. The lover, like the philosopher/truth-seeker, isn't interested in deluding themselves with lies. They look into reality just like they look into their partner's eyes -- with love). * The Chariot card is a result of our capacity of using both our intuitive and rational aspects in order to apply those in real behavioral situations. (Mr. R's note: Is true love pure from rationality? I am not sure. Either way, it's imperative to keep a sense of rationality in true love because rationality allows us to behave appropriately in society. Would you do something explicit in public with a true lover just because your heart tells you so? Rationality tells us that you shouldn't). * The High Priestess card is reminding us to trust our intuition and be patient and resilient in doing so. * The Strength card is telling us that true strength is from within. (Mr. R's note: I'd like to argue that true love requires strength many do not have. It is the strength to be courageful and not to be afraid of getting hurt. After all, love hurts, as with any possible human connection. You need to have the strength to be vulnerable. Otherwise, true love won't work. You should not fear your emotions and the emotions of your lover! Let these emotions be! Strength in true love is not expressed by self-restraint but by daring to remove the masks you otherwise put on your face with other people. In short, that true strength is the strength to be you, with as little filters as possible. Ideally, no filters would be required. Your lover wants to know you, not a false self. As mentioned -- true love is the pursuit of the truth about those whom we truly love). * The Empress card reminds us that hard work pays off. In Short Conclusion: If we try to get in a better relation with all the others, we have to accept that we must forgive ourselves as well as forgive others. We need to consider hard work and a lot of perseverance reaching the goal of knowing ourselves and others as well, so we can be in a true love relation!

  • The Philosophy of Energy Vampires – How Do They Think (By Mr. Mandoela Svartgold)

    (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to (Philosocom's Directory on Narcissism) ****************** Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the philosophy behind the philosophical spiritual concept called vampiric energy. What is this energy and how to protect yourself in these situations? As you know I am an empath. In the past, I was very innocent and naive about people. I thought people were good. Most of them. At least like me. Who does not seek to harm a person who has done nothing to them? Mainly it's a family. But sometimes the situation is different and there are people in the family, even mothers who are narcissistic and whose goal is to destroy one of the children, mostly girls, but if there are only boys, they will choose a boy... and cause them to lack independence, to be mentally dependent on not setting boundaries, they will not be taught this and then any person can take advantage of them. Because there is no limit to their dangerous potential of abuse. I must write a lot of chapters on these topics because I read and bought a lot of books. Part of a psychopathic narcissist named HG Tudor I read a lot of his books called Fuel. Flying Monkeys' manipulation. Empathy and its derivatives. Narcissistic Rage and many more of his books to understand their minds. In addition, I worked with myself on a part of me that is derived from my empathy. THE CODEPENDENCY WORKBOOK. I have been taking care of myself for 7 years since I discovered I went through many things and narcissistic injuries must be treated. This is only a tenth of what I read... I threw away many more books because I understood and didn't keep them at home. Even during my bachelor's degree studies. I took care of myself to notice when I was coming from satisfaction and not from an empathic desire because I give and receive and not from a segment of exploitation. Exploitation can also be in the family, at work, and it is not always possible to put a real end to it. But the important thing is to keep the energy. Since there are no research articles on this very important topic, I will explain it briefly and call this article 1 on Narcissists by Mandoela Svartgold, which means Mr. Tomasio may allow me to make a miniseries out of this on Philosocom. So, why did I explain all this to you now? For you to understand 1% of the ways of thinking and moves and feelings of narcissists. There are many more.... manipulation and brainwashing and many other areas.... Those who get into a problem with them will understand what I am talking about, and I will be able to help them with the knowledge that they will read and continue to read these articles. So, an energy vampire is a person who is chooses his or her victims because of being innocent and naive, such as a certain child who has no one to turn to and their parents do not move from them; Or a person with a disability, any disability, a person who does not have many friends or family to turn to. They will be the ultimate victim of the narcissist. That does not work in life alone. I might write about flying monkeys in another article. On occasion, If it has a response people will really appreciate this article. Because it saved me. These insights. They saved me from resuming my victimhood and liberated me from my former abusers. Vampiric energy is energy that comes out of the narcissist by their emotions which are rage and anger. The rest of his feelings are repressed, and they put them deep in his head where he won't be able to access them. They are basically a weak person who works with others to destroy a person in a lot of ways and his friends that he also exploits and lies about that person a single person to bring him down. Only because they are jealous of the victim's kindness and that he does feel. And, because it needs fuel. which is their life energy. It receives that "fuel" by spreading vampiric energy in front of the victim. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: The narcissist is a master compensator. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.... Emperor Palpatine is a narcissist) Each family could have a narcissist inside. Empaths as well. There are also flying monkeys who are not necessarily narcissists but believe in narcissists and they work with them to achieve the destruction of the victim. This energy is an energy that the empath or victim feels all over with a sense of confusion and fear. At the same time, the same narcissist sits, whispers, and talks a lot. They really like to talk a lot to the narcissists to cause manipulation accusations, shame, fears etc. to their victims. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: Emperor Palpatine was just that to Darth Vader) The empath feels threatened. And the same narcissist who is usually in socioeconomic status as the one who received a lot of money from his parents in his youth. Whether he studied in the past. Still, after they study and become professional, they dump everything on the victim. They don't develop and you can see they simply don't even work. So, they sit next to the victim, and drive him out of his mind by accusations. even going back and forth. They don't listen to him. He can't tell them why they do it. And by lowering the victim's ego only because the same victim, especially if the victim loves himself and enjoys small things while they enjoy trips etc. with a lot of money and it is very difficult to satisfy their appetite. While that narcissist is sitting next to the victim, he tells him and reminds him only of bad things or mistakes he made. Every little mistake.... makes every fly an elephant. It was very important for me to talk about this painful abomination. In this case, what you must understand as a victim is that you deserve to survive. And if you stay with him, he might even make you commit suicide. He will destroy you to the ground and there is no end to these people. Whether you are with such parents, they don't count you. And they will make empty promises too. The only way to happiness is to try to escape from them before they make you end up in an insane asylum or a prison, that's an injustice. Get it right like a battered woman going to the asylum. Talk to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Or a psychologist who will really understand you... and not stop until they help you. It is not easy to get help. But you must take care of yourself. I will write more articles and here I have written for you a lot about this and other topics in general. Thank you all for believing in my writing.

  • How to Use Reason To Relax During War

    (French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc. English version, below) Comment utiliser la raison pour se détendre pendant la guerre Pour en savoir plus sur la guerre, veuillez consulter cet article : ************************* La logique comme outil pour apaiser l'esprit et le corps La logique peut être un outil très puissant pour apaiser votre esprit et, par conséquent, votre corps. Étant un outil qui inspecte le sens du monde et de vous-même, il peut vous aider à voir le vrai sens des choses et des êtres, en eux-mêmes et par rapport à vous. Il existe différentes variantes de sens, dont la compréhension peut être trouvée grâce au pouvoir de la raison/logique. Voici quelques exemples de variantes/aspects que peut avoir le sens de quelque chose : Personnel : quelque chose de valeur personnelle est très probablement le vôtre plutôt que partagé par beaucoup d'autres, ce qui le rend sans importance pour ceux qui ne lui attribuent pas cet aspect. Objectif : Une valeur qui existe indépendamment de ce que vous en pensez. Ce n’est jamais une attribution personnelle mais quelque chose qui existe au-delà et indépendamment d’elle. Lorsqu’il s’agit de valeur objective, votre expérience subjective n’a pas beaucoup d’importance dans sa compréhension. Esthétique : une valeur esthétique concerne la qualité de la façon dont vous vivez quelque chose. Sa valeur objective n’a pas d’importance car il s’agit avant tout du flux d’expérience que vous obtenez grâce à sa réception d'informations. Tout ce qui peut être vécu par les sens a une valeur esthétique, et elle n'est pas nécessairement personnelle, car des communautés entières peuvent être réunies autour de celle-ci. Un exemple populaire étant la musique. Pratique : La valeur pratique est la clé pour rendre la philosophie appropriée car elle mérite d'être considérée au nom de sa contribution à l'humanité. Pourquoi? Parce que la philosophie a aussi une valeur pratique, qui dépasse le domaine théorique. Celui qui peut aider les gens à résoudre leurs problèmes. Et bien sûr, j'expliquerai par cet aspect pourquoi la guerre qui se déroule actuellement en Israël (octobre 2023), où je vis, ne me touche pas. Pour supprimer les malentendus inutiles... La guerre est une expérience traumatisante aux niveaux national et historique. C'est lorsque des gens sont blessés et tués, le plus souvent des deux côtés. C’est une période de grande préoccupation pour toutes les personnes impliquées, pratiquement ou autrement. Les gens ont peur de mourir, tout comme ils ont peur de voir mourir leurs proches. La guerre est une période d’incertitude qui peut effrayer des nations entières, voire le monde entier. Seuls ceux qui en profitent, et/ou ceux qui n’ont aucune empathie ou souci de la vie humaine (comme les psychopathes), vont en profiter ou en bénéficier. Raisonnements fondamentaux Maintenant, permettez-moi d'expliquer pourquoi la guerre dans mon pays ne m'affecte pas beaucoup, car il y a plusieurs raisons logiques : La guerre est hors de mon contrôle et je ne peux donc rien faire pour la favoriser ou l’empêcher. Si j'étais soldat, général ou homme politique, je me serais inquiété car j'aurais une certaine influence sur la situation. Cependant, je ne suis qu'un ermite, et rien de ce que je peux faire ne pourra l'arrêter. Lorsque vous comprenez votre vraie valeur, vous pouvez alors rejeter les préoccupations irréalistes, car vous ne pouvez rien y faire. Pourquoi gaspiller de l’énergie pour de telles choses ? Ils sont importants objectivement. En pratique, ils ne sont pas importants pour moi. Ils sont importants pour les personnes personnellement impliquées. Sa valeur personnelle n'est pas pratique pour moi et n'a donc aucune importance pour moi. J'ai fait tout ce que je pouvais pour être en sécurité. J’avais des raisons pratiques de m’inquiéter et j’ai fait ce que je pouvais pour répondre à cette inquiétude. Les préoccupations auxquelles je ne peux en aucun cas répondre ne sont pas pratiques. Bien sûr, j’ai de nombreuses préoccupations peu pratiques. Ces préoccupations sont légitimes, mais restent irréalistes. En tant que tel, je ne les laisse pas me déranger. Le stress est mauvais pour la santé physique et mentale. Vous pourriez affirmer que nous devrions « prier et espérer le meilleur ». Ce n'est pas suffisant. Nous devons enfin comprendre à quel point le stress est dommageable, surtout en cette période difficile qu’est la guerre. Premièrement, le stress peut altérer notre jugement ; deuxièmement, drainer notre énergie jusqu'à la fatigue. Troisièmement, augmenter nos risques d'attaque de panique, ce qui pourrait également stresser les autres, et ainsi de suite. Appliquez les raisons une et deux et ne laissez pas des préoccupations inutiles vous empêcher d’avoir un esprit clair et concentré. Ils sont inutiles uniquement parce qu’ils ne sont pas pratiques. Ces préoccupations montrent que vous avez du cœur et de l’empathie en raison de la valeur personnelle que vous attribuez à la vie et à ceux que vous aimez et qui vous tiennent à cœur. Cependant, ils restent peu pratiques. Voyez-vous, lorsque vous vous trouvez dans un lieu sûr, comme un abri qui est protégée des attaques de missiles, et lorsque vous disposez de suffisamment de provisions pour le long terme, quelle valeur pratique y a-t-il à s'inquiéter ? Négatif. Il est bien plus logique de se calmer quand on est en sécurité, car on est en sécurité. S'inquiéter du fait que vous n'êtes pas en sécurité, alors que vous êtes en sécurité, n'a aucun sense. Respect de soi : la connexion cachée Lorsque la guerre menace votre vie, la meilleure « vengeance » que vous puissiez faire dans de nombreux cas est de recommencer à vivre. dans de nouvelles conditions. Et oui, je reprends mon travail sur Philosocom comme d'habitude car la meilleure revanche contre une telle insolence envers mon travail est de bien vivre et de ne pas me soucier de ce qui n'est pas justifié. Cette guerre est bien plus temporaire comparée à l'empire que je construis ! Nous méritons de respecter notre attention et de la diriger en conséquence. L’art de ne pas s’en soucier est en effet un art qui n’est pas facile à maîtriser. Cela vaut la peine de le maîtriser car cela peut nous aider à gérer nos ressources mentales de manière beaucoup plus judicieuse. Souvent, vous n’avez pas à vous soucier de ce que pensent certaines personnes, car cela est indigne de vous en tant que personne. Il est illogique de s'inquiéter de quelques propos qu'un idiot vous a criés dans la rue, car une telle inquiétude ne vous sert à rien. Pourquoi? Parce qu’à moins que cet idiot ne constitue une menace redoutable et pas seulement une simple façade, votre attention mérite d’être dirigée ailleurs, ailleurs là où elle est plus appropriée. C'est aussi une question de logique : savoir ce qui convient et ce qui ne convient pas. Résumé rapide Bien entendu, une organisation terroriste hostile constitue sûrement une menace pour vous. Mais lorsque vous avez fait tout ce que vous pouviez pour vous protéger, vous n’avez plus besoin de vous inquiéter. Et ainsi, une grande partie du stress n'a plus sa raison d'être. Pourquoi? Parce que ce stress n’a plus aucune valeur pratique. Et la logique consiste à trouver et à comprendre quelle est la valeur à considérer. Soyez un être plus logique et vous constaterez peut-être que vous êtes plus calme. Exactement comme moi. Prenez soin de vous et vive Philosocom. ************************* (English, original) (Background music) For more on war, please check this article: ************************* Logic as a Tool to Soothe Mind and Body Logic can be a very powerful tool to soothe your mind, and as a result, your body. Being a tool that inspects meaning in the world and in yourself, it can help you see the true meaning of things and beings, as in themselves, and in relation to you. There are different variants of meaning, whose understanding can be found through the power of reason/logic. Here are but a few examples of variants/aspects, a meaning of something can have: Personal: Something of personal value is far likely to be only yours than shared by many others, making it irrelevant to those who do not attribute to it this aspect. Objective: A value that exists regardless of what you think about it. It is never a personal attribution but something that exists beyond it and independently of it. When it comes to objective value, your subjective experience of it does not matter much in its understanding. Aesthetic: An aeshtetic value is about the quality of how you experience something. Its objective value is irrelevant because it is all about the stream of experience you get through its consumption. Everything that can be experienced through the senses has an ashtetic value, and it isn't necessarily personal, as whole communities can be built on it. A popular example being music. Practical: Practical value is the key in making philosophy relevant as it deserves to be seen in the name of its contribution to humanity. Why? Because philosophy also has a practical value to it, one that exceeds the theoratical realm. One that can help people with their problems. And of course, I will explain using this aspect, why the war currently happening in Israel (October 2023), where I live in, doesn't touch me. To Remove Unnecessary Misunderstandings... War is a traumatic experience on the national and historical level. It's when people get wounded and killed, most often than not in both sides. It is a time of great concern to everyone involved, practically or otherwise. People are afraid of dying, as they are afraid of their loved ones dying as well. War is a time of uncertainty and one that can scar entire nations and even the whole world. Only those who profit from it, and/or those who have no empathy or concern for human life (like psychopaths), are going to either enjoy or benefit it. Core Reasonings Now, allow me to explain why the war in my country does not affect me much, for there are several logical reasons: War is beyond my control and thus I cannot do anything to allow or prevent it. If I was a soldier, a general or a politician, then I would've worried because I would have some degree of influence over the state of affairs. However, I'm just a physical hermit, and nothing I can do, won't stop it. When you understand your true value, you then can discard impractical concerns, for you can't do anything about them. Why waste energies on such things? They are important objectively. They are not important to me, practically. They are important to people personally who are invovled in it. The personal value of it is impractical to me and thus is irrelevant to me. I did all I can to be in safety. I had practical reason to worry, and I did what I could to fulfill that concern. Concerns that I cannot fulfill in any way, are impractical. Of course, I have many impractical concerns. These concerns are legitimate, but are still impractical. As such, I do not let them bother me. Stress is bad for one's physical and mental health. You may claim that we should "pray and hope for the best". That is not enough. We need to finally understand how damaging stress is, especially during the difficult time that is war. Firstly, stress can impair our judgement; secondly -- drain our energy to the point of fatigue. Thirdly -- increase our chances of a panic attack, which could stress others as well, and so on and on. Apply reasons One and Two and do not let useless concerns stand in your way for a clear and focused mind. They are useless only because they are impractical. These concerns show you have heart and empathy because of the personal value you attribute to life and to those whom you love and care about. However, they are still impractical. You see, when you are under a place of safety, such as a reinforced room that is protected from missile attacks, and when you have enough supplies for the long term, what practical value is there to worry? Negative. It is far more logical to calm yourselves when you are safe, because you are safe. Worrying that you are unsafe, while you're safe, doesn't make sense. Self-Respect -- The Hidden Connection When war imposes a threat on your life, the best "revenge" you can do in many cases is to resume living under the new conditions. And yes, I will resume working on Philosocom as usual because the best revenge against such insolence on my work is to live well and not care where my caring is undeserved. This war is far more temporary compared to the empire I'm building! We deserve to have respect on our attention, and direct it in accordance. The art of not caring is indeed an art that is not easy to master. It's worthy to master it because it can help manage our mental resources far more wisely. Often times you don't have to care what some people think because that caring is beneath you as a person. It is illogical to be anxious about some word an idiot yelled you on the street because such concern is of no use to you. Why? Because unless that idiot is a formidable threat and not just a random passerby, your attention deserves to be directed elsewhere, elsewhere where it is more fitting. That is also logic: Knowing what fits and what doesn't. Quick Summary Of course, an hostile terrorist organization is surely a threat on you. But when you did whatever you could to protect yourself, no further worrying is necessary. And thus, much of the stress has overstayed its welcome. Why? Because that stress has no further practical value anymore. And logic is all about finding and undersanding value. Be a more logical being and you might find that you are calmer. Just, like, me. Take care and Hail Philosocom. Share this and calm the hearts and minds of your loved ones.

  • The Fisherman’s Choice -- A Story by Mr. Brad Michaels

    (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to ************* There was a man that lived by the sea. One day, when he was fishing, a mermaid came to him. She told him “I have a green peridot stone in my left hand and a sapphire in my right hand. If you choose the peridot, you will be granted wisdom. If you choose the sapphire, you will be granted companionship.” The fisherman thought about it for a while, and then decided to choose the sapphire. The mermaid granted him a wife. He was married to her in a happy ceremony. Family and friends came to their wedding. They were happy, but only for a time. Then, one day, the woman was crying. “Why don’t you understand me? We have nothing in common,” she was in tears. The fisherman was taken aback. He thought he provided everything his wife needed. He would catch fish, and sell them for everything they needed in their home. He bought her clothes, food, rugs and tapestries, a nice bed, other necessities, and anything she needed and most of the other things she asked for. What could he have been doing wrong? He thought about this issue for a while. After thinking about it for a couple weeks, he realized that he was not happy either. The marriage the man had made seemed empty. He did not know why this was, and he lacked the creative thinking skills to figure it out. He had done everything society had asked of him. He had settled down and made a nice life with his spouse. But then, he started thinking about choosing the peridot, the wisdom-attaining choice. He started to wonder about this, and wondered about what wisdom really was. What was it that really characterizes a wise person? He lacked a lot of context. Shortly after this, his marriage began to fall apart. He and his wife were always arguing. He was never spending money on the right thing. They had disagreements about how they spent their time. All of his special interests did not line up with hers. The man did not really have an anchor to which he could attach his special interests. He lacked the background to really have pursued anything beyond fishing and the occasional swim. He was lost in a complicated, multi-faceted world. He had dreamed of starting a merchant business, but he lacked the knowledge about how to do it. He thought he would be happy at home with his wife, as long as he had someone to spend time with. He had not thought about working on himself more, so that he would have something to offer a partner, and so that he would know what he really wanted in a partner. After the man had lost his wife, he found himself on the sandy shores again, swimming. He was very sad. He knew he had to take a different path in life. Which is the correct choice? Let’s say he chooses companionship. Where will this companion come from? Will it be a real companion, or will it be just the image of one? What is companionship that does not flow from wisdom? Is it real or is it a mirage? If the fisherman chooses companionship, can he expect to get real companionship, or is it nothing more than a fantasy? Meanwhile, if he chooses wisdom, he can use his wisdom to find a companion that fits to him. It is only by gaining wisdom and knowledge that we forge ourselves in the crucible of learning to become our highest self. If we were to find love or companionship without being educated or wise, how can we tell if these things are real or fake? The answer is that we can’t. We lack context and understanding if we do not inform and develop ourselves using the truths of reality. Without this development to anchor us, we don’t know what kinds of things we really find enjoyable. We need to know ourselves better. We are like lost out to sea. It is only upon building our knowledge and experience that we can find the things we really want out of life. Mr. Rubinshtein's Note: In the story, the choice of companionship was dumb to begin with, because the fisherman was not given a selection of potential wives to choose from. Thus, his intended wife could've been anyone. It is like picking food in the dark and hoping to get a meal that will be the best for your taste buds. So, from the very beginning, the fisherman's best, long-term choice was to pick wisdom. Therefore, The Fisherman's Choice also teaches us the importance of denying instant gratifications in the name of long-term rewards, using the virtue of patience. How come? Simple: Wisdom improves our ability to plan ahead.

  • How to Become a More Logical Being (By Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac)

    (Russian translation by Mr. Ilya Holodkov. English version, below) Как стать более логичным человеком (автор: господин Огбуле Чибузо Исаак) (Отказ от ответственности: гостевые посты не обязательно совпадают с убеждениями, мыслями или чувствами менеджера Philosocom господин Томасио Рубинштейна. Цель гостевых постов - предоставить широкий спектр повествований от широкого круга людей. Чтобы подать заявку на гостевую публикацию собственного авторства, пожалуйста, отправьте запрос на адрес ( Что такое логически человек? Логически человек— это тот самый который последовательно применяет логическое мышление и рассуждения в своих мыслях, действиях и процессах принятия решений. Такой человек склонен отдавать приоритет рациональности, мышлению на основе доказательств и здравой аргументации в своем подходе к различным аспектам жизни. Быть логическим человеком включает в себя развитие менталитета, которое ценит логику и критическое мышление как неотъемлемые инструменты для решения проблем, понимания мира и принятия осознанного выбора. Это стремление уменьшить предвзятость, избежать ошибочных рассуждений и постоянно совершенствовать свою способность мыслить логически. Как стать более логичным Один из основных способов стать более логичным является занятие критическим мышлением. Критическое мышление это когнитивный навык и менталитет, включающий активный и объективный анализ, оценку и синтез информации и аргументов для принятия обоснованных суждений и решений. Вот некоторые из ключевых элементов критического мыслителя: Вопросительный подход: Критически мыслящие люди задают вопросы, чтобы получить более глубокое понимание. Они подвергают сомнению предположения, мотивы, доказательства и выводы. (Примечание господинa Рубинштейна: возможно, было бы разумно, по крайней мере в философии, подвергать сомнению все во имя истины. Это включает в себя самые основные элементы, такие как наша социальная природа) Ориентирующийся на доказательства: Они полагаются на доказательства и данные для поддержки своих суждений и избегают принятия решений только на основе мнений или эмоций. (Примечание господинa Рубинштейна: Философия заключается не в том, чтобы иметь мнения, а о том, чтобы иметь теории, которые пытаются соответствовать реальности. Философ это формулировщик идей. Мы можем скрывать наши истины под фасадом мнений, чтобы не задеть чувства людей). Анализ: Критически мыслящие люди разбивают сложные проблемы или аргументы на более мелкие части, чтобы изучить их более внимательно и выявить закономерности или несоответствия. Скептицизм: Они сохраняют здоровый скептицизм, будучи открытыми для новой информации, но также требуя достаточных доказательств, прежде чем принимать утверждения. (Примечание господинa Рубинштейна: Крайне важно научиться уважать то, чего мы не понимаем или не понимаем полностью, чтобы не вводить себя в заблуждение, переоценивая или недооценивая предметы или проблемы, в которых мы невежественны). Логическое рассуждение: Они используют логику для оценки валидности и обоснованности аргументов. Это включает в себя умение распознавать логические ошибки и недостатки в рассуждениях. Объективность: Критически мыслящие люди стремятся быть объективными и беспристрастными, откладывая в сторону личные предвзятости и эмоции при оценке информации. Креативность: они часто мыслят творчески, чтобы генерировать альтернативные решения или точки зрения, исследуя разные стороны проблемы. Уравновешивание эмоций: Хотя рациональность имеет важное значение, критически мыслящие люди признают, что эмоции играют роль в принятии решений. Они стремятся уравновесить эмоциональные реакции с рациональным анализом. Принятие решений: Критическое мышление направляет процессы принятия решений, гарантируя, что выбор будет обоснованным и основанным на рациональном анализе. Коммуникация: Критически мыслящие люди могут четко формулировать свои мысли и рассуждения, что облегчает передачу своих идей и влияние на других посредством убедительных аргументов. (Совет господинa Рубинштейна: Секрет моего лаконичного письма заключается в том, чтобы научиться общаться, как персонаж по имени доктор Эггман. Именно так я намерен сделать философию более актуальной). Помимо занятий критическим мышлением, существует множество других способов стать более логичным: Читайте философские труды: Философия широко исследует логические рассуждения. Чтение философских работ может углубить ваше понимание логики. Читая этот самый сайт, вы можете прекрасно выполнять это. Участвуйте в дебатах и дискуссиях: Дебаты и обсуждения с другими людьми, особенно с теми, кто придерживается разных точек зрения, обостряют ваши навыки логического мышления и знакомят вас с разными точками зрения. Инклюзивность необходима для понимания реальности. Вы не должны бояться обсуждений с этой целью и не быть нерационально запуганными. Практикуйте логические головоломки и упражнения: В Интернете и в книгах доступно множество различных типов логических головоломок и упражнений. Выполнение этих упражнений поможет вам улучшить навыки логического мышления. Преимущества быть логическим существом Критическое мышление является ценным навыком в различных аспектах жизни, от решения проблем в повседневных ситуациях до принятия обдуманных решений в профессиональном, академическом и личном контексте. Это позволяет людям ориентироваться в сложной информации, избегать когнитивных предвзятостей и приходить к обоснованным выводам. Используя силу разума, вы можете принимать более обоснованные и рациональные решения, снижать влияние предвзятостей и заниматься вдумчивым решением проблем. Это ценный навык как для личного, так и для профессионального роста. Заключение Быть более логичным расширяет возможности принимать обоснованные решения, эффективно решать проблемы, проявлять критическое мышление и ориентироваться в сложностях жизни и мира. Это навык, который имеет широкое применение и очень выгодный как в личном, так и в профессиональном контексте. И сам факт того, что это необходимо изучать, показывает, что это не врожденное явление и что люди не так рациональны, как можно подумать. (Примечание господинa Рубинштейна: Рациональность не является статичной. Она может меняться в течение жизни, и это зависит от того, насколько предвзято мыслит мозг в данный момент. Однако изучение логики может значительно помочь вам поддерживать справедливый уровень рациональности, полезный для вас воспользоваться преимуществом логики). ************************* (English version, here) (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to ************************ What is a logical being? A logical being is a person who consistently applies logical thinking and reasoning in their thoughts, actions, and decision-making processes. Such an individual tends to prioritize rationality, evidence-based thinking, and sound argumentation in their approach to various aspects of life. Being a logical being involves cultivating a mindset that values logic and critical thinking as essential tools for problem-solving, understanding the world, and making informed choices. It's a commitment to reducing biases, avoiding fallacious reasoning, and continuously improving one's ability to think logically. How to become more logical One of the major ways to becoming more logical is to engage in critical thinking. Critical thinking is a cognitive skill and mindset that involves actively and objectively analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information and arguments to make reasoned judgments and decisions. Here are some of the key elements of critical thinkers: Questioning: Critical thinkers ask questions to gain a deeper understanding. They question assumptions, motives, evidence, and conclusions. (Mr. Rubinshtein's Note: It may be reasonable, at least in philosophy, to question everything in the name of the truth. That includes the very basic elements such as our social nature) Evidence-based: They rely on evidence and data to support their judgments and avoid making decisions based solely on opinions or emotions. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: Philosophy isn't about having opinions but having theories that attempt to be in correlation with reality. The philosopher is a formulator of ideas. We may hide our truths under the facade of opinions so we wouldn't hurt people's feelings). Analysis: Critical thinkers break down complex problems or arguments into smaller parts to examine them more closely and identify patterns or inconsistencies. Skepticism: They maintain a healthy skepticism, being open to new information but also requiring sufficient evidence before accepting claims. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: It is imperative that we learn to respect that of which we do not understand or fully understand so we would not delude ourselves by over or underestimating the subjects or issues we're ignorant in). Logical reasoning: They use logic to assess the validity and soundness of arguments. This includes recognizing logical fallacies and flaws in reasoning. Objectivity: Critical thinkers strive to be objective and impartial, putting personal biases and emotions aside when evaluating information. Creativity: They often think creatively to generate alternative solutions or viewpoints, exploring different angles of an issue. Balancing emotions: While reason is essential, critical thinkers acknowledge that emotions play a role in decision-making. They strive to balance emotional responses with rational analysis. Decision-making: Critical thinking guides decision-making processes, ensuring that choices are well-informed and based on rational analysis. Communication: Critical thinkers can articulate their thoughts and reasoning clearly, making it easier to convey their ideas and influence others through persuasive arguments. (Mr. Rubinshtein's tip: The secret to my own concise writing is learning how to communicate like a character called Dr. Eggman. That's how I intend making philosophy more relevant). In addition to engaging in critical thinking, there are a number of other things you can do to become more logical: Read philosophical works: Philosophy explores logical reasoning extensively. Reading philosophical works can deepen your understanding of logic. By reading this very site you can do a great job at just that. Engage in debates and discussions: Debating and discussing with others, especially those who hold different viewpoints, sharpens your logical thinking skills and exposes you to different perspectives. Inclusion is imperative to understand reality. You should not fear discussions for that end and not be intimidated irrationally. Practice logical puzzles and exercises: There are many different types of logical puzzles and exercises available online and in books. Practicing these exercises can help you improve your logical thinking skills. Benefits of being a logical being Critical thinking is a valuable skill in various aspects of life, from problem-solving in daily situations to making informed decisions in professional, academic, and personal contexts. It enables individuals to navigate complex information, avoid cognitive biases, and arrive at well-reasoned conclusions. By harnessing the power of reason, you can make more informed, rational decisions, reduce the influence of biases, and engage in thoughtful problem-solving. It's a valuable skill for both personal and professional growth. Conclusion Being more logical empowers you to make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, engage in critical thinking, and navigate the complexities of life and the world. It is a skill that has wide-ranging applications and is highly beneficial in both personal and professional contexts. And by the very fact that it is something that is to be studied, reveals that it isn't innate and that human beings are not as rational as one may think. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: Rationality is not static. It can change over the course of life and that depends on how biased the brain is at a given moment. However, studying logic can greatly help you maintain a fair level of rationality, beneficial for you to seize the benefit of being logical).

  • The Rubinshteinic Guide to Being Friends With Philosophers

    (Philosocom Directory on Friendship) (Background music) When you desire to be friends with philosophers, there are certain things you may want to take into consideration. Keeping these insights in mind will help you avoid unnecessary stigmas that will cloud your judgment, and are unfortunately common when interacting with philosophers. You may find that you may hold these thoughts and view them as truth just because they are convincing impressions. Furthermore, these stereotypical impressions may be regarded by yourself as truth even after a long period of knowing your philosopher friend. Unfortunately, these stereotypes are here to stay due to emotions being involved and interfering with one's judgment. It is often difficult to distinguish between the mind and the heart when interacting with a philosopher because much of philosophy is basically verbal logic, and verbal communication is not without emotionality being involved, unnecessarily or otherwise. It isn't to say that philosophers are necessarily emotionless verbal logic machines. However, the competent philosopher, unlike many people, does not live in the mindset of post-truth. Post-truth, in an age of misinformation, is a very common part of many people's mentality. It is considered humble to say "that's my opinion, anyways" or relate anything to our personal opinion and experiences, as far more important than the truth. Modesty, however, may be a barrier, but I digress from my main point. My main point is that it isn't the case with philosophers, and as such, they may even undermine their own sentiments in the name of reality. It also means that they may even undermine yours, despite respecting you and seeing you as an equal. You, however, who lives in post-truth, may feel insulted by them putting your post-truths in lower priority. You might feel compelled to be intimidated, and thus begin to insult them. Begin to regard them as arrogant, as narcissists. All because your emotions weren't as considered as you hoped them to be. For that matter, you may even find that your overall personal experience has been undermined in the name of them trying to understand reality. However, you might not be aware of their intentions (AKA, trying to understand reality). And this could be a quick downward spiral towards anger, frustration, and false impressions. Philosophers can be very blunt beings, saying the truth without sugarcoating it. A good philosopher can criticize anything they have enough knowledge about. It's one of the reasons I wrote many articles. As such, they may undermine societal norms because norms are not meant to be criticized. They meant to be obeyed as if they were laws. Since they are not laws, the philosopher shouldn't have problems with, you know, doing what they naturally and/or professionally do. So, it would only be natural that they will criticize you, their friend. They may even criticize you in a way that you will deem harsh, while they do not. For them, criticizing is a basic function. For you, it may be hurtful. Logic is merciless, in a way. It's either that you are something or you aren't. Correct, or incorrect. Post-truth is not the concern of logic, and post-truth prioritizes the subjective experience over the truth that exists independently of it. Philosophers choose logic over subjective experience because logic is a better asset to understand reality. It allows us to have certainty wheras faith and intuition may require a leap of faith and nothing more. It isn't because of ad-hominem nonsense such as being narcissists, psychopaths, and other unverified mental conditions you might think they have just because it feels that way in your eyes. Do you see how post-truth fails to recognize the truth? Whether someone is a narcissist, for example, has nothing to do with how you see things. It has to do with whether they actually are, or not, based on the symptoms they display. Along with other methods, of course. So here, when I may say that some perceptions are irrelevant, it is not to insult you or to disregard you, but because your post-truth is not sufficient to determine whether someone is a narcissist, psychopath, etc. You have no reason to be insulted even if you feel compelled to be. It just goes to show how merciless logic is. And since reality is built on logic, AKA objective meaning, then reality is quite merciless, yes. Philosophy is a logical tool one can use to understand reality through verbal means. You may find that people who lack emotion may be interested in it, but it does not say by itself that all philosophers are heartless, potential serial-killers with no scrap of empathy. You just need to understand that philosophers are conditioned to prioritize logic over post-truth as part of their jobs. Some self-described philosophers may be pretentious because their arguments are impaired by their emotional problems. They may see certain things as more or less than they are because their emotions heavily bias them towards a certain position, thus making their arguments poor. And you can't be considered a good philosopher if your arguments are poor, correct? So, the good philosopher needs to work and solve their emotional problems, just as I have done with mine over the years. It is false to throw the responsibility of your emotional problems onto others. If your emotions are out of proportion, you need to work on them regardless of the triggers they may cause you. One of the reasons I'm against trigger warnings is because one can work on the problems that cause them these triggers in the first place. A world filled with trigger warnings could discourage people from working on their emotional problems. So if words like "whine", "grow up" and so on may trigger you, taking care of your emotional problems will help others, including philosophers, communicate with you better without needing to walk on eggshells. Because we might whine and we might need to grow up mentally even if we're in our 40's or 50's. As I said, logic can be merciless. Because the philosopher may criticize you for whining. They may even tell you that you need to grow up regardless of your age. Their criticism does not necessarily come from a desire to assert their dominance. I've decided that I will not accept friendships until those who want to be my friends will read this guide. I have no desire for unnecessary drama that is caused on a false understanding of what a philosopher is. I have no use for these misunderstandings. I want to live peacefully and work on Philosocom until I die while reducing annoyances. I have no time for those who don't want to understand the truth, or who prefer post-truth. Thanks for reading and, if you think this guide has been useful to you, consider sharing it to people whom you think can benefit from it, thank you.

  • The Zanetti Clan Philosophy -- How To Live and Die by Power

    (Background music) (Philosocom's Directory on Power) The Zanetti Empire is a fictional criminal organization from the game known as "Beatdown: Fists of Vengeance". If you refuse studying and reflecting upon its philosophy on power and conflict, just because its from a video game, feel free to leave now. For those who don't mind as much, let us begin studying what true strength means. This criminal empire was lead by a philosopher-king of sorts, known as Mr. Zanetti. He established his organization on a very extreme form of meritocracy, where merit is based on strength. That strength isn't excluded to brute force alone, but also the strength to overcome your own co-workers. The weak are weeded out, while the strong preservere. As such, if you are told to kill your own members, for whatever reason, you are supposed to do just that, or else you'll be regarded as a weakling. And weaklings, as well as cowards, are of no use to the Zanetti Drug Empire. It is the natural order of things, to evolve through war and conflict, according to Mr. Zanetti. It's known as the conflict theory. Conflict isn't something to be avoided at all costs, but rather, something to embrace and accept as part of reality. Conflicts are tests of merit, nothing more, even if they contain whatever extant of danger. Those who fear and run away from it, are cowards according to the Zanetti Clan Philosophy. Your worth and relevance are only determined by your ability to be powerful. It is how you raise up the ranks and even be deemed worthy, in accordance, to inherit the Clan throne. Within the clan, you don't have friends. Friends are a liability, especially if you are ordered to kill them if, for example, they are too powerful for their own good. Such was the case with Aaron, one of Zanetti's children. He was tasked by his father to kill his group of elite soldiers because Mr. Zanetti believed them to be a threat on his own throne. Aaron refused, so his father deemed him too weak to be deemed a successor, and disowned him. Later on, Zanetti attempted to kill him and his group by setting up a trap, lead by his new successor, Eugene. Eugene failed to kill the group, and that group ended up, ultimately, finishing off the entire Empire as revenge for their betrayal. For the kingpin, all of this was nothing more than the logical thing to do. Be too weak and you're useless. Be too strong and you reach a state where you threathen the power of those stronger than you. When you're too powerful, you are then tasked with proving your worth, by eliminating currently those in the position of power. Should you fail, you'll die. Should you succeed, you will inherit their position. Beyond whatever it makes you feel, dear readers, it's not that hard to understand. That's what happens when you lack a humane moral compass, and look at reality without much emotion (if at all). A similar concept exist in Sith philosophy, known as "The Rule of Two" For psychopaths like Zanetti, it's just business. The suffering, the pain, the bloodshed, it's just part of the natural order of things, the premise of the Zanetti Philosophy: The strong have the right to rule over the weak. It is similar in nature the same as it is similar in human civilization, where empires dictated what is right and wrong, where might made right. The weak died off, the moderately strong where subordinate, and the strong were given by both the right to lead them. In the Zanetti organization, you are best to survive in the middle. Desire power and you can get more in life, but you will be at greater risk as if you were in the lower layer of the heirarchy. Should you sacrifice your longevity in the name of privilage? You technically can as well in real life. Just make sure you can protect yourself from those who want that power to themselves. Mr. Zanetti's power was threathened by that elite group of mobsters. However, he wasn't afraid of the feelings he felt. No. He accepted them as natural, as just a feature in his natural order. By the same token, he had no problem trying to kill off his opponents. He was just doing his job by plotting their demise. Later on, that group slowly demolished his empire. They killed off his best assassin, Ignacy, and later on, his successor Eugene. Finally, they sabotaged his narcotics factory, which served as a primary financial lifeline. When they came to his office, an undisclosed hotel room, he remained stoic in character. The deaths of his best men, loyal or otherwise, didn't matter to him as much. After all, if they failed to stop the rebels, then perhaps they were too weak for their own good, and thus, deserved to be defeated. Two decades after I was introduced to this game by the Rubinshtein Clan heads, unsuspecting of what it contained, I have realized a few insights: Many of us are weaklings and cowards, more than we may allow ourselves to admit. Sure, we do not have to kill our friends in order to survive and thrive, but what about far less? Deep inside, you have fears that do not even amount to anything revolving murder... or even survival? These impractical fears are making you weak, and hinder you from becoming a better version of yourselves. We may promote niceness because we are afraid of rudeness and other types of unease. Accepting conflict as natural can make us stronger, at least mentally. The same goes for our emotions. We need to distinguish between our relations towards emotion and between the information it may indicate. True or otherwise. Allow me to further explain number 4. Zanetti does not fear emotion, like many of us do. How can one manage a criminal empire when one cannot even manage his mental state? He lived and died by his code of power. Physical, financial, political, you name it. If his intuition indicated to him that his throne was under a potential opposition, and if he trusted his intuition, then he would do anything he can to remain in power. It's that simple. He may relate to emotion the same as an animal in the wilderness may do, or a solider at war: Nothing more than an indication regarding the external world. Mr. Zanetti himself is a machismo man, perhaps too much for his own good. As you can see he views the world in a very simplistic and primitive way. He managed his empire as if it was a pack of chimpanzees, with him as the "alpha male". A core element present in hyper masculine men is testosterone. This hormone that's present dominantly in men, can make us aggressive, assertive and even more muscular, as is the case with myself, a guy who only lifts groceries. Deep inside I know why some of you may be afraid of negative or violent emotions, even though they are a natural part of our reality. Deep inside, some of you might be too weak to accept them as inevitable in human interactions, and as such, you might try running away from them. Run away into the realms of comfort, niceness and politeness. But, in the end, your desire for comfort might as well be a cover for your fear of discomfort. Unease is an inevitable feature in power, because power leads to conflict from time to time. Not as extreme as a "civil war" within a business empire, yes? But struggles you can find within any organization: Be it in the office, in the classroom, and even in a reception room. People may argue and yell at each other everywhere because they attempt to assert their dominance. Their gender does not matter, even though men are seen as more of a threat, especially to many women. The point is that power struggles are inevitable in any human company as potentials and thus the attempt to run away from them will never get you the serenity you're looking for. The weaker may attempt to force a regime of sensitivity over society because they, too, want power, whether they admit it or not. Otherwise they would not call to repress the insensitive. Do you see, then, how essential and basic power is in human society? We all need it. So, we compete, directly or otherwise, for it. As such, the call to be more polite and empathetic can be seen as the attempt of the sensitive to get/preserve their power. The question is, why should you submit to them when you can overcome their power by becoming a more complete verison of yourself? A verison that does not care to walk on eggshells? A verison that knows other people's vulnerabilities are not his or her problem, considering they can be worked on? Submit to the weak, and you will be giving them power. Sensitive/vulnerable or any other kind of weakness. You will be giving power to those who are weak against their own sensitivities. Should it change the "natural order"? Because on the long term, this will not change the very premise of the Zanetti Clan Philosophy: "The strong have the right to rule over the weak" I will contemplate this philosophy, when the time to hand over my article empire, will arrive. Hail Philosocom

  • Trying to Understand Pre-Socratic African Philosophy (By Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac)

    (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to Definitional Problem of Philosophy The definition of philosophy has been a perennial philosophical issue or debate. There is no universally agreed-upon definition of philosophy. Some people define it as the critical examination of the ideas that people live by, while others define it as the study of the nature of reality and knowledge. Still others define it as the search for wisdom. Philosophy is rooted in human experience, belief, conception, and thought. It is about the way we think about these things, and how they shape our understanding of the world. To think is to contemplate from a particular perspective, and our perspectives are always influenced by our own experiences, beliefs, and values. The term ‘pre-Socratic’ refers to the philosophers who lived in Greece before Socrates. They are called ‘natural philosophers’ because they were primarily concerned with the nature of the physical world and its processes. Their inquiries can be classified into four categories: cosmogony, cosmology, zoogony, and zoology, and anthropology and physiology. Cosmogony is the study of the origin of the universe. Cosmology is the study of the structure and evolution of the universe. Zoogony is the study of the origin of one particular animal. Zoology is the study of all animals. Anthropology is the study of human beings, their behavior, and their societies, both past and present. Physiology is the study of the normal functioning of living organisms. Towards a Definition of African Philosophy Following from the above, we are now in a better position to answer our initial question: what is African philosophy? It is true that there are as many definitions of philosophy, but it is possible, according to Staniland, to say that it is the critical examination of the ideas that people live by. In the same vein, it is a difficult task to give an accurate or faultless definition of African philosophy. However, be that as it may, we can identify some essential ingredients about what philosophy is. For anything to be philosophical, it has to do with the reflection on the experience of a society, group, or an individual. This reflection has been necessitated by wonder about some compelling problems of life and existence. Another essential ingredient is that such reflection must be critical and logical. As long as anybody or group meets these requirements, such a person or group can be said to engage in what is called philosophy. To that extent, for anything to qualify as African philosophy, it must meet the requirements stipulated above. Therefore, we submit that what African philosophy is involves the application of the above categories of conceptual analysis, logic, criticism, and synthesis to the reflections on issues that are of paramount importance to the African needs and ways of life. In this context, "African" is not based exclusively on geographical unity, but also on certain shared values among Africans. Absolutely, African philosophy is deeply rooted in the cultural experience, tradition, and history of the continent. It often emphasizes values like coexistence with nature, collectivism, and a spiritual orientation. This philosophy differs from Western philosophical traditions and highlights unique perspectives on life, ethics, and society. What then is Pre-Socratic African Philosophy? The claim that philosophy existed in Africa even before Greek philosophers began to philosophize is a topic of debate among scholars. Some argue that there might have been influences from Egyptian thought, but the extent and nature of these influences are not universally agreed upon. It is important to consider various perspectives when discussing the origins of African philosophy and its connections to other ancient civilizations. The claim that Greek philosophers studied in Egypt is based on several factors. One argument is that there are similarities between certain concepts in Greek and Egyptian philosophies, suggesting a possible cross-cultural exchange of ideas. Additionally, historical records indicate that ancient Greek scholars, like Pythagoras and Herodotus, traveled to Egypt for learning. Some proponents of the Egyptian origin theory point to the significance of Egypt as a center of learning and knowledge in the ancient world. However, this idea is not without controversy, as scholars continue to study and debate the extent of influence and interactions between these civilizations. Pythagoras and Herodotus are believed to have traveled to Egypt to acquire knowledge and learn from the ancient Egyptian culture. Pythagoras, the mathematician and philosopher, is said to have traveled to Egypt to study mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, visited Egypt during the 5th century BCE and wrote about his observations of the country's culture, customs, and history. Their travels to Egypt are often cited as evidence of cross-cultural exchange and potential influences between Greek and Egyptian civilizations. However, there is no concrete evidence to support the claim that Greek philosophers studied in Egypt. The similarities between Greek and Egyptian philosophies could be due to parallel developments or to other forms of cross-cultural exchange. Additionally, the historical records of Greek scholars traveling to Egypt are not definitive, and they could be interpreted in other ways. Ultimately, the evidence suggests that Greek philosophy primarily originated from the work of Greeks themselves, with any external influences potentially coming from the monotheistic religions of neighboring civilizations. The claim of African Pre-Socratic philosophy remains an open question, and it is one that continues to be debated by scholars. While there is evidence of early philosophical thought in various ancient cultures, some scholars suggest that Egyptian thought could have influenced the development of philosophy due to its complex religious, ethical, and metaphysical beliefs. However, direct evidence connecting Egyptian thought to the origins of Western philosophy is limited, and the exact origins of philosophy remain a topic of debate among historians and scholars. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: I'd like to suggest that perhaps there was such philosophy, but it wasn't recorded, or was recorded, but became lost to time. It goes to show the importance of leaving a legacy after you, so you could be remembered for your efforts and contributions. Philosophers such as Socrates and Diogenes would've been lost as well if they were not recorded, and if their recordings didn't survived long enough to reach relevancy).

  • How to Stop Being A Sucker (By Mr. Mandoela Svartgold)

    (Background music) (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to (Note: I accepted this article to Philosocom partially because I regard souls as possible metaphors, and believe we can learn from this article regardless of whether or not we believe in spirituality). ****************************** The main topic of this article is a philosophical perspective on souls who are brought into the world to fix it. I have come to this understanding through my own astral journeys, where I have spoken to my own soul. This is why I am writing this article Mr. Tomasio suggested me to write -- from my own spiritualist perspective. I come to ask why some people suffer more than others. Can they really move forward if they are not given a chance by the state? If they are discriminated against because of their skin color, language, or minority status? If they have different opinions or behaviors? If they are too neurodivergent to function? The assumption is that only the strong and powerful survive. That is why the "strong" take care of the "weak" out of exploitation, domination, or out of fear that they will rise up and challenge the status quo. They are afraid that the "weak" will take away their power and privilege. This is why people who are different are often put through trials and tribulations. They may be defamed, ostracized, or even imprisoned. They may not have the same opportunities as those who are born into the "right" families. I believe that these less-unfortunate souls are not corrupted. They are simply different. However, in order for them to endure and even succeed in this world, they must be assertive like anyone else should, or else they will resume being suckers, outcasts and underdogs. Some people might think that this article is about assertiveness or being a people pleaser. However, it is actually about spirituality. I have come to these conclusions through my own experiences and understanding of the self and philosophy. I want to talk about the soul and its purpose in this world. I believe that some souls come to this world with a desire to please God. They yearn for peace and are willing to sacrifice their own happiness for the greater good. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: In Judaism, a soul's purpose in this world is called a "tikkun") They believe that arguing is harmful to the soul. They would rather suffer in silence than cause conflict. They are also willing to sacrifice their own will and desires in order to follow God's plan. These souls have been traumatized by this world because they are different from the majority. However, I believe that it's all because they're simply misunderstood. According to my philosophical argument, a person who discovers their soul does not always see what they would like to know about the difference between good and evil, or between prudishness and domination. A soul descends into the world 40 days after God's decision. It is on an eternal journey across the different reincarnations it was destined for. It then enters the body as a fetus in a woman. These souls must make corrections for the sake of the world. (Mr. Rubinshtein's Note: A "Tikkun" is essentially a correction. It can also be translated to "improvement" or "reform") This makes it much more difficult for them to refuse requests from people, good or bad. This is not about people who are always agreeable, but about those whose choices were limited. For example, people who were born into narcissistic families or racist environments may be hindered by their traumas. These souls suffer more and feel more threatened by their surroundings. They are happiest when they are alone at home. I am one of them. (Mr. Rubinshtein's Note: Me too... I prefer contributing to humanity from the serenity of my hermitage. Unlike Mr. Svartgold over here, I am simply a-social) I have seen in my life that telling the truth is not always enough. What is the truth? It is all hypocrisy... I look for people who are creative and empathetic, who can read others with just a brief observation, without even asking questions. These souls are drawn to help others, even if it means giving too much of themselves. But eventually, their souls will stop them from doing so. These people are often called "suckers" by the environment, but they are not. Their luck does not improve, even if they are born into a good environment. Luck is part of destiny, which is written in advance. This is mentioned in the Quran, but it is also said that it is possible to change one's destiny. However, is this really the case? A person is not always seen when they are born in a racist country or a country that does not care about them. They may be abandoned or abused by their family, and the state may not help them. Even if they receive help, it may not be enough to help them progress. These souls came into the world in human bodies. They are afraid to say no when it comes to work or money, because their destiny is to help others. They are fatal to others and help them to achieve success. However, they are not as advanced as others, such as members of minorities living in a country where the majority rules. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: They can be regarded as "server souls", according to my research) We are usually seen as different people and are not valued as much. Some of us are beaten or humiliated. I am one of these people, and I have the ability of spiritual empathy, which allows me to recognize others. This makes me an easy target for others. You may be wondering how a boy, girl, or helpless person can be invisible and inaudible. The answer is that they do not follow social conventions. This puts them in situations where they are constantly hit by fate, whether financially, mentally, or physically. Sometimes this has nothing to do with pleasing the environment. Sometimes it is because they are part of a spiritual group that is making corrections to the rest of the world. They pay a heavy price for this, without even realizing that they were chosen by God. This is their fate. They do not always get a chance, and the end is not always good. How can you identify these groups of "corrupted" souls? They are not heard, after all. Their family, the police, or both may have wronged them. They may have been ostracized at school, despised, or enslaved. They may have been constantly laughed at for no good reason, simply because they did not fit in. They do not want to be beaten, hostile, or bullied. They may not have received help from their parents, the environment, or the police. They may have even been imprisoned simply because of their race, religion, appearance, or behavior. These souls are often the environment's punching bag. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: Under racial and cultural circumstances, such people can be regarded as "Corner people", a term I myself have coined). How can they get out of this? There is not always money or good health. Sometimes these people gave their time and love without limit, without getting anything in return, other than abuse. Being assertive and not being a people pleaser are important, as Mr. Tomasio wrote. But is the person always in control? Do they always have someone to talk to? That is why these souls are often alone in the world. They do not realize that there are others like them. Sometimes, when they do understand, they can open their eyes. But assertiveness does not always work for them. And still, regardless of their default, deep kindness and compassion, there are a few ways to overcome such traits when they enter the extreme. By "extreme" I refer to when one is too kind, empathic, helpful and so on, for their own good. The way to beat not being a sucker is: 1. Read the article I wrote about assertiveness. 2. Read about empathic people. 3. Learn to set limits. You are allowed to say no, even if someone gets angry. You do not want someone like that in your life, who is constantly angry for the fact that he or she can't order you around. Learn to respect yourself around people and forgive yourself for having a soul that challenges you. 4. Understand your soul. You will understand that it is different because that is how God created it. Sometimes life is not fair. You cannot predict what will happen in advance. Therefore, you must forgive yourselves for being chosen to be such souls. Extra Source: book/6ydgdtk0vx

  • The Art of Writing a Philosophy Article -- How To Master It

    (French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc. English version, below) L'art d'écrire un article de philosophie – Comment en maîtriser l'écriture (Remarque : « Art » est utilisé dans cet article comme synonyme de savoir-faire) (Répertoire d'écriture) ************************** Un bon philosophe est celui qui consacre et sacrifie des éléments  pour aiguiser et clarifier son intellect. Malgré le rôle modèle qu'il joue,,de nombreux éléments empêchent, en fin de compte, la manière de penser, de devenir meilleur et d'exceller dans la pensée cognitive de celui-ci. Éliminez-les et votre intellect pourra être plus pur et ainsi vous accorder un meilleur accès à son potentiel inexploité. Au fond de nous, nous sommes capables de plus que ce que nous pourrions penser. L'intellect est un portail vers de nombreuses idées et connaissances. Certaines d’entre elles pourraient être applicables à la réalité, voire même être pratiques, tandis que d’autres relèvent du domaine de la théorie abstraite. Cependant, afin de promouvoir la pensée philosophique, nous devons nous concentrer sur la philosophie pratique, car l'aspect pratique est la clé de la pertinence de la philosophie. Considérez la philosophie complètement inutile et vous risquez d’ignorer le fait qu’elle est également pratique et peut apporter beaucoup d’aide et de bénéfices à l’humanité. Montrez aux gens qu'ils peuvent philosopher pour des efforts pratiques, et vous pouvez les aider à penser par eux-mêmes et à résoudre les nombreux problèmes qui existent et à prospérer dans notre monde imparfait. Utilisez la philosophie et vous pourrez réduire cette mentalité de troupeau. Un excellent article de philosophie est le produit d’une réflexion claire. En désencombrant votre esprit des distractions, des erreurs inconscientes et des préjugés, vous pouvez perfectionner votre capacité à philosopher au point de produire une œuvre qui peut apporter de nombreux avantages à ce monde. Le philosophe lucide n’est pas seulement un penseur abstrait. Il n'utilise pas qu'une partie de son intellect. Il résoud également les problèmes. Il utilise la logique pour détecter les failles des raisonnements et montrent comment ces raisonnements peuvent être corrigés, en améliorant les failles. Ainsi, la philosophie est un outil d’amélioration. Dans un certain sens, le philosophe est comme un maître d’œuvre. Il observe les bâtiments et analyse leurs défauts. Son objectif est de s’assurer que ces défauts soient réduits au minimum en les critiquant et en proposant des moyens d’améliorer la stabilité en tant que structures. Après tout, c’est la raison qui maintient votre structure logique stable et durable. Ceux qui craignent les critiques peuvent avoir du mal à s’améliorer lorsqu’ils le peuvent. En d’autres termes, leur propre crainte d’être blessé les empêche de trouver des solutions qui pourraient leur permettre d’être moins blessés. Par conséquent, il serait tout à fait raisonnable que le philosophe et le lecteur de philosophie acceptent la vulnérabilité comme faisant partie de la vérité même dans laquelle ils sont investis. Être moins insulté en utilisant la raison peut également aider. Lors de la création d’un article, l’artisan philosophique doit avoir l’esprit clair et ne pas laisser ses propres émotions l’empêcher de fournir un produit de qualité. Dans un sens, c’est comme beaucoup d’autres savoir-faire. Pour obtenir un bon produit, le rédacteur de l’article ne doit pas se laisser distraire par la faim, des problèmes non pertinents, la soif, etc. Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, cela inclut les nombreuses distractions technologiques, telles que les médias sociaux. Un écrivain qui se soumet à la procrastination pourrait avoir de grandes difficultés à devenir un bon écrivain. Ainsi, afin d’augmenter la productivité et l’efficacité, la procrastination doit être réduite au minimum, voire complètement supprimée, lorsque l’on se met au travail. J'ai moi-même abandonné mon smartphone parce qu'il interférait avec mes projets de devenir plus habile dans le métier de rédacteur d'articles. J'ai même déménagé dans mon propre ermitage en montagne, isolé, afin d'éliminer les tentations de la vie métropolitaine, où les activités récréatives me font rapidement perdre du temps et de l'argent. La sérénité/être calme peut nous aider à mieux travailler Je n'ai pas de regrets. Contrairement à beaucoup d'autres écrivains, je considère ce métier comme Walter White de "Breaking Bad" lui,  considère la cuisine. Plus qu'un travail de philosophie, c'est un art qui apporte satisfaction. C'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles je choisis de vivre. C'est l'une des rares choses dans la vie qui me rend heureux. Écrire ou réorganiser un article de philosophie dans la solitude.. ahh.. c'est vraiment merveilleux. Cela me rend reconnaissant d'être en vie. Afin de rendre un article de philosophie pertinent, vous devez non seulement parler à la raison de vos lecteurs, mais aussi à leur cœur. Bien qu’ils puissent se contredire comme l’eau et l’huile, il existe des cas où ce n’est pas le cas. Il existe des cas où l’appel à l’erreur émotionnelle ne s’applique pas, car il est possible de déclencher et d’intriguer une émotion sans l’utiliser comme substitut à la raison. En tant que tel, lorsque vous expliquez le raisonnement de votre argument, vous pouvez utiliser la rhétorique pour susciter l’émotion de vos lecteurs. De cette façon, vous les avez fait réagir sans que leurs émotions compromettent le raisonnement de votre article. C'est une chose difficile à maîtriser. Le but de rendre vos lecteurs émotifs est de leur donner envie de vous lire davantage. En vous lisant davantage, vos écrits peuvent devenir plus pertinents qu'autrement. Utilisez entièrement la logique, comme si vous étiez une machine, et vous pourriez vous aliéner certains de vos lecteurs. Rétrospectivement, je sais aussi ceci : On peut aussi aliéner les lecteurs en se concentrant trop sur les émotions négatives. En parlant aux gens, j'ai découvert à quel point ils sont faibles face à la douleur et à la souffrance, même si les deux ne signifient plus grand-chose pour moi. Après avoir souffert de douleurs post-traumatiques pendant 15 ans, je réalise aujourd’hui à quel point cela m’a rendu résilient. Cependant, j’ai oublié le fait que beaucoup de gens ne sont pas comme ça. Peut-être que la majeure partie de l’humanité n’est pas comme ça. C'est ainsi que la vertu peut aussi être un obstacle : lorsque vous avez du mal à vous connecter avec vos lecteurs, en raison de barrières comme celles-là. Ainsi, vous devez recevoir les commentaires de vos lecteurs afin de mieux les comprendre, de comprendre ce qu'ils désirent et ce qu'ils veulent éviter. Même si la philosophie est l’étude de la vérité, toutes les vérités ne sont pas désirées, même par les lecteurs de philosophie eux-mêmes. Paradoxalement, c’est la peur de la douleur et de la souffrance qui leur fait obstacle, même si elle ne me gêne pas. Étudiez les erreurs logiques, étudiez les préjugés. Soyez ouvert et réalisez que vous étiez en faute lorsque vous avez écrit quelque chose d'illogique ou d'incorrect. Ne vous laissez pas insulter par la réalité de votre propre imperfection. Ne soyez pas surexcité lorsque vous pouvez simplement corriger les erreurs que vous avez commises, après avoir compris pourquoi il s'agissait d'erreurs. La surexcitation face à la réalité ne vous aidera pas. Vous améliorer en tant qu’artisan d’articles le fera. Efforcez-vous d’atteindre la perfection, mais n’espérez pas l’atteindre en un jour. Attendez-vous plutôt à être aussi bon que possible ou aussi proche de la perfection que possible. C’est ainsi que vous rédigez des articles de haute qualité que vos lecteurs souhaitent lire. Améliorez la confiance de vos lecteurs en vous en ajoutant des sources qui confirment vos idées. L'ajout de sources crédibles sur Internet, et même à partir de livres, peut renforcer vos positions ainsi que votre propre position de philosophe. Ne vous fiez pas uniquement à vos propres expériences internes. C’est ce qu’on appelle l’erreur anecdotique. Et il est facile de se méfier des histoires purement personnelles sans confirmation extérieure. Il est également facile de les fabriquer, comme cela peut se faire dans le cadre de la propagande. Un philosophe n’est pas favorable à la propagande et son travail n’est pas non plus considéré comme de la propagande. Ils sont des chercheurs de vérité et non des promoteurs de programmes politiques ou autres. En tant que tel, le philosophe n’est pas nécessairement un idéologue. Créez des hyperliens entre vos propres œuvres afin d’éviter de vous répéter inutilement. Cela permettra également à vos lecteurs d’étudier davantage votre travail et d’améliorer l’expérience utilisateur. Un article qui possède à la fois des sources externes et internes est donc un très bon article. Un article plus fiable et qui a plus d’autorité. Dans l’ensemble, le rédacteur principal de l’article doit être celui dont le contenu constitue un blog qui fait autorité. Il en va de même en philosophie, sans la nécessité de diplômes, mais la nécessité d’intelligence. Les émotions peuvent altérer votre jugement, c’est pourquoi elles peuvent contraster avec la logique. Elles ne contrastent pas lorsqu'elles sont utilisées comme moyen de motiver vos lecteurs à lire votre logique. C’est la merveille de la logique verbale et son avantage sur la logique du code. Il n’y a aucune émotion dans le codage. Mais il y en a bien plus dans la communication verbale. Utilisez-le à votre avantage pour remonter le moral de vos lecteurs et susciter l'inspiration dans leur cœur, en utilisant le charisme et la confiance. Cependant, si vous êtes trop confiant, votre jugement peut également en être altéré. Lorsque la motivation de votre logique vient de la confiance et non du désir de vraiment comprendre la réalité, vous pouvez favoriser un mauvais raisonnement sans en être conscient. Gardez votre confiance sous contrôle en abordant  d’autres aspects du sujet que vous traitez C'est, bien sûr, à moins que vous ne vous concentriez spécifiquement sur un aspect d'un sujet (comme lorsque vous écrivez spécifiquement sur le « côté obscur » d'un problème, ou sur son « côté controversé ». Alors ce sont les exceptions). Comme pour tout autre métier, cela prend du temps, de l’expérience et peut aussi nécessiter un échec. Mais au final, au nom de la qualité de votre produit, cela  vaut la peine de faire tous ces efforts dans vos travaux. Il y a une raison pour laquelle certains philosophes sont considérés comme grands, ou du moins bons. Il y a une raison pour laquelle leurs contributions sont admirées depuis des siècles, voire des milliers d’années. Leurs contributions ont réussi à atteindre un très haut degré de pertinence, et les gens peuvent encore aujourd’hui les étudier et y réfléchir. Maîtrisez l'art de la rédaction d'articles, dans un monde où les gens lisent de moins en moins de livres, et vous aussi pouvez avoir une chance de devenir un philosophe, considéré comme aussi grand que Socrate, Sun Tzu, etc. N'hésitez pas à me poser des questions dans les commentaires tant que vous acceptez les règles de respect et de politesse de Philosocom. Note finale : certains me connaissent comme le philosophe mort-vivant. C’est parce que, quand je philosophe, je suis comme un mort-vivant métaphoriquement. Je me détache des distractions inutiles, et même de mes propres sensations, afin de me concentrer sur le travail à accomplir, et quand je le fais, je peux même ne voir que l'écran et les mots devant moi et rien d'autre. C’est ce qu’on appelle l’état d’hyperconcentration. L'hyperfocus est un caractéristique commune chez les personnes Asperger. Pour assurer une hyperfocus optimale, je fais tout ce qui est nécessaire. Et lorsque vous êtes régulièrement hyperconcentré, vous risquez d’oublier, empiriquement, que vous êtes un être humain. Celui qui est capable d’interactions sociales, celui qui est capable de donner et de recevoir de l’affection. Vous pouvez perdre contact avec la réalité « terrestre » en vous concentrant trop sur la réalité « plus profonde ». Et à ce titre, même si je passe la plupart de mes journées dans mon ermitage et même si je n'ai que 25 ans, j'ai acquis beaucoup plus de connaissances que la plupart des personnes bien plus âgées que moi, qu'elles soient des lecteurs réguliers ou des apprentis. La pratique rend parfait, et en plus d'avoir peu de formation formelle en philosophie, je suis considéré par certains comme un maître en philosophie. Fondateur de ma propre école de pensée et d'idéologie politique, et inventeur d'une technique mentale qui m'a permis de me libérer d'une période temporaire d'handicap physique. J'ai également contribué à la découverte de plusieurs erreurs logiques. Si vous souhaitez devenir mon apprenti, faites-le moi savoir par mail. Les apprentis recevront une newsletter spéciale tous les jeudis. En étant mon apprenti, vous me motiverez à re-travailler davantage mes articles. C'est une situation gagnant-gagnant. Pensez-y. *************************** (English version, here) (Background music) (Note: "Art" is used in this article as synonymous to craftsmanship) (Writing Directory) ************************** A good philosopher is one who dedicates and sacrifices elements in the name of sharpening and clarifying their intellect. A paragon of reason, many elements are, ultimately, in the way of one's thinking, from becoming better, and from excelling in cognitive thinking. Put them out of the way, and your intellect can be purer and thus, grant you greater access to its untapped potential. Deep inside, we are capable of more than what we might think. The intellect is a portal to many ideas and insights. Some of them could be applicable to reality, and even be practical, while others are in the realm of abstract theory. However, in order to promote philosophical thinking, we must focus on practical philosophy, as practicality is key to philosophy's relevance. Deem philosophy completely useless, and you may ignore the fact that it is also practical and can bring much help and benefit to humanity. Show people that they can philosophize for practical efforts, and you can help them think for themselves, and help solve the many problems that exist and prosper in our flawed world. Use philosophy, and you can reduce herd mentality. An excellent philosophy article is a product of clear thinking. By decluttering your mind from distractions, unconscious fallacies and biases, you can hone your ability to philosophize to the point of producing a piece that can bring much benefit to this world. The clear-minded philosopher is not only an abstract thinker. That is only part of one's intellect. They are also a problem solver. They use logic in order to detect flaws in reasonings, and point out how these reasonings can be fixed, by improving the flaws. Thus, philosophy is a tool for improvement. In a sense, the philosopher is like a construction supervisor. They observe buildings and analyze their flaws. Their purpose is to make sure these flaws are reduced to a minimum by criticizing them, and offering ways to improve their stability as structures. After all, it is reason that keeps your logical structure stable and durable. Those who fear criticism may struggle to improve when they can improve. In other words, their own worries of being hurt, stand in their way for solutions that could make them be hurt less. Therefore, it would only be reasonable for the philosopher and the philosophy reader to accept vulnerability as part of the very truth they are invested in. Being less insulted using reason can also help. When crafting an article, the philosophy craftsman must have a clear mind, and not let their own emotions stand in their way of providing a quality product. In a sense, it is like many other craftsmanships. For a good product, the article writer must not be distracted by hunger, irrelevant problems, thirst, and so on. In today's world, that includes the many technological distractions out there, such as social media. A writer who submits to procrastination might find great difficulty in being a good writer. Thus, in order to increase productivity and efficiency, procrastination must be kept to a minimum, if not removed entirely, when one is set to work. I myself discarded my smartphone because it interfered with my plans of becoming more skillful in the article-writing craft. I even moved to a secluded mountain hermitage of my own in order to eliminate the temptations of the metropolitan life, where recreational activities are quick to waste my time and money. Serenity/being calm can help us work better. I have no regrets. Unlike many other writers, I view this craft like Walter White from "Breaking Bad" views cooking. More than his own accomplice. It's one of the reasons I choose to live. It's one of the few things in life that makes me happy. To write or revamp a philosophy article in solitude.. ahh.. it is truly wonderful. Makes me grateful for being alive. In order to make a philosophy article relevant, you must not only speak to the reason of your readers, but to their hearts as well. Although they may contradict each other like water and oil, there are cases where they are not. There are cases where the appeal to emotion fallacy does not apply, because it is possible to trigger and intrigue emotion without using it as a substitute for reason. As such, when you cover the reasoning of your argument, you can use rhetoric to make your readers emote. That way, you made them emote without their emotions compromising your article's reasoning. It is a difficult thing to master. The point to make your readers emote is to make them desire to read you more. By reading you more, your writings can become more relevant than otherwise. Use logic entirely, as if you were a machine, and you may alienate some of your readers. In retrospect, I also know this: Alienating readers from your audience also be possible by focusing too much on negative emotions. When speaking to people I found out how weak they are to pain and suffering, even though both no longer mean much to me. After I suffered from post-traumatic pain for 15 years, I now realize how resilient it made me. However, I overlooked the fact that many people are not like that. Perhaps, most of humanity isn't like that. This is how virtue can also be an obstacle: When you may struggle to connect with your readers, due to barriers such as those. Thus, you must recieve input from your readership in order to understand them better, to understand what they desire and what they want to stay clear from. While philosophy is the study of truth, not every truth is desired even by philosophy readers themselves. Paradoxical, but it is the fear of pain and suffering that stands in their way, even if it does not stand in my way. Study logical fallacies, study biases. Be open to realize that you were at fault when you wrote something illogical or incorrect. Do not be insulted by the reality of your own imperfection. Don't get overexcited when you can just fix the mistakes you made, after understanding why they were mistakes. Overexcitement in face of reality won't help you. Improving yourself as an article craftsman, will. Strive to perfection but don't expect to ever reach it. Instead, expect yourself to be as good as possible, or as close to perfection as possible. That is the way for you to write the high-quality articles that your readers want to read. Improve the trust of your readers in you by adding sources that confirm your insights. Adding credible sources across the internet, and even from books, can reinforce your positions as well as your own position as a philosopher. Do not rely solely on your own internal experiences. That is known as the anacdotal fallacy. And it is easy to distrust purely-personal stories without external confirmations. It is also easy to fabricate them, as it can be done in propaganda. A philosopher does not favor propaganda, nor have his/her work seen as propaganda. They are a researcher of truth, not an agenda promoter. As such, the philosopher isn't necessarily an ideologist. Create hyperlinks between your own works in order to avoid repeating yourself unnecessarily. This will also allow your readers to study your work more, and improve user experience. An article that has both external and internal sources is therefore a very good article. An article that is more trusted and has more authority. Overall, the master article writer is one whose content makes an authority blog. The same goes in philosophy without the necessity of degrees, but the necessity of intelligence. Emotions can impair your judgement, hence why they can contrast logic. They do not contrast it when they are used as a way to motivate your readers to read your logic. That is the wonder of verbal logic, and its advantage over the logic of code. There is no emotion in coding. But there is far more in verbal communication. Use it to your advantage to lift the spirits of your readers, and to spark inspiration in their hearts, using charisma and confidence. Be overconfident, however, and your judgement can be impaired as well. When the motivation of your logic stems from confidence and not from the desire to truly understand reality, you may promote poor reasoning without your own awareness. Keep your confidence in check by entertaining other sides of the topic you are covering. That is, of course, unless you focus specifically on one department of a topic (like when you write specifically on the "dark side" of an issue, or a "controversial side" of it. Then these are the exceptions). Like with any other craft, it takes time, it takes experience, and it may takes failure as well. But in the end, in the name of the quality of your product, it might as well be worth all the effort and the sweat put into your works. There's a reason why some philosophers are considered great, or at least good. There is a reason why their contributions are admired for centuries, if not thousands of years. Their contributions managed to reach a very high degree of relevence, and people may study and reflect upon them to this day. Master the art of article-writing, in a world where people are reading books less and less, and you too can have a chance at becoming a philosopher, deemed as great as Socrates, Sun Tzu, and the like. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments as long as you agree to Philosocom's rules. Final note: I am known by some as the Undead Philosopher. That is because, when I philosophize, I am like a metaphorical undead. I detach myself from unnecessary distractions, and even from my own sensations, in order to focus on the work at hand, and when I do so I may even see only the screen and the words in front of me and nothing else. That, is known as the state of hyperfocus. Hyperfocus is a feature common among people with Asperger's. To ensure optimal hyperfocus, I do whatever necessary. And when you are regularly hyperfocused, you may forget, empirically, that you are a human being. One that is capable of socially-based interactions, one that is capable of giving and recieving affection. You can lose touch with the "earthly" reality, by hyper-focusing on "deeper" reality. And as such, despite spending most of my days in my hermitage, and despite being only 25, I know plenty of insights, and people far older than me, whether regular readers, or apprentices. Practice makes perfect, and aside of having little formal education in philosophy, I am considered by some a philosophy master. Founder of my own school of thought and political ideology, and inventor of a mental technique that granted me freedom from a temporary period of physical disability. I also contributed the discovery of several logical fallacies. If you are interested in becoming my apprentice, let me know by mail. Apprentices will get a special newsletter every Thursday. By being my apprentice, you will motivate me to further revamp my articles. It's a win-win situation. Do think about it.

  • Using Gematria and Numerology to Understand True Love (By Mr. R. Leblanc) Part 1-2: Delving Deeper

    (Prologue and Series Directory) (Background music) (French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc. English Below) Utiliser la gématrie et la numérologie pour comprendre le véritable amour (par M. R. Leblanc) Partie 1-2 : Approfondir encore plus (Répertoire des prologues et des séries) (Musique de fond) (Notes de M. Rubinshtein : La première partie aborde un concept appelé « Nombres du destin ». Les nombres du destin nous renseignent sur le sort des gens dans ce monde. Selon cet art arcanique, il est possible de savoir ce que sera la vie d'une personne et sans doute de prédire certains événements de sa vie, en utilisant lesdits chiffres du destin. De 1 à 9, chaque nombre du destin nous dit quelque chose de différent sur nous-mêmes. La première partie développe le nombre 9, qui est le résultat que M. Leblanc a trouvé en faisant ses recherches sur la citation de M. Dion, c'est sur ces résultats qu'est basé cette série. Les nombres du destin proviennent de mots et de lettres. Les numéros de chemin de vie proviennent de notre anniversaire. En tant que tel, mon propre chemin de vie est le 9. Les numéros de chemin de vie concernent Qui nous sommes vraiment. Et nos noms nous donnent ce que nous devons devenir (source). Depuis que j'ai changé de nom, selon la logique numérologique, j'ai changé mon propre destin, qui est aujourd'hui un 6. Ainsi, en changeant de nom, j'ai changé mon destin. La deuxième partie développe la première partie en utilisant ce qu'on appelle les nombres premiers. Les nombres/facteurs premiers en numérologie ont une signification particulière qui dépasse la signification de tous les autres nombres.) Partie 1: Pour l’instant, je souhaite partager avec vous mes découvertes sur les mots ! Dans cette première partie de mon analyse, j'utilise la Numérologie afin de me faire une(des) idée(s) de ce que signifient ces mots. Je suis passionné de Numérologie, et j'utiliserai un outil en ligne qui me donnera le nombre résultant de la conversion de chaque lettre en nombre ! Voir le tableau ci-dessous : (1. voir le lien pour savoir où trouver ce tableau). Remarque : Comme vous pouvez le constater, la conversion est assez simple ; il suffit d'additionner les nombres accumulés et voilà le résultat ! J'ai copié et collé le texte dans la fenêtre appropriée du site, et le résultat est après avoir cliqué : Calculer la numérologie du nom : (2. voir lien ci-dessous) 297 = 2 + 9 + 7 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 Le nombre du nom est dérivé de toutes les lettres suivantes en anglais. ‘’Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them’’ Note : En numérologie, on additionne les nombres qui font le : 297 comme mentionné ci-dessus ; le résultat final est : 9. Remarque : j'ai utilisé le nombre du detin (Destiny Number) pour une signification générale relative à ces mots ; voir la signification de : 9 ci-dessous ! Décrit notre caractère et notre force intérieure 9 = Émotivité, fidélité. Note : c'est ce que me donne le site à propos des lettres que j'ai mises dans le champ de recherche ! Maintenant, j'utilise une description plus complexe et plus complète de ce qu'est un nombre 9 : Voir ci-dessous (3. J'inclus le titre du livre de Numérologie que j'utilise) Numéro 9 : L’humanitaire compatissant Les nombres 9 sont compatissants, compréhensifs et gentils – et ceux qui ne le sont pas, sont là pour apprendre à l’être. De nature empathique et généreuse, ils sont souvent attirés par l’aide aux autres ou par une carrière de service. L’une de leurs leçons de vie étant de développer leur ouverture d’esprit, ils connaîtront une grande variété d’expériences et entreront en contact avec un large éventail de personnes, issues de tous horizons. Ces personnes et ces expériences leur apprendront la patience, la compréhension et la tolérance, ainsi que la façon de moins porter de jugement. De nombreux 9 (mais pas tous) sont doués en matière de créativité. Certains sont des peintres, des écrivains, des designers, des acteurs ou des musiciens talentueux, tandis que d’autres ont simplement une appréciation des arts. Il n’est pas rare qu’un 9 excelle dans les domaines de la santé, de l’éducation, du gouvernement, de la politique ou de l'aide sociale. Le bonheur d’un 9 réside dans l’acte de donner et de servir de manière désintéressée, bien que certains 9 y parviennent plus facilement que d’autres. Le 9 est gouverné par la planète ardente Mars, c’est pourquoi le 9 peut aussi être passionné, émotif et intense – avec un tempérament fougueux qui va de pair. Généreux de nature, ils trouvent de la joie à offrir des cadeaux à leurs amis et à leurs proches. Fait intéressant Vous trouverez souvent un 9 qui se bat pour une cause valable, qu’il s’agisse de l’environnement, des droits des animaux ou des droits de l’homme, ou encore du soutien à une campagne nationale ou internationale. Les nombres 9 aiment se battre pour les opprimés et veulent contribuer à rendre le monde meilleur. Certains 9 sont déçus par les êtres humains mais sont extrêmement passionnés par l’aide aux animaux ou à l’environnement. Conclusion pour cette première partie : Comme vous pouvez le constater, le message est assez intéressant et clair : Le nombre 9 correspond à la personne qui pourrait appliquer ce dicton de : « Encourager quelqu’un à être entièrement lui-même est la façon la plus bruyante de l’aimer ». Comme je le vois, il faut penser d'abord aux autres pour les inciter à être eux-mêmes ! Dans la deuxième partie, j'utiliserai la gématrie avec les mêmes résultats de la numérologie afin de voir si une signification plus profonde peut être appliquée à ces mots du poète : Kalen Dion ? Merci de votre intérêt pour la découverte des vraies significations de l’Amour ; cette première partie est en quelque sorte une introduction à ce que l'on pourrait regarder lorsque j'analyserai encore ces mots de Kalen Dion! Liens cités ci-dessus : 1. 2. 3. Livre : Numérologie par : Michelle Buchanan, Hay House Basics 4. Partie 2: Dans cette deuxième partie, j'utiliserai la gématrie avec les mêmes résultats de numérologie de la première partie afin de voir si une signification plus profonde peut être appliquée à ces mots de la première partie du poète Kalen Dion. 297 = 2 + 9 + 7 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 297_18_9 : Les facteurs premiers de 297 sont : 3, 3, 3, 11. (1. voir le lien pour trouver les facteurs premiers à la fin de cet article). Maintenant, si nous ajoutons 3+3+3+11 = 20/2 ; Voici mes découvertes sur 297, à propos de: 20, à propos de: 18 et à propos de: 9 et à propos de: 2. Remarque : cette capture d'écran contient une liste de mots dont la gématrie hébraïque est de 297 ; (2.un lien vers cette liste est répertorié à la fin de cet article). En regardant une telle liste, j'ai tendance à chercher un mot qui pourrait m'amener à trouver une observation qui jette un jour nouveau, et qui se rapporte aux mots de : Kalen Dion ! Lorsque j'ai des doutes comme j'en ai en ce moment, j'ai tendance à consulter une recherche sur la gématrie dans les Écritures juives pour plus d'informations. J'utilise un mot comme celui-ci qui a la gématrie 297 afin de rechercher la première occurrence de ma découverte du: 297. (3. voir le lien à la fin de cet article pour un outil de recherche de gématrie) Voici ce que j'ai trouvé : J'ai choisi de créer un mot avec la gématrie de 297 : רצז (Ou "Rtzez") Ce mot ne semble pas exister, mais j'ai réussi à lui trouver un sens en utilisant un article en français dont j'ai traduit une citation : * Pour la première lettre Resh : ‘’ Utilisé comme signe grammatical, le caractère Resh (ר) est en langue hébraïque, le signe de tout bon ou mauvais comportement autonome.’’ * Pour la deuxième lettre Tsade (צ) : c'est la lettre du Tsaddiq, Un Tzadik (hébreu : צַדִּיק ṣaddīq [tsaˈdik], "juste [un]" aussi zadik ou sadiq ou tzadikim [tsadiˈkim] צדיקים‎ ṣadīqīm au pluriel) est un titre dans le judaïsme donné à des personnes considérées comme justes, telles que des personnages bibliques et plus tard des maîtres spirituels. *Pour la troisième lettre Zayin (ז) : épée ou sceptre. Conclusion et sens intuitif trouvé à propos de ce nouveau mot : Resh pour avoir le libre choix d'utiliser notre autonomie pour le bien ou pour le moins bien. Le Tsade pour peut-être participer à la prise de conscience du fait que nous sommes d'une double nature, spirituelle et existentielle. Et Zayin pour avoir décidé d'une manière ou d'une autre de devenir le roi de notre existence et de nous comporter selon notre objectif de vie unique que nous avons, cet objectif de vie unique qui nous permet de rectifier ce monde. (Note de M. Rubinshtein : La combinaison de ces trois éléments pourrait en outre indiquer le sens du véritable amour. Le premier élément indique que dans le véritable amour, il n'y a pas de véritable conquête. Il y a la liberté. La liberté de l'un permet à l'autre d'être lui-même. , et vice versa. Le conquérant retient et éduque. L'amant libre accepte et tolère que l'être aimé soit différent de lui, et c'est très bien. Le deuxième élément peut symboliser le fait que dans le véritable amour, nous embrassons notre proche de manière optimale. Que nous le ou la reconnaissons pour tous ses côtés, et que nous ne le ou la réprimerons ni ne le ou la renierons. Il s’agit d’une découverte très puissante de M. Leblanc, car le véritable amour, c’est aussi aimer quelqu’un pour qui il ou elle est vraiment. Sans masquage ni filtrage nécessaire à cette fin. Celui ou celle qui essaie de restreindre des côtés avec lesquels il n’est pas à l’aise ne peut pas vraiment aimer. Car ils ont peur de ces côtés et veulent que celui qu’ils aiment les enterre (ces mauvais côtés) au plus profond d’eux-mêmes. C’est malsain. Enfin, la troisième partie consiste à prendre en charge et autorité sur nos actions, et à utiliser cette responsabilité pour rendre ce monde meilleur. Car le véritable amant n’est pas un lâche mais un roi ou une reine. Ils ne cachent pas la vérité et ne s’efforcent pas de la nier. Non, ils n’ont pas peur d’admettre qu’ils ont eu tort, et ils n’ont pas peur d’aimer leur proche de tout cœur. La présence de l’être cher ne le ou la menace pas. Et le monarque ne fuit pas le malaise car le monarque est une figure noble, inspirante et charismatique. Ils regarderont l’adversité dans les yeux et reconnaîtront leur existence. Ils reconnaissent la vérité. En brandissant le sceptre du véritable amour, l’amant rectifie ses propres peurs et inquiétudes infantiles. Ils chargent de front sur le champ de bataille de l’amour. En se rectifiant, ils permettent à l'être aimé d'être la meilleure version de lui-même ou d'elle-même, rectifiant ainsi ce monde sans amour. Car le véritable amour est le royaume de l’authenticité). 1:22 f : Genèse chapitre 1, versets 1-31 ; nous devons réfléchir à ce qui se passe… Conclusion de la deuxième partie Parce que je ne souhaite pas avoir un article trop long à lire, je suggère de continuer avec la partie 3 pour un rassemblement plus significatif d'informations à tirer de la gématrie ; il semble que pour l'instant, je sois temporairement dans une impasse ! Je vois qu'un être humain est libre d'envisager de grandir et de prendre conscience de sa nature spirituelle ainsi que de sa nature existentielle. Je vois qu'un être humain peut à partir de là essayer d'utiliser les deux aspects et progresser davantage. Et enfin, je vois ce même être humain capable de décider de faire un voyage spirituel ! Ainsi, du bien (état d'où nous nous trouvons avant notre voyage), le très bien fait partie du travail que chacun de nous peut accomplir afin de rectifier ce monde (notre but unique de vie que nous pouvons remplir afin de faire que cette rectification arrive!). (Explication de M. Rubinshtein de la conclusion de M. Leblanc : Grandir et se faire face à soi-même, nous permet de faire de cette réalité un endroit meilleur. Cela nous permet également d'aimer davantage. Et métaphoriquement, chaque personne est comme un monde entier. Il ou elle qui manque de maturité émotionnelle et a peur de la vérité, ne pourra jamais atteindre l'état rare du véritable amour). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ******************************* (Mr. Rubinshtein's notes: Part One meddles with a concept called "Destiny Numbers''. Destiny numbers tell us of people's fate in this world. According to this arcane art, it is possible to know what a person's life will be and arguably predict life events, using said destiny numbers. From 1 to 9, each destiny number tells us something different about ourselves. The first part expands on number 9, which is the result Mr. Leblanc found in his research of Mr. Dion's quote, which this series will be based upon. Destiny numbers stem from words and letters. Life Path Numbers stem from our birthday. As such, my own life path number is 9. Life path numbers are about Who we really are. And our names are Who we must become (source). Since I changed my name, according to numerological logic, I changed my own destiny, which is, today, 6. Thus, by changing my name, I changed my destiny. Part Two expands on Part One using something called prime numbers. Prime numbers/factors in numerology have a special significance that exceeds the significance of all other numbers.) Part 1: For now, I wish to share with you my findings about the words! In this first part of my analysis in english, I am using Numerology in order to get some idea(s) of what these words are all about. I am a Numerology enthusiast, and I will use a tool on line that will give me the number resulting from the conversion of each letter into a number! See the chart below : (1. see link for where to find this chart). Note : As you can see, it is quite easy to convert; one has only to add the numbers that has been collected and there is the result! I have copied and pasted the text into the appropriate window on the site, and the result is after clicking: Calculate name numerology: (2. see link below) 297 = 2 + 9 + 7 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 Name Number is derived from all of the letters ‘’Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them’’ Note : In numerology, we add the numbers that makes the : 297 as above mentioned; the end result is : 9. Note : I have used Destiny Number for a general meaning pertaining to these words; see the meaning of : 9 below! Describes our character and inner strength 9 = Emotionality, loyalty. Note : this is what the site gives me about the letters that I have put into the search box! Now, I am using a more complex and complete description of what a number 9 is: See below (3. I am including the title of the book of Numerology that I am using) Number 9: The Compassionate Humanitarian Number 9’s are compassionate, understanding, and kind – and those that aren’t are here to learn to be. Empathetic and generous by nature, they are often drawn to helping others or working in a career of service. As one of their life lessons is to develop broad-mindedness, they will encounter a wide variety of experiences and come into contact with a diverse range of people, from all walks of life. These people and experiences will teach them patience, understanding, and tolerance, and how to be less judgmental. Many 9’s (but not all) are creatively gifted. Some are talented painters, writers, designers, actors, or musicians, whereas others simply have an appreciation of the arts. It isn’t uncommon for a 9 to excel in the area of health, education, government, politics, or social welfare. A 9’s happiness is found in the act of giving and selfless service, although some 9’s accomplish this more easily than others. 9 is ruled by the fiery planet Mars, which is why 9’s can also be passionate, emotional, and intense – with a fiery temper to match. Generous by nature, they find joy in showering friends and loved ones with gifts. Interesting fact You’ll often find a 9 fighting for a worthwhile cause, whether it’s the environment, animal or human rights, or supporting a national or international campaign. Number 9’s like to fight for the underdog and they want to contribute toward making the world a better place. Some 9’s are disappointed in human beings but are extremely passionate about helping animals or the environment. Conclusion for this first part: As you can see, the message is quite interesting and clear: Number 9 corresponds to the one person who could apply this saying of: ‘’Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them’’. As, I can see it, one has to think first of the others in order to encourage them to be themselves! In the second part, I will be using gematria together with the same results from numerology in order to see if a deeper meanings can be applied to these words from the poet: Kalen Dion? Thanks for your interest in finding about real meanings of Love; this first part is sort of an introduction to what could be looked at when I analyse these words from Kalen Dion! Links mentioned above: 1. 2. 3. Book : Numerology by : Michelle Buchanan, Hay House Basics 4. Part 2: In this second part, I will be using gematria together with the same results from numerology from part one in order to see if a deeper meanings can be applied to these words from the poet : Kalen Dion. 297 = 2 + 9 + 7 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 297_18_9: The Prime Factors of 297 are: 3, 3, 3, 11. (1. see link for finding prime factors at the end of this article). Now, if we add 3+3+3+11 = 20/2; Here are my findings about 297, about 20, about 18 and about 9 and about 2. Note : this screenshot has a list of words that has hebrew gematria of 297; (2.a link to this list is listed at the end of this article). When looking at such a list, I tend to look for a word that could lead me to find an insight that pertains to the words of: Kalen Dion! When I am in doubt like I am right now, I tend to look at a gematria search within the Jewish Scriptures for more insights using gematria; I am using a word like this which has gematria 297 in order to search for the first occurrence of this 297 finding of mine. (3. see link at the end of this article for a gematria search tool) This is what I have found: I have chosen to create a word with the gematria of 297: רצז (Or "Rtzez") This word does not seem to exist, but, I have managed to find a meaning by using a paper in French which I translated a quote from: * For the first letter Resh : ‘’ Used as a grammatical sign, the character Resh (ר) is in the Hebrew Language, the sign of any good or bad autonomous behavior.’’ * For the second letter Tsade (צ) : this is the letter of the Tsaddiq, A Tzadik (Hebrew: צַדִּיק ṣaddīq [tsaˈdik], "righteous [one]" also zadik or sadiq or tzadikim [tsadiˈkim] צדיקים‎ ṣadīqīm in plural) is a title in Judaism given to people considered righteous, such as biblical figures and later spiritual masters. * For the third letter Zayin (ז): sword or scepter. Conclusion and intuitive meaning found about this new word: Resh for being on a free choice to use our autonomy for the good or the not so good. The Tsade for maybe being involved in becoming aware of the fact that we are of a dual nature which is spiritual and existential. And Zayin for deciding either way to become a king over our existence and behave as per our unique life purpose that we have, unique life purpose that is enabling us to rectify this world. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: The combination of these three elements could further indicate the meaning of true love. The first element indicates that in true love, there is no true conquest. There is freedom. The freedom of one lets the other to be themselves, and vice versa. The conqueror restraints and educates. The free lover accepts and tolerates that their loved one is different from themselves, and that's fine. The second element can symbolize the fact that in true love, we embrace our loved one to the optimal extant. That we recognize them for all their sides, and that we will not repress or deny these sides. This is a very powerful finding from Mr. Leblanc because True Love is also about loving someone for whom they truly are. With no masking or filtering necessary for that end. He or she who tries to restrain sides that they are not comfortable with, cannot truly love. For they fear these sides, and want the one they loved to bury them deep inside. This, is unhealthy. Finally, the third part is about taking charge and authority over our actions, and using said responsibility to make this world a better place. For the true lover is not a coward but a king or queen. They do not hide from the truth and do not strive to deny it. No. They are not afraid of admitting they were wrong, and they are not afraid of loving their loved one wholeheartedly. The presence of the loved one does not threaten them. And the monarch does not run away from unease because the monarch is a noble, inspiring and charismatic figure. They will look in the eyes of adversity, and acknowledge their existence. Acknowledge the truth. By wielding the sceptre of true love, the lover rectifies their own infantile fears and concerns. They charge into the battlefield of love, head on. By rectifying themselves, they allow the loved one to be the best version of themselves, thus rectifying them from this loveless world. For true love is a kingdom for authenticity). בראשית 1:22 Translation : כב וַיְבָ֧רֶךְ אֹתָ֛ם אֱלֹהִ֖ים לֵאמֹ֑ר פְּר֣וּ וּרְב֗וּ וּמִלְא֤וּ אֶת־הַמַּ֨יִם֙ בַּיַּמִּ֔ים וְהָע֖וֹף יִ֥רֶב בָּאָֽרֶץ Genesis 1:22: "And God blessed them, saying, be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the seas, and let the fowl multiply upon the earth." Note: this one is not so easy to figure out, without going through the overall verses of : Genesis Chapter 1, verses 1-31; we need to consider what is going on… Conclusion of Part Two Because I do not wish to have a too long article for you to read, I am suggesting to continue on part 3 for a more meaningful gathering of insights to gain from gematria; it seems that for now, I have reached a dead end temporarily! I see that a human being is free to consider growing up and become aware of his or her spiritual nature as well as his or her existential nature. I see that a human being can from there try to use both aspects and progress further more. And, finally, I see that same human being able to decide to go on a spiritual journey! Thus, from good (state from where we are prior to our journey), very good is part of the work that each of us can accomplish in order to rectify this world (our unique life purpose that we can fulfill in order to make this rectification happen!). (Mr. Rubinshtein's explanation of Mr. Leblanc's conclusion: Growing up and facing ourselves, allows us to make this reality a better place. It also allows us to love more. And metaphorically, every single person is like a whole world. He or she who lacks emotional maturity and is afraid of the truth, can never attain the rare state of true love). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  • The Tragedy of Heisenberg (A "Breaking Bad" Inspired Poem)

    (Hebrew translation by Mr. Mandoela Svarl. English version, below) טרגדיית הייזנברג (בהשראת השיר) בעולם מלא בפחד, במקומות מסוכנים שנמצאים פה ושם מצב שכזה, מעורר בגבר אמונה כחולה וברורה כשמש. בהיעדרה של חיבה אמיתית על ידי מעקבים ביטחוניים אדם רוצה להוכיח אחרת. העיוורון המציאותי להוכיח את הערך העצמי שלו מחוץ למעגל המשפחתי, ישנו עולם התמימות הופכת להרסנות, הפכתי לזאב במראה של כבשה צייתנית ותמימה בהיעדר אהבת אמת כאשר העסקאות הן ההתאמה הצודקת במצב כזה, הגבר חייב אולי רק אז, הערך שלו בעיני החברה ישתפר לאדם מחוץ לעצמו צחוק שמעמיד אדם בבושת פנים קור רוח שמאפיין אותו כחסר רלוונטיות, ערכו של אדם יושג, אחרת ערכו יהיה סתמי. אז כשאתה לא מעורב, תרצה שאחרים יגידו את שמך תהפוך לכמותם תרצה תיעוב מוות. כל הווייתך תהיה פחד. למען תמימות העולם, שאינו נמצא כאן. אתה תהפוך לקריסטל לבן להייזנברג חזות בעלת עוצמה אתה אומר שאתה עושה את זה בשביל אחרים, בעוד שהם אומרים שהם מעולם לא רצו את האור הזה. אפילו שערכך נראה, הערך שלך לא באמת מקובל. בגלל שהם רוצים להרגיש נחמדים, לשתות מיץ תפוזים בתוך קרח. קפה חזק כהה מידי אבל זה חלק מהמציאות, זה מסומן. והמחזור יחזור על עצמו, בשם הטומאה. הסחורה שנעשית עסקית נקנית, על ידי שחיתות אנושית מעגלים חוזרים של הרס אנושיות כשאהבת אמת שייכת רק לפחדנים כמו ארוחת הבוקר שאכלו בגלל שאהבה בקושי ניתנת, כשאהבה ניתנת לעיתים נדירות. אתה מבין שאף אחד לא באמת אמיתי, אז האני האמיתי שבך מעז. ****** עכשיו אתה לובש כתר משובץ עם שוליים רכים. אימפריה מלכותית נמצאת בתוכך והביקוש אליה רחב מאוד. כי הייזנברג אינו אדם שראוי לשבח. כי הייזנברג מהווה איום על אחרים שקבעו את הכללים למה שמקובל. ללא אהבה אמיתית הלב שלך נהיה אפל. הפכת חסר רחמים כאיש מלחמה וככריש. כי בסופו של דבר תרצה את כל זה לעצמך. אז כעת אתה בעל כוחות אדירים. מכובד אבל עדיין לא אהוב. שוב ערך של כבוד לא תקבל על ידי אהבה בטעות תראה אמינות כאהבה. אך למען האמת אהבה היא רק מחסום! ************************************** (English version, here) (Inspired song) In a world full of fear, Where danger lies there and here, Such things makes a man's fate, Blue and crystal clear. In the absence of true affection, By your fellow society, A man may want to prove wrong, Their blind reality. To prove his inner worth, Outside of family, there is the world, The pure becomes corrupt, Turned a wolf in sheep's cloth, In the absence of true love, Where transactional's the just, Adjust to it, the man must. Perhaps only then, His worth will be proven, To any human out of the self. Laughed at disgracefully, Carelessly been assigned irrelevancy, One's worth is to be attained, Or else he will be in vain. So when you are unloved, You would want others to say your name, You will become like them, You will want antagonism dead! You will be embedded with fear, For purity in this world, Is never here. You will turn from crystal white, To Heisenberg, a facade of might. You say you do it for others, While they say they never wanted that light. Even when your worth is suggested, Your worth isn't really wanted. Because they want to feel nice, Drink orange juice with ice. Dark coffee's too dark, But it's part of reality, Its mark. And the cycle will repeat, In the name of impurity, Round and round goes the corruption in humanity, As true love belongs only to whom fear, As breakfest they eat. Because love is rarely given, But love is sought to be gained. You might realize nobody of you, truly cares, So your true self, express it you dare. ****** You now wear a fedora-crown on your head, An expanding empire of demand is now in your stead. For Heisenberg isn't one to be praised, For Heisenberg is a warning to be seen and hailed. Without real love your heart grows dark, Become remorseless as a warlord and as a loan shark. Because in the end you might as well just want it for yourself, So now you're powerful, Respected, but still unloved. No amount of honor will have your heart unlocked! You may mistake loyalists for true love, But in truth its but a roadblock!

  • The Rubinshteinic Theory On Contentism -- Why Emotions Can be Weakness

    Ms. Tamara Moskal's Synopsis "Contentism" refers to the shift in human relationships from evaluating people to judging them based on the content they create and post online. Content creation and consumption, empowered by AI technology, is one of the most growing-in-demand resources in the market today. Consumers value content but increasingly don't care for the humans who created it. The lack of connection between readers and content creators is profound in philosophy. Mentioning logical fallacies can minimize human elements, including emotions. In philosophy, emotions are a weakness and can bias perception. The solution to contentism and growing existential solitude is to appreciate humans beyond the content they provide. In extra notes, the author describes the downsides and solutions to the mental harm caused by content creation and navigating through "cancel culture's" sensitivity. The term I would like to coin, "contentism", refers to the gradual shift in our relationships with other human beings in contemporary times. Today, anyone can be a content creator by simply posting things online. It is through the lens of the content we see on our screens that we judge and evaluate other people. This evaluation exists for two reasons: Some of us may not appreciate other human beings as more than creators, and because we lack better ways to evaluate humans in the digital world. Even by speaking, you create. Thus, your basic value in human society is significantly measured by whatever content you may be creating out of your mouth and behavior. Contentism can be seen as a contemporary variant of behaviorism, a philosophy of the mind that claims our mentality only exists in our behavior. This rationale is flawed because our true mentality can be well hidden under the guise of a behavior that indicates otherwise. The same can be argued about contentism, and even more so. After all, it is quite easy to mask and deceive behind a screen than behind your own face. In this day and age, content is king. Many of us may live for the sake of consuming content. It is, in fact, one of the most growing-in-demand resources in the market today that practically everyone can produce. Social media platforms merely cashed in on the human need to create and consume content, and earned their power and finances in accordance to the outlets they've been providing for their own gain. Their popularity essentially stems from feeding our egos through features of gratification, such as "likes" and "followers", as reward for our presence there. It is even possible to create content out of consuming it. Reaction videos are such examples. The AI revolution cashed in on that as well, by being able to generate content by demand out of prompts. The problem with contentism stems from the difficulty of connecting the human, authentic element with the desire to generate and consume content. Your social media followers may follow you not because of who you are as a human being, but because of your content. A social media follower is not necessarily a supporter of you. They are a supporter of what you produce and upload online. Hence why it is not the same as the traditional follower who is loyal to you or supports you. As such, a follower of Jesus Christ is far more loyal than a TikTok follower. I soon realized that I am basically insignificant without the generation of content. I realized that people will not care about me at all if I did not produce content, or produced that of lower quality. Parents and family may love you for simply being. Anyone else would only appreciate you by your behavior and by what you generate for others to consume. Because why would strangers care for other strangers? This world is not built on human appreciation but on sets of personalized interests. In the age of contentism, you are defined and valued by your content and not by yourself as a person. Relevance is relative. Relative to time and to the quality of product. Those who will prove their relevance by both, more than others, will also be valued and appreciated more. All in the name of two: Being liked and giving the people what they want. Those who fail in both, can easily be shoved aside to the corners of society, and live as unproductive outsiders. The reason why ad hominem is a fallacy justifies the disconnection between the human element and the element of what they produce. People are not going to care for your emotions when they read you or watch you, because you as a being are irrelevant by yourself. They will mostly if not only care for the content, for the product. If your emotions will get in the way, they would either minimize the worth of your feelings or simply find other content creators who are less emotional than you. This can show how humans can care for each other very little, when what connects between them is the content and nothing more. This is especially true in philosophy because logic can be a very cold, relentless tool, despite how essential it is. It's quite hard to be a good philosopher when you're constantly and impractically offended by reasonable counter-arguements. Technically, the mentioning of logical fallacies can be used to minimize the human element, and that includes their emotions. The Nirvana fallacy may discard your hopes for a better future. Whataboutism may discard a potential subtext where you are expressing your hurt feelings. Arguments from anecdotal evidence may discard the person's experience entirely only because their experience is insufficient for the argument to be made publicly. (Note: One of the reasons I've been revamping my articles a lot is to eliminate versions of articles that were purely written from anecdotal experience, which is of course fallacious). The solution to the contentist approach to human beings is to regard human beings as existing beyond the content they provide, and to appreciate humans in general as such. This can do good for the moral goal to decrease unnecessary suffering in this world, by letting people know that they matter despite of their behavior and what else they express. Until then, do remember that emotions are a form of weakness, especially in the cold field of philosophy. Your emotions don't matter much when you make an argument because it does not matter what the arguments you make, make you feel. In addition, emotions can bias your perception to the point of misleading others without intention, by minimizing opposing evidence, or by discarding it altogether. We may live to believe that expressing emotion is something negative, especially as men, unfortuantely. As such, our love and appreciation from this world may be conditioned by our ability to repress emotion in the name of the task at hand. I wouldn't be surprised if the same is also applicable to women, even if not as much. To be a better philosopher.... I killed much of my emotions. They were weighting me down, they were in the way. I slowly turned from an emotional being to a cold, calculated thinker who rarely feels emotion. Yes, it is possible to rid of emotions. In reality, I feel through the senses, not through the "heart". It was necessary to rid of much of it to survive and thrive in this field, as well as to endure the contentist world we all live in. Some may appreciate me as a person, but let's be more honest, okay? Without my writings I would've been just another stranger to many of you. Would you really care for me, then? Probably not. It's one of the things that nurture a growing age of solitude, even when you are in a physical company. Existential solitude... might as well only be solved if we cared about each other more as people and less as content providers. And that is the dark side of Bill Gates' quote of "Content is King". Humans are no longer the kings of Earth. Content is. And that is exactly why the A.I content revolution could be a threat to many. That threat is one that isn't only on friends but also on partners. In the absence of human appreciation, we may only appreciate whatever content we consume and like. Nothing. More. Feel free to admit the truth, even between the halls of your own mind. Admit the truth, and Hail Philosocom. Extra notes I: Mental Harm and Its Solutions Content creation, while capable of growing your recognition, can definitely have some downsides for your mental well-being. Here are some of the common dangers: The Comparison Trap: Social media is full of perfectly curated feeds for our own addictive amusement. It's easy to constantly compare your work to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and hindering creativity by feeling unworthy in relation. It's solved by working hard on your craft and by setting goals that can be accomplished within your lifetime. Pressure to Perform: Platforms often prioritize content with high engagement, creating pressure to constantly making out ideas and chase trends. This relentless demand can lead to burnout and ruin creative flow. This can be solved by creating your own platform and making it attractive enough for people to not only visit but stay in it. Given the competition, this is no easy feat, and one I'm trying to do with Philosocom. Obsessive Validation Seeking: Likes, comments and follower counts can become addictive, turning into a quest for external validation. Basing self-worth on these metrics can be dangerous and lead to anxiety. Like with body image, however, it is solved psychologically, not statistically. Cyberaggression: Content creators are unfortunately exposed to a lot of negativity online, from rude comments to full-blown harassment. This can be emotionally damaging and affect mental health if we choose to remain highly sensitive and not work on ourselves to become tougher. Extra notes II: Dealing With Cancel Culture's Sensitivity In the age of cancel culture, content creation can backfire in a number of ways, potentially leading to social rejection, damaged reputation, and even career predicaments. Here's how: Unearthed Controversial Past Posts: Social media posts from years ago, made with a different perspective or humor, can be found online and be used to paint you in a negative light with the use of rhetoric that takes advantage of people's biased thinking. Misinterpreted Content: By clipping or quoting specific things you said, your words can be taken out of content could be taken out of context and misconstrued, leading to accusations and backlash. It's your job to protect your reputation by properly expalaining all that needs to be explained. Offending a Particular Group: Even if unintentional, your content might offend a certain group of people, triggering outrage and potentially harming your reputation. This can be avoided by avoiding from any kind of discriminatory attitude, based on race, gender and so on. Not doing so can eliminate wide portions of people from reading or listening to what you have to say. Cancel Culture Pile-on: Once the cancel culture snowball starts rolling, it can be difficult to stop. A minor misstep can snowball into a full-blown online attack. You might want to study other content creators and their downfall. Creators like Onision can teach us adults to stay away from minors. Here are some tips to navigate this tricky landscape: Be mindful of what you post: Consider the potential long-term implications of your content before publishing. Remember that even if you remove a content piece, it might be saved and be used against you. Thinking like a competent villain could help you. Avoid sensitive topics: If unsure about a topic, it's best to not act on petty emotion, and choose a topic with a far less risk of damaging your public persona. Be respectful and inclusive: Avoid stereotypes, generalizations, and humor that could be offensive to specific groups of people. Take responsibility for your content: If something you posted causes offense, apologize sincerely. Fail to apologize that way and you can only make things bad for yourself. A case example is Will Smith's apology, which is considered dishonest by some.

  • Using Numerology and Gematria to Understand True Love -- Prologue (By Mr. Roland Leblanc)

    (Part 1-2) (Part 3) (Part 4) *********************** (French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc. English Below) (Note de M. Rubinshtein : J'ai demandé à M. Leblanc de rédiger une analyse sur la citation d'un poète en utilisant la gématrie et la numérologie. Ceci n'est qu'un prologue d'un très gros document qu'il a écrit. Le document sera publié en petits morceaux, c'est à dire en plusieurs articles, au fil du temps. sur une longue période de temps dans une sous-catégorie qui luir est propre. Ce prologue est une pièce d’introduction qui tente de donner un sens à ces deux domaines et à la manière dont ils peuvent être utilisés pour étudier la réalité. En utilisant les deux domaines, Leblanc a extrait beaucoup d'informations d'une citation d'un poète, M. Kalen Dion. Le raisonnement de cet article servira de base à cette série sur Philosocom, intitulée "Utiliser la numérologie et la gématrie pour comprendre le véritable amour". Bien que les critiques puissent les considérer comme une « jonglerie sémantique », il est important de noter que ces deux méthodes ne sont que des moyens et non la fin. La fin, ce sont les idées que M. Leblanc extrait, en utilisant son expertise issue de l'intériorité. Ainsi, la logique pratique de cette série découle du conséquentialisme, le but étant d'extraire un contenu perspicace pour le lectorat de Philosocom). Utiliser la numérologie et la gématrie pour comprendre le véritable amour -- Prologue (Par M. Roland Leblanc) Note: pour arriver à cerner ce concept de véritable amour, j'ai puisé à même une phrase d'un auteur écrivain et poète, Kalen Dion; cette phrase sur laquelle est basée cette analyse est la suivante: ‘’Encourager quelqu’un à devenir complètement lui ou elle même est la façon la plus criante de l’aimer.’' Dont l'original est: '' Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them.'' (Avertissement : les messages d'invités ne correspondent pas nécessairement aux convictions, aux pensées ou aux idées du directeur de Philosocom, M. Tomasio Rubinshtein. Le but des articles d'invités est de permettre un large éventail de récits émanant d'un large éventail de personnes. Pour postuler pour écrire un article d'écrivain invité de votre choix, veuillez envoyer votre demande à (Musique de fond) *********************** Chers lecteurs, Je dois avouer que je ne m'attendais pas à pouvoir tirer quelques enseignements de cette citation unique du poète et écrivain Kalen Dion. Toutes ces idées seront converties en articles et seront relues et éditées par M. Tomasio Rubinshtein. J'ai été surpris et, en utilisant à la fois la numérologie et la gématrie, j'ai trouvé certains aspects qui méritent d'être partagés avec vous. J'espère que les parties suivantes que je produis sous forme d'articles éclaireront la façon d'utiliser la numérologie et la gématrie. En plus de vous présenter comment ils peuvent être utilisés pour mieux comprendre cette réalité. J'espère que cela pourra vous aider à envisager d'utiliser la numérologie, et peut-être pourriez-vous également envisager d'utiliser ces outils utiles si vous avez envie d'apprendre à les utiliser. Tout d'abord, laissez-moi vous expliquer ce qu'est la numérologie... Tout dans l’univers a une vibration énergétique – et les nombres ne sont pas différents. En fait, chaque chiffre (et lettre) a sa propre vibration unique qui contribue à influencer l’histoire de votre vie. La numérologie est donc l’étude de la relation entre les chiffres et les lettres et leur influence sur notre personnalité et les événements de la vie. Il s'agit d'une science métaphysique ancienne qui révèle le plan de la vie de chaque être humain et constitue l'un des outils d'auto-assistance les plus précis et les plus puissants disponibles aujourd'hui. (1. Voir la référence à la fin de cet article.) Pour la gématrie (appelée guematria dans cet extrait d'un article en ligne) (2. voir référence à la fin de cet article). I – La Guematria (גמטריא). Introduction. « La Guematria est une méthode d’exégèse biblique établissant une correspondance entre les lettres, mots et versets de la Torah d’une part, et des nombres d’autre part ; comme telle, elle permet d’ouvrir de nouveaux horizons dans la compréhension du texte », Chalom Leubmen. Le mot « guematria » est un jeu de mot basé sur les racines de geometria et de gramma-metria. La gramma-metria (ou guematria) est la mesure des lettres de l’alphabet (gramma). Ce système a installé des équivalences entre les mots de valeurs numériques identiques. Les lettres hébraïques offrent la particularité d’avoir une valeur numérique et d’offrir ainsi la possibilité d’opérer des parallèles entre des mots différents, mais de même valeur arithmétique. Le kabbaliste travaille grâce à certains procédés qui lui ouvrent les portes de l’intimité des mots et des versets de la Torah. Ainsi que Marc-Alain Ouaknin nous le dit : « La guématria ouvre un nouvel espace textuel de relation et de transition. En passant du mot lettre au mot chiffre, la guématria introduit une infinité à travers un système fini, pour un enrichissement progressif des phénomènes, quand aux relations intelligibles qui les enserrent. La guématria d’un mot, est pour nous indiquer qu’il demeurera toujours une différence entre le mot écrit, et l’ensemble des termes susceptibles de l’exprimer ». Remarque : j'utilise les deux méthodes afin d'obtenir des informations. Je sais qu'il existe une certaine divergence entre les deux méthodes, mais je crois qu'il faut rester ouvert à considérer les deux et se faire sa propre opinion sur les résultats. Maintenant, qui est Kalen Dion, l'auteur des mots que j'étudie à la demande de M. Tomasio ? Les mots en question sont en anglais: Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them Ce que je traduis par: ‘’Encourager quelqu’un à devenir complètement lui ou elle même est la façon la plus criante de l’aimer.’’ Note: tous les calculs sont faits avec les lettres et mots en anglais... (3. Voir le lien vers son site Web à la fin de cet article.) Qui est Kalen Dion? « Amoureux de tout ce qui est créatif, Kalen Dion a poussé son travail au-delà du domaine de la simple expression artistique et dans les domaines de la philosophie, du commentaire culturel et du comportement humain. Canalisant ses expériences personnelles en matière d'abus, d'alcoolisme et de santé mentale, son travail touche des cordes très pragmatiques, rendant son expression accessible et, accessible à un public incroyablement large, touchant des millions de personnes chaque jour. Ses travaux antérieurs, largement axés sur la spiritualité et la foi, reflètent l'étude qu'il a menée toute sa vie sur les nombreuses vérités immuables et intangibles de l'expérience humaine. Ses travaux les plus récents traitent de son propre parcours de rétablissement, de la vie au-delà du traumatisme et de la façon de se réinventer et de se revigorer de l'autre côté de la dépendance et de la maltraitance. Ses prochains livres combinent philosophie, spiritualité et son expérience personnelle à travers les réflexions pertinentes pour lesquelles il est devenu connu. Encapsulant l’énergie et l’émotion qui nous sont communes à tous, il utilise son expression distincte et son style unique pour traduire l’expérience humaine, donnant une voix à chaque sentiment. Quant à savoir comment et pourquoi j'ai été tenté de faire une analyse des mots impliqués ici, je peux vous dire que ce qui m'a frappé, c'est le fait que ces mots m'ont été transmis par M. Tomasio Rubinshtein comme partage d'échanges sur la peinture et ces mots. En fait, c'est étrange puisqu'au début, je pensais que Léo et Kalen Dion étaient la même personne ; comme j'avais remarqué que Leo était à gauche, et qu'un trait d'union hébreu connu sous le nom de Maqaf était là ; cela m'a induit en erreur de penser que Leo et Kalen Dion était une seule et unique même personne. D'où l'impression que l'auteur était : Léo Kalen Dion. Et en regardant le message ainsi que la façon dont le tableau a été tracé, j'ai cru bon d'y regarder de plus près et d'en savoir plus. Le message et le tableau sont ce qui m'a rendu curieux de vérifier encore plus en profondeur ! C'est pourquoi j'ai envie de partager mes découvertes et mes feelings et, j'espère bien que cela peut vous intéresser ! 1. Numérologie par : Michelle Buchanan 2. 3. ****************************** (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to (Mr. Rubinshtein's Note: I sent Mr. Leblanc to write an analysis on a poet's quote using gematria and numerology. This is but a prologue of a very large document he wrote. The document will be released in small bits, AKA articles, over a large period of time, and gain a subcategory of their own. This prologue is an introductory piece that attempts to make sense out of these two fields, and how they can be used to study reality. Using both fields, Leblanc extracted quite a lot of insight out of a poet's quote, Mr. Kalen Dion The reasoning of this article will serve as the basis of this series on Philosocom, called "Using Numerology and Gematria to Understand True Love" While can be seen as "semantic jugglery" by critics, it's important to note that these both methods are but the means, and not the end. The end is the insights Mr. Leblanc extracts, using his arcane expertise. Thus, the practical rationale of this series stems from consenquentialism, with the point is to extract insightful content for Philosocom's readership). (Background music) *********************** Dear readers, I now realize that the sentence onto which I am currently using Numerology and Gematria is this one: '' Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them''. I must confess that I did not expect to be able to produce some insights from this unique quote from the poet and writer, Kalen Dion. All these insights will be converted to articles and will be proofread and edited by Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein. I was surprised, and using both Numerology and Gematria, I have found some aspects worth sharing with you. I hope that the following parts that I am producing in articles will shed some light on how to use Numerology and Gematria. As well as present to you how they can be used to gain insights on this reality. I hope that this can help you consider using Numerology, and maybe you might consider using those useful tools as well if you feel like learning how to use them. First, let me tell you what Numerology is... Everything in the universe has an energy vibration – and numbers are no different. In fact, every number (and letter) has its own unique vibration that contributes an influence upon the story of your life. Therefore, numerology is the study of the relationship between numbers and letters and their influence on our personality and life events. It is an ancient metaphysical science that reveals the blueprint of every human being's life and is one of the most accurate and powerful self-help tools available today. (1. See reference at the end of this article.) As for Gematria, I have translated from French a definition that I found in a text that I downloaded a while back: (2. see reference at the end of this article). “Gematria is a method of biblical exegesis that establishes a correspondence between the letters, words, and verses of the Torah, on the one hand, and numbers, on the other. As such, it opens up new horizons in the understanding of the text.” – Chalom Leubmen The word “gematria” is a pun based on the roots of geometria and gramma-metria. The gramma-metria (or gematria) is the measurement of the letters of the alphabet (gramma). This system assigns equivalences between words of identical numerical values. The Hebrew letters have the particularity of having a numerical value, which makes it possible to draw parallels between different words with the same arithmetic value. The kabbalist uses certain processes to open the doors to the intimacy of the words and verses of the Torah. As Marc-Alain Ouaknin tells us: “Gematria opens up a new textual space of relationships and transitions. By passing from the word to the number, gematria introduces infinity through a finite system, for a progressive enrichment of the phenomena, through the intelligible relations that enclose them. The gematria of a word indicates to us that there will always be a difference between the written word and the set of terms capable of expressing it.” Note: I use both methods in order to gain insights. I know that there is some discrepancy between the two methods, but I believe that one must remain open to considering both and make up their own mind about the results. Now, who is Kalen Dion, the author of the words that I am studying for Mr. Tomasio's request? (3. See the link to his website at the end of this article.) “A lover of all things creative, Kalen Dion has taken his work beyond the realm of mere artistic expression and into the fields of philosophy, cultural commentary, and human behavior. Channeling his personal experiences with abuse, alcoholism, and mental health, his work strikes very pragmatic chords, making his expression accessible and relatable to an incredibly broad audience, reaching millions of people every day. His earlier work, focusing largely on spirituality and faith, reflects his lifelong study of the many immutable and intangible truths of the human experience. His more recent work deals with his own recovery journey, life beyond trauma, and how to reinvent and reinvigorate yourself on the other side of addiction and abuse. His upcoming books combine philosophy, spirituality, and his personal experience through the relatable musings that he has grown to be known for. Encapsulating energy and emotion that is common to us all, he uses his distinct expression and unique style of translating the human experience, giving voices to every feeling.” As for how and why I was tempted to make some analysis of the words involved here, I can tell you that what struck me is the fact that those words were forwarded to me by Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein as a sharing of exchanges on the painting and the words. In fact, it is strange, but, at first I thought that Leo and Kalen Dion were the same person; as, I had noticed that the Leo was at the left, and, a Hebrew hyphen known as a Maqaf caught my attention. Hence, the impression that the author was : Leo Kalen Dion. And looking at the message together with the way the painting was traced, I had to look forward and find out more. The message together with the painting is what got me curious to check even further! This is why I feel like sharing my findings and feeling and, I sure hope that this might be something that might be of interest for you! 1. Numerology by : Michelle Buchanan 2. 3.

  • "The Rubinshteinic Butcher" -- How to Avoid Being Overwhelmed by Content

    (Background music) The Main Course Being overwhelmed is a distressing emotional experience where your own intense emotions can cause you to feel uneasy, exhausted, and so on -- an overall negative experience. Since people dislike negative experiences, they would try to avoid having them in the first place. Therefore, people may be more than willing to limit the extent of their potential in the name of avoiding the uncomfortable feeling of being overwhelmed. Still, we should all understand that other people are not responsible in any way for our emotional problems, unless of course they happen to be our therapists. This lack of responsibility on emotions is one of the things that can easily make this world a cruel and harsh place to live in. Because the legitimate notion of "I can do whatever I want" can also be translated to "other people's emotional problems are not my own". And yes. They're right. As unfortunate as it may sound. That can even include friends and family. Don't expect emotional-moral responsibility in a world where personal liberties are prioritized far more. It isn't realistic to do so. And you can't choose for people their own priority of moral values. That's their own decision. As such, the responsibility of handling your own emotions lies on your own shoulders. For that matter, I decided to extend my help by explaining how I, mentally, use a certain philosophy in order to reduce unnecessary overwhelming. As one who works with articles, I found out that treating them like a butcher, can help a lot. "The ideal butcher" is one that treats his or her job with emotional numbness. They may butcher animals like a woodsman may chop wood. With time, regardless of the "content" that's in front of them, they treat it like any other work. As inhumane as it may sound to vegetarians and vegans, butchering is just a job for many, and that attitude is possible by actively working to numb your emotions. Why? Because they are in the way. It is also one of the reasons why I dislike trigger warnings. My readership's emotional difficulties are of course not my problem, even though I may sometimes write on such issues (like in this very article). The idea that one should be sheltered from uncomfortable content whose discomfort they are able to solve, is impractical and counter-intuitive. The more they may isolate themselves from uncomfortable content, the more they will technically suffer, should they encounter this content once more. On the other hand, exposing yourself, even by small doses, to said content, can help one be less triggered by it. So, the same as the butcher butchers animals ruthlessly, I write and revamp the articles I possess, ruthlessly. The meaning behind them is important, for sure, but it would be a professional mistake to take said meaning to heart, as that's not the point. The point is to do this professionally in the name of optimal efficency. Because the better professional is one that can handle things coldly and technically, more than warmly and intuitively. Because butchering animals for many is just a business, like writing and editing articles about sensitive topics is a business. Compare it to the business of hitmen. They make a living off of killing people they are contracted to. Many people may have difficulties doing it, so one has to have some sort of philosophy to handle such cruel, dirty business. It is not the responsibility of anyone to alter their mindset accordingly. No. It's their own. Of course, butchering animals and assasinating people is not at the same level as handling emotionally-complex articles. Not even morally, and the first two jobs can be far more traumatizing than the latter. Still, the common thing between these categories stem from the fact that creating an emotional distance between ourselves and between these activities, can help us a lot in the form of reducing unnecessary suffering within us. And it is the moral thing to do to reduce unnecessary suffering in this world, and of course we are in this world as well. It's moral to do so for others. There's no reason as to why it wouldn't be moral to do so with ourselves. Because no one would necessarily have the moral capacity and willpower to do it for us. It is, as mentioned, one of the double-edged traits of living in a world that advocates personal freedom over societal, moral and emotional responsibility of our actions on others. And to survive, we must adapt to the reality we're in, even if that "reality" is nothing more than a widespread agreement on how things and beings are seen. The point is to not die prematurely. Sensitivity is a weakness when it makes you vulnerable and overwhelmed. By reducing it, you can become less weak yourself. And it only makes sense to do so in the name of survival, even if that survival is purely in the realm of mentality. Likewise, other people are not responsible for your sensitivities, like you are not responsible for theirs. Take care of your mentality and you can suffer less, like a butcher may do in order to survive in the meat industry. Be too sensitive for your own good, and you may hinder your ability to profit and be exposed to new content. It also means being less able to create new content yourself, if you are in the content creating business. That's because not all content is comfortable to make, as well. I treat my articles like a butcher treats cattle, like a hitman treats his targets, like a drug kingpin treats their products -- it's just business. Think of what you're losing when you refuse to handle with your own overwhelmings. I'm talking about potential. About the person you can become. About the places in life you can find yourself in, by being tougher and more ruthless. About what you can earn, by either insight, profit -- and even both. Thriving is the best way to increase one's chances of survival for the long-term. Reduce your own chances of being overwhelmed, and even traumatized, and you can have a better chance at it. And thus, decreasing unnecessary emotional intensity can help you live -- and even work -- far better. It is expressed by being less distracted and more clear-headed, and that allows you to focus better on your job and thus become a better employee and/or employer. Of course, emotional intensity, when reduced, can ease your mentality and make you feel less pain. Mental, or otherwise. Ever wondered why people at the top of af an organizational chain are often psychopaths? Because emotional vulnerabilities are weakness that stands in the way of greater power. Empathy and remorse -- even towards yourself -- stands as a filter for greater opportunities in life by influencing your decisions. Opportunities that can allow you to better survive, like psychopaths do. I'm not telling you to become psychopaths/sociopaths (AKA have ASPD). We still need empathy to properly understand people and in order to be moral. No. I'm encouraging you to become a better version of yourself. One that can be both moral and tougher, without having these values contradict each other. Why would they have to contradict when they can be in balance? As such, the butcher can still be a compassionate being. Not necessarily when he or she butchers animals, but as a human being. There is no hypocrisy in being able to repress one's counter-intuitive sensitivities in the name of survival, especially if that survival is not mental but/and also financial. Your path towards becoming tougher can begin by accepting the fact that you're emotionally weak, and can proceed by understanding that emotional/mental weakness is not a verdict you can't do anything about. Don't let that weakness kill you off. It stood in my way, so I was the one who killed much of it. Unlike many, I refuse to be weak. I also refuse being a less-than-good content consumer and creator. I did what's necessary for me. I did what's beneficial, for you, my readership. Conclusions While empathy is important, overly strong emotions can be a hindrance to personal and professional success. Here are the key takeaways: Emotional detachment can be a tool for managing overwhelm: The metaphor of a butcher to illustrate how separating emotions from work can improve efficiency and reduce suffering. We are responsible for managing our own emotions: Others are not obligated to shield us from discomfort, and exposure to challenging content can build resilience. Desensitization can be a path to growth: Reducing emotional vulnerability can lead to greater opportunities and a stronger mental state. Strength and empathy can coexist: It's possible to be emotionally intelligent while also developing a thicker skin for specific situations. There may be downsides of emotional detachment, but also benefits for survival and thriving in a world that prioritizes personal freedoms over societal wellbeing. For greater emotional management, we should develop responsibility for your own emotional well-being, and nurture a balanced approach that allows one to be both empathetic and resilient. I would like to suggest the training of one's cognitive empathy skill to do just that. Mr. Nathan Lasher's Feedback Best way to handle emotional content is to let it be emotional for you. Doing so will tell you how you are supposed to feel by reading any given part. Remember though that emotions are like built-in warnings for us as to how we should psychologically respond to things. Just don’t let it control your response to people and events. We should avoid negative emotions in our actions. You can have those emotions all you want. Just remember: are they the emotions you want other people to see? How negative emotion gets spread so easily.... People feel something, go demonstrate that feeling and it makes an additional person feel it.

  • Irrational Intimidation -- How Intellect Can Hinder You

    Synopsis by Ms. Tamara Moskal: A high IQ is a virtue but can hinder human connections. “Scary smart” people can be intimidated or even rejected by others because of their high intelligence. When brilliance is the reason for loneliness, it becomes an interpersonal burden. Without friendship or love, highly intelligent people may look for relevancy in influence, becoming accomplished workaholics. (Background music) *************************** How High IQ Can Hinder Human Connection Intelligence is surely a virtue to be praiseworthy. However, we need to take into consideration that even this very virtue has its own flaws, at least when we interact with other people. In such cases, high intelligence might as well be a liability. It can be a liability when people are overly submissive to their emotions and gut feelings, especially when the information these components deliver is false. When these mental components deceive us with our consent, we express irrationality. For example, it is irrational to be intimidated by things and beings that do not pose a threat to us. And yet, if we succumb to the irrational aspects of ourselves, we can burn bridges with other people just because of a false sense of being threatened. It's possible to detect when people are intimidated by your high intelligence, and there is even a slang called "scary smart". If you are highly intelligent, you may find that people around you might start to avoid you, act defensively when you talk to them, and yes, even reject you. I guess... it was one of the reasons I got rejected one time by someone, once.... Moving on. When Brilliance Breeds Isolation Highly intelligent people may find themselves more alone than others because it can be difficult for many people to relate to them. Former friends may say that they are "from different worlds" (as I was once told), and those who feel intimidated by them may disrespect them as a way to protect themselves from threats that only the intelligent person "sees." In a sense, high intelligence can be an interpersonal burden. As such, I personally do not take pride in it. I am proud of the fact that I used my intelligence to survive post-traumatic symptoms and manage my Philoscom condition. However, as you can see, my intelligence is nothing more to me than a means to an end. Thus, intelligence can hinder you socially, romantically and even sexually. Ironically, there is something called "too much intellect". It is "too much" merely because it can hurt your personal appeal in the eyes of others. Of course, it is also "too much" because we need connections to survive and to thrive, meaning that if people decide to disconnect with you due to your high intelligence, then it is a liability in that regard at the very least. Intelligent people are also lonelier than otherwise. Of course, the negative impacts of constant rejection and social isolation can affect poorly on one's mental health. This is why there isn't necessarily any shame in being mentally ill -- it's not necessarily your fault. Navigating the Complexities of Intelligence and Social Connection In the absence of friendship and/or love in one's life, one might decide to seek their sense of collective worth elsewhere. In power and influence. In being admired by the world. In being relevant more than the average person. In the absence of these elements, one may seek respect and authority more than otherwise. It's all because we have a need to be valued. To feel like we matter. If we do not matter, why should we even love ourselves? And if we do not love ourselves? Why should we choose to live? Highly-intelligent people may live outside of the social world merely because of who they are. They won't necessarily be as loved or befriended as others (or initiate these actions themselves). They can be abused by those who feel intimidated by their intelligence. And as such, intelligence is not entirely a virtue. It is a virtue when it helps you and/or others in life. It's not a virtue when it stands in your way for healthy connections with the outside world. Those who are less intelligent might not be as aware of the hardships of being highly intelligent. They can easily submit to their confirmation bias, cherry-pick the facts on the matter, out-right deny reality, or use short-term ad-hominem fallacies that have little-to-nothing to do with the general issue. It's quite pathetic, I admit. It's pathetic only because I pity their inability to understand beyond their poor rationality. So, we can say that being less-than-rational has disadvantages of its own. Obviously, the highly-intelligent are often more rational. So yes, being "scary smart" can arguably scare people away. If it didn't have this distinct quality, highly intelligent people would be less lonely. And perhaps I would have known the love of another, empirically by now. When Loneliness Fuels a Obsessive Flame So, I take solace in constantly working, and thus turn a liability into an asset once more. It's the practical thing to do, you know. I used to think that workaholism is futile. I now take it back. It's better being a workhaolic than depressed, lonely and irrelevant. And I've been alone far enough, and won't be surprised if some of you had enough of being alone, as well. It can eventually feel like the fun of being alone, overstayed its welcome. It's why I chose this work, despite being asocial. I have no regrets regarding my accomplished, obssessive revenge. Anyways, I don't like intimidating anyone. I like living. Since I like living, the choice to endure the loneliness is mine and mine alone. Whether or not this existential problem will be solved in my personal life is beyond my control. So, all I am left with is to work as much as I can. Because I know for certain that intelligence is the last thing that can hinder this activity. And it is the only thing I seem to be good at. Other than being rejected for who I am by various people, of course. It's their own prerogative. Regardless of emotion, it wouldn't make sense to confront people for exercising their prerogatives in ways that I do not desire. Mr. Nathan Lasher's Feedback High intellect requires demonstration so people can better understand what it is and how it affects their own lives personally. People can accept demonstrations more easily than they can concepts of intelligence. Let your intelligence be demonstrated as much as possible so people have a better understanding of it. Unveil the mystery so to speak. It should also be noted that intelligence itself is not the problem for most people. They have difficulty understanding how it is expressed. I believe anyone can get behind intelligence on a general basis. Yet, as expressions are simply the result of genetics forming different cognitive features, it can best be understood that the reason for isolation is because your brain simply works differently than other peoples. Loneliness is a state of mind. The feeling can be changed at any time if the right context is added to your situation. Think of isolation as less separatism and more of it as unbiased thinking. Really loneliness's biggest contributor is simply not discovering the herd with which you exist. Otherwise you will always remain a lonely horse or cow out to pasture. (or use any animal of your choosing). Remember at the end of the day it doesn’t matter your intelligence level. We are all humans with some just being a little different. Best advice I can give is for people to stop referring to intelligence as a scale and more like a spectrum that some people can move around on more easily than others.

  • What Can We Learn From Diogenes' Cynical Philosophy (By Mr. M. Svartgold)

    (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to (Background Music) *********************** Key Points * What was Diogenes' main goal? Diogenes' main goal was to live a life of simplicity and freedom. He believed that the true nature of humans is to be free and independent, and that material possessions and social conventions only serve to enslave us. * A logical way to understand the self is to live in accordance with nature. Diogenes believed that the best way to understand ourselves is to study nature. He saw animals as living in accordance with their natural instincts, and he believed that humans could learn a lot from them. * The true nature of humans is to be free and independent Diogenes believed that humans are naturally free and independent beings. He argued that we should not allow ourselves to be enslaved by material possessions or social conventions. * How can one live without falsification? One can live without falsification by being honest with oneself and others. This means being true to oneself, even if it means being unpopular or going against the grain. * What was God's problem according to Diogenes? Diogenes believed that God was indifferent to human affairs. He argued that if God was truly interested in helping humans, then he would not have allowed them to suffer so much. * The advantage of living with animals and living in a "crazy" way is that it can help one to simplify one's life and focus on what is truly important. Diogenes believed that animals could teach us a lot about living a simple and meaningful life. He also believed that living in a "crazy" way could help us to break free from the conventions of society and live more authentically. * What is the benefit of not needing much? According to Diogenes, such deprivation can free one from the burden of material possessions and allow one to live a more authentic life. He honestly believed that the less we need, the freerer we are. He argued that material possessions can become a burden, and that they can prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. * How can rejecting luxuries result in inner truth, freedom of thought, and greater wisdom than other people? By living a simple life, one can focus on developing one's inner self and become more aware of the world around them. This can lead to greater wisdom and understanding of oneself and others. * What else can be learned from animals? Some of the things we can learn from them include loyalty, unconditional love, and the importance of living in the present moment. * Should nudity be considered a shame or a part of human nature? Nudity is a natural part of human nature and should not be considered a shame (According to this philosopher, of course). It is only through social conventions that we have come to view nudity as something to be ashamed of. * Does a person have to get married? Must they live according to the established norm, or can they reinvent it? No, a person does not have to get married. They can live according to their own values and beliefs, regardless of what is considered the norm. There is no right or wrong way to live, as long as you are true to yourself. The Cynic Sage's Goals Diogenes' main goal was to show that happiness and freedom are achieved by separating the "self" from the society that encourages control over the "weak": or a person who is different from others because of this or that status. By this, one can live a real life of freedom. Happiness comes to a person when they feel independent. That is, separated from those who seek to control others through discipline and obedience, in order to conform to society. Diogenes' perception of money and happiness is different from others. He regarded the true nature of man is the desire of others to impress others with gifts and money. People must live without the conditions of society that make money a source of independence. To know themselves better, they must live without the need to benefit others. He saw philosophy as a cynical way of expressing thought and intellect in a logical and informed way. The status of a person, which includes money, social status, spouses, children, a car, and a lucrative job, is not what will bring them happiness. How will they discover who they are without all the status that depends on social expectations? The disadvantage that Diogenes saw in the pursuit of luxury is that when a person pursues money, they do not learn. They are enslaved to the government and the social system. They also do not know them. We only know what they created the money that they earned. And that is the motive for being in constant interaction with these external authorities. The shame of being naked is a social construct that can be debilitating for individuals. Diogenes lived without shame because he believed that it was a social construct. He lived naked like the dogs in the streets, because he saw them as being more natural than humans. This made him stand out from other people. He believed that living according to society's expectations can be limiting and can prevent us from becoming our true selves. It can be sad and difficult, and it does not necessarily indicate wisdom. We all can learn about modesty from Diogenes. From the importance of thinking outside the box. From the fact that social status and professionalism are not important. They are masks, and not our true selves. A person can be themselves even if they do not conform to society's expectations. A person can find friends who accept them for who they are, even if they are not human. They can also find meaning in their lives without the need for material wealth. I learned from Diogenes that it is important to follow your heart, even if it means going against the grain. The heart is also wise and can guide us in making decisions. He believed that the heart is also a part of the mind, and that it is important to write from the heart about your experiences. It is sometimes important to not follow the crowd. A person can choose to be free from shame, guilt, and the need to please others. I don't think it is realistic to live like Diogenes today. We need a certain level of security and comfort in order to survive. However, we can still learn from his example and strive to be more authentic and less concerned with material possessions. Diogenes and the Cynic School Diogenes was a philosopher who was a proponent of the Cynic school. The Cynics believed that living a simple life was the key to happiness and freedom. They rejected material possessions and social conventions, and they often lived in poverty. Diogenes took this philosophy to an extreme. He lived in a barrel and begged for food. He also did things that were considered strange or offensive, such as masturbating in public. Diogenes's goal was to live a life that was free from the constraints of society. He believed that we should not be afraid to be ourselves, even if others think we are strange. Diogenes on Dogs Diogenes saw dogs as a model for how to live a simple and free life. Dogs do not need material possessions, and they do not care what others think of them. They are also honest and straightforward, and they do not pretend to be something they are not. Diogenes on the Rich Diogenes was also critical of the rich. He believed that they were often greedy and corrupt. He warned people not to trust the rich, and he said that they should be wary of their motives. Diogenes believed that the rich were often unhappy, even though they had all the material possessions they could ever want. He said that they were slaves to their possessions, and that they could never truly be free. Diogenes on Poverty Diogenes did not believe that poverty was a bad thing. In fact, he believed that it could be a source of freedom. He said that the poor were not burdened by material possessions, and they were free to live their lives as they pleased. Diogenes also believed that poverty could help us to be more compassionate and understanding of others. He said that when we are poor, we are more likely to see the world through the eyes of the poor. His Legacy Diogenes was a controversial figure, but he is still considered one of the most important philosophers of the ancient world. His ideas about simplicity, freedom, and compassion continue to inspire people today. It's reasonable to believe that he influenced the contemporary philosophy of minimalism. Conclusion Diogenes was a complex and fascinating figure. He was a radical thinker who challenged the status quo. He was also a bit of a showman, and he loved to shock people. But at his core, Diogenes was a philosopher who was searching for truth and freedom. His ideas continue to resonate with people today, and he remains one of the most important figures in the history of philosophy.

  • If Politicians Were Philosophers (By Mr. Igal Shenderey)

    (French Translation by Mr. Leblanc. English Version, below) Si les politiciens étaient des philosophes (Par M. Igal Shenderey) (Avertissement : les messages d'invités ne correspondent pas nécessairement aux convictions, aux pensées ou aux opinions du directeur de Philosocom, M. Tomasio Rubinshtein. Le but des messages d'invités est de permettre un large éventail de récits émanant d'un large éventail de personnes. Pour postuler pour un article d'invité de votre choix, veuillez envoyer votre demande à ***************** La fusion de la philosophie et de la politique Dans le domaine de la gouvernance, la fusion de la pensée philosophique et de l’action politique est depuis longtemps une source de réflexion. Si les hommes politiques étaient de véritables philosophes, leurs réponses aux défis à venir porteraient la marque de la sagesse, de la considération éthique et de la vision à long terme. Cet article explore comment la convergence des idéaux philosophiques et du pragmatisme politique pourrait révolutionner les réponses aux défis contemporains et présente un argument convaincant expliquant pourquoi cette synergie harmonieuse est impérative. Le besoin de philosophes-politiques Le paysage politique actuel est caractérisé par des défis de toutes sortes tels que le changement climatique, les perturbations technologiques, les inégalités mondiales et les crises de santé publique. Les réponses politiques conventionnelles donnent souvent la priorité aux gains à court terme et aux intérêts partisans, ce qui entraîne l’incapacité de s’attaquer de manière adéquate aux causes profondes et d'apporter des solutions à haut potentiel de ces problèmes. Toutefois, les vrais philosophes et politiciens aborderaient ces défis différemment. Une approche holistique et éthique Un véritable philosophe-politicien aborderait les défis avec une perspective holistique et éthique, fondée sur de profonds principes philosophiques. Par exemple, la philosophie de l’utilitarisme pourrait guider les décisions en recherchant le plus grand bien pour le plus grand nombre, en favorisant des politiques donnant la priorité au bien-être de tous les citoyens. Parallèlement, l’éthique déontologique pourrait garantir que les droits individuels et la justice soient respectés dans chaque effort politique. En combinant de tels cadres éthiques, les philosophes politiques transcenderaient l’opportunisme politique et se concentreraient sur des solutions qui servent véritablement le bien commun. Une vision à long terme Contrairement aux manœuvres politiques à courte vue, les philosophes politiques adopteraient une vision à long terme, considérant les conséquences de leurs actions pour les générations futures. Cette perspective intergénérationnelle, ancrée dans l’éthique de la vertu, impliquerait une gestion responsable des ressources et de l’environnement. Par exemple, en luttant contre le changement climatique, au lieu de rechercher des gains économiques immédiats, un philosophe et politicien prendrait des mesures pour garantir une planète durable pour la postérité. Cette approche s'aligne sur le concept aristotélicien d' Eudémonisme  , mettant l'accent sur l'épanouissement de tous les citoyens au fil du temps. Équilibrer idéalisme et pragmatisme Équilibrer les idéaux philosophiques et le pragmatisme politique est une tâche nuancée, mais les philosophes-politiques rechercheraient un mélange harmonieux. Le pragmatisme guiderait la mise en œuvre des idéaux, en reconnaissant que les complexités du monde réel exigent souvent des compromis. Cependant, les principes fondamentaux issus de la réflexion philosophique resteraient intacts. Cette intégration fait écho à la théorie de la justice de John Rawls, où les principes sont établis à travers un discours rationnel, même si leur application peut nécessiter des ajustements pour s'adapter à des contextes spécifiques. S'élever au-dessus de la partisanerie L’un des obstacles les plus importants à une gouvernance efficace est la politique partisane. Les vrais philosophes-politiques s’élèveraient au-delà de la partisanerie étroite et se concentreraient sur le dialogue et la collaboration pour parvenir à des solutions globales et raisonnables. S'appuyant sur la méthode socratique, ils s'engageraient dans des débats constructifs donnant la priorité à la recherche de la vérité plutôt qu'aux arguments gagnants. Cette approche pourrait conduire à l’émergence de politiques qui reflètent véritablement les intérêts collectifs, plutôt que de s’adresser uniquement à un groupe particulier. Adopter une perspective mondiale Dans un monde interconnecté, les philosophes politiques adopteraient une perspective globale, transcendant les intérêts nationaux. Le cosmopolitisme, tel que préconisé par Emmanuel Kant, guiderait leurs actions, promouvant la coopération internationale et la responsabilité partagée. Des questions telles que les inégalités mondiales et les pandémies seraient abordées avec empathie et collaboration, en reconnaissant l’interdépendance des destins humains au-delà des frontières. Cultiver la vertu civique Un aspect essentiel de l’approche des philosophes et politiciens serait la culture de la vertu civique à travers l’éducation. S'inspirant des philosophies de Platon et de Confucius, ils reconnaîtraient l'importance d'une communauté citoyenne informée et moralement consciente. En promouvant la pensée critique, les valeurs éthiques et l’engagement civique, les philosophes politiques jetteraient les bases d’une société qui participe activement à façonner son destin. Changer les valeurs sociétales Le consumérisme et la recherche d'une gratification instantanée conduisent souvent à des décisions politiques qui privilégient les gains à court terme plutôt que les gains à long terme. Stabilité à long terme. Les philosophes et politiciens favoriseraient cependant un changement dans les valeurs sociétales, en mettant l’accent sur la poursuite d’une vie pleine de sens plutôt que sur l’accumulation matérielle. S'inspirant de penseurs existentialistes comme Jean-Paul Sartre, ils encourageraient les citoyens à assumer la responsabilité de leurs choix, favorisant ainsi un sens du but au-delà des plaisirs immédiats. Conclusion La convergence de la philosophie et de la politique est un concept transformateur qui recèle un immense potentiel pour relever les défis contemporains. Les vrais philosophes-politiques intégreraient des considérations éthiques, une vision à long terme et des perspectives mondiales dans leur approche de la gouvernance. Leur capacité à transcender la partisanerie, à adopter le pragmatisme avec idéalisme et à favoriser la vertu civique pourrait ouvrir la voie à une nouvelle ère de gouvernance éclairée. Même si les défis sont nombreux, l’engagement de l’homme d’État et philosophe en faveur du bien commun et d’une société florissante constituerait une lueur d’espoir, guidant l’humanité vers un avenir plus juste et plus durable. **************** (English version, here) (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to (Background music) ***************** The Fusion of Philosophy and Politics In the realm of governance, the fusion of philosophical thought with political action has long been a source of contemplation. If politicians were true philosophers, their responses to upcoming challenges would bear the hallmark of wisdom, ethical consideration, and long-term vision. This article explores how the convergence of philosophical ideals and political pragmatism could revolutionize responses to contemporary challenges and presents a compelling argument for why this harmonious synergy is imperative. The Need for Philosopher-Politicians The current political landscape is characterized by multifaceted challenges such as climate change, technological disruption, global inequality, and public health crises. Conventional political responses often prioritize short-term gains and partisan interests, resulting in a failure to adequately address the root causes and potential solutions of these issues. True philosopher-politicians, however, would approach these challenges differently. A Holistic and Ethical Approach A true philosopher-politician would approach challenges with a holistic and ethical perspective, grounded in profound philosophical principles. For instance, the philosophy of utilitarianism could guide decisions by seeking the greatest good for the greatest number, fostering policies that prioritize the well-being of all citizens. Meanwhile, deontological ethics could ensure that individual rights and justice are upheld in every policy endeavor. By combining such ethical frameworks, politician-philosophers would transcend political expediency, focusing on solutions that genuinely serve the common good. A Long-Term Vision Unlike short-sighted political maneuvering, philosopher-politicians would adopt a long-term vision, considering the consequences of their actions for future generations. This intergenerational perspective, rooted in virtue ethics, would entail responsible stewardship of resources and the environment. For instance, in tackling climate change, instead of pursuing immediate economic gains, a philosopher-politician would take measures to ensure a sustainable planet for posterity. This approach aligns with the Aristotelian concept of eudaimonia, emphasizing the flourishing of all citizens over time. Balancing Idealism and Pragmatism Balancing philosophical ideals with political pragmatism is a nuanced task, but philosopher-politicians would seek a harmonious blend. Pragmatism would guide the implementation of ideals, recognizing that real-world complexities often demand compromise. However, the core principles derived from philosophical reflection would remain untainted. This integration resonates with John Rawls' theory of justice, where principles are established through rational discourse, even as their application may require adjustments to fit specific contexts. Rising Above Partisanship One of the most significant impediments to effective governance is partisan politics. True philosopher-politicians would rise above narrow partisanship, focusing on dialogue and collaboration to arrive at comprehensive and reasonable solutions. Drawing from the Socratic Method, they would engage in constructive debates that prioritize truth-seeking over winning arguments. This approach could lead to the emergence of policies that genuinely reflect collective interests, rather than catering solely to a particular constituency. Adopting a Global Perspective In an interconnected world, philosopher-politicians would adopt a global perspective, transcending national interests. Cosmopolitanism, as advocated by Immanuel Kant, would guide their actions, promoting international cooperation and shared responsibility. Issues like global inequality and pandemics would be addressed with empathy and collaboration, recognizing the interconnectedness of human fates across borders. Cultivating Civic Virtue A vital aspect of philosopher-politicians' approach would be the cultivation of civic virtue through education. Drawing from the philosophies of Plato and Confucius, they would recognize the importance of an informed and morally conscious citizenry. By promoting critical thinking, ethical values, and civic engagement, philosopher-politicians would lay the foundation for a society that actively participates in shaping its destiny. Shifting Societal Values Consumerism and the pursuit of instant gratification often drive policy decisions that prioritize short-term gains over long-term stability. Philosopher-politicians, however, would promote a shift in societal values, emphasizing the pursuit of meaningful lives over material accumulation. Drawing from existentialist thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre, they would encourage citizens to take responsibility for their choices, fostering a sense of purpose beyond immediate pleasures. Conclusion The convergence of philosophy and politics is a transformative concept that holds immense potential for addressing contemporary challenges. True philosopher-politicians would infuse ethical considerations, long-term vision, and global perspectives into their governance approach. Their ability to transcend partisanship, embrace pragmatism with idealism, and foster civic virtue could usher in a new era of enlightened governance. While challenges abound, the statesman-philosopher's commitment to the common good and a flourishing society would stand as a beacon of hope, guiding humanity toward a more just and sustainable future.

  • How to Detect Good and Evil Using the Alignment System (By Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac)

    (French translation by Mr. Roland Leblanc. English Below) Comment détecter le bien et le mal à l'aide du système d'alignement (par M. O. C. Isaac) (Avertissement : les messages d'invités ne correspondent pas nécessairement aux convictions, aux pensées ou aux idées du directeur de Philosocom, M. Tomasio Rubinshtein. Le but des messages d'écrivanins invités est de permettre un large éventail de récits émanant d'un large éventail de personnes. Pour postuler pour un article d'écrivain invité de votre choix, veuillez envoyer votre demande à Un système d'alignement fait généralement référence à un cadre ou à un ensemble de principes moraux ou éthiques qui aident les individus ou les groupes à déterminer ce qui est bien ou mal, ainsi qu'à guider leurs actions et décisions sur la base de ces principes. Les systèmes d'alignement sont souvent utilisés dans divers contextes, notamment dans la philosophie, les jeux de rôle et les discussions sur l'éthique et la moralité. L'alignement moral, en revanche, fait généralement référence à une classification des croyances ou des comportements éthiques et moraux d'une personne ou d'un personnage selon une gamme d'idées que l'on se fait ou un système. C'est une façon de décrire où se situe quelqu'un ou quelque chose en termes de valeurs éthiques et de prise de décision. Il existe différents systèmes pour décrire l'alignement moral, mais l'un des plus connus est le système d'alignement utilisé dans les jeux de rôle et popularisé par Donjons & Dragons. Ce système utilise une grille bidimensionnelle à deux axes : Le Bien contre le Mal : Cet axe mesure la boussole morale d'un personnage ou d'une entité en matière de bienveillance et d'altruisme. Les bons personnages ont tendance à valoriser le bien-être des autres et à agir de manière à promouvoir le bonheur et à minimiser les dommages, tandis que les personnages mauvais sont généralement égoïstes, cruels et prêts à faire du mal aux autres pour leur gain personnel. Légal contre Chaotique : Cet axe évalue l'adhésion d'un personnage aux règles, à l'ordre et aux normes sociétales. Les personnages loyaux ont tendance à suivre un code de conduite strict et à respecter l'autorité et la tradition, tandis que les personnages chaotiques sont plus individualistes, valorisent la liberté personnelle et peuvent ignorer les règles et l'autorité. La combinaison de ces deux axes crée neuf alignements moraux fondamentaux : Bon dans la légalité : personnages qui ont des principes, respectent la loi et s'efforcent de faire le bien aux autres. Bonté Neutre : Personnages qui font de bonnes actions et aident les autres, mais ne sont pas strictement liés par des règles ou des lois. Bien Chaotique : Personnages rebelles et non-conformistes, mais qui ont un fort désir de faire le bien. Neutre dans la légalité : personnages qui privilégient les règles, l'ordre et la neutralité plutôt que les considérations éthiques personnelles. Véritable neutre : personnages indifférents aux préoccupations éthiques et qui agissent souvent dans leur propre intérêt. Chaotique Neutre : personnages qui valorisent la liberté personnelle et peuvent agir de manière imprévisible ou égoïste. Mauvais envers la légalité : personnages impitoyables et égoïstes, utilisant des systèmes et des lois pour atteindre leurs objectifs malveillants. Mauvais mais neutre : personnages égoïstes et malveillants, mais qui ne sont pas strictement liés à un code de conduite. Mauvais et chaotique : personnages destructeurs, chaotiques et motivés par le désir de nuire aux autres. Il est important de noter que ce système d’alignement est une manière simplifiée de catégoriser les valeurs morales à des fins de narration fictive et de jeux de rôle. Dans la vraie vie, les croyances morales et éthiques sont beaucoup plus complexes et nuancées, et les individus ne rentrent souvent pas parfaitement dans ces catégories. Les valeurs morales des gens peuvent changer avec le temps et varier considérablement en fonction de facteurs culturels, personnels et situationnels. De plus, il existe d’autres systèmes d’alignement moral et cadres philosophiques pour discuter de l’éthique, tels que l’utilitarisme, la déontologie, l’éthique de la vertu et le relativisme, qui offrent différentes perspectives sur la manière d’évaluer et de catégoriser le comportement moral. Comment détecter le bien et le mal à l'aide du système d'alignement : Détecter si un personnage ou un individu dans un système d'alignement moral est « bon » ou « mauvais » repose généralement sur ses actions, ses intentions et ses valeurs telles que décrites dans une histoire, un jeu ou un scénario de jeu de rôle. Voici quelques façons de détecter et d’évaluer l’alignement moral, notamment en termes de Bien et de Mal : Observation des actions : l'un des moyens les plus simples de déterminer l'alignement moral consiste à examiner les actions du personnage. Les bons personnages se livrent souvent à des actes de gentillesse, d’empathie et d’altruisme. Ils peuvent aider ceux qui en ont besoin, protéger les innocents et promouvoir le bien-être des autres. En revanche, les personnages maléfiques peuvent se livrer à des actions cruelles, égoïstes ou nuisibles, telles que le vol, la violence et la tromperie. Évaluation des motivations et des intentions : comprendre les motivations et les intentions d'un personnage peut donner un aperçu de son alignement moral. Les bons personnages ont généralement des motivations bienveillantes, cherchant à faire ce qu’ils croient être juste et à propos. Les personnages maléfiques peuvent avoir des intentions égoïstes ou malveillantes, visant à profiter pour eux-mêmes aux dépens des autres. Examiner les relations : la façon dont les personnages interagissent avec les autres peut également révéler leur alignement moral. Les bons personnages ont tendance à nouer des relations positives et solidaires, tandis que les mauvais personnages peuvent exploiter ou manipuler les autres pour leur gain personnel. Considérer les dilemmes moraux : présenter aux personnages des dilemmes moraux et observer leurs choix peut aider à déterminer leur alignement moral. Les bons personnages peuvent prendre des décisions qui donnent la priorité au bien commun, même si cela nécessite des sacrifices personnels. Les personnages maléfiques peuvent choisir des actions qui leur profitent, même si cela nuit aux autres. Évaluation des loyautés et des codes : les personnages ayant des loyautés spécifiques ou adhérant à des codes de conduite peuvent également signaler leur alignement moral. Par exemple, un personnage qui suit un code strict d'honneur et de justice pourrait être Bon dans la légalité , tandis que celui qui suit un code de tromperie et de manipulation pourrait être Mauvais envers la légalité. Histoire du personnage : Souvent, l'histoire et les expériences passées d'un personnage peuvent mettre en lumière son alignement moral. Des expériences traumatisantes ou des antécédents de choix moralement douteux peuvent influencer l’alignement d’un personnage. Contexte narratif : le contexte de l'histoire ou du scénario de jeu de rôle peut également influencer la façon dont l'alignement d'un personnage est perçu. Parfois, les actions d'un personnage peuvent initialement paraître mauvaises, mais à mesure que l'histoire se déroule, ses motivations et ses valeurs peuvent devenir plus claires, conduisant à une réévaluation de son alignement. En résumé Les systèmes d'alignement sont des outils pour discuter et comprendre l'éthique et la moralité. Ils peuvent aider à orienter la prise de décision dans divers contextes, qu'il s'agisse de créer un personnage dans un jeu, de faire des choix éthiques dans la vie réelle ou de s'engager dans des discussions philosophiques. Il est important de noter que ces systèmes sont des simplifications de considérations éthiques complexes et peuvent ne pas saisir pleinement les nuances des dilemmes moraux du monde réel. Cependant, il est important de reconnaître que l’alignement moral est une construction fictive principalement utilisée pour la narration et les jeux de rôle. Dans la vraie vie, les jugements moraux sont beaucoup plus complexes et dépendent du contexte, et les individus présentent souvent un mélange de traits moraux. De plus, différents observateurs peuvent interpréter différemment les actions et les intentions d'un personnage, ce qui entraîne des variations dans la façon dont l'alignement moral d'un personnage est perçu. Dans la vraie vie Dans la vraie vie, les gens entrent rarement dans des catégories telles que le « bon dans la légalité » ou le «mauvais et chaotique ». La moralité humaine a de multiples facettes et dépend souvent des circonstances spécifiques et des valeurs personnelles de l'individu. Ce qui est considéré comme moralement acceptable dans une culture ou une situation peut être considéré comme moralement répréhensible dans une autre. De plus, différents observateurs peuvent interpréter différemment les mêmes actions et intentions. Cette subjectivité ajoute une autre couche de complexité aux jugements moraux du monde réel. En conclusion Les systèmes d’alignement moral sont un outil amusant et utile pour créer des personnages fictifs et explorer les dilemmes moraux liés à la narration, mais ils ne captent pas pleinement les complexités et les nuances de la moralité réelle. (Note de M. Rubinshtein : Il est cependant possible de saisir une certaine complexité morale, si la personne en face de nous peut être cohérente dans ses actions. Puisque la cohérence est la clé de la réussite de mise en pratique de plans, ce serait au moins plus efficace pour comprendre la moralité d'une personne qui agit davantage par impulsion et qui n'est pas aussi calculée dans son action. C'est parce que l'impulsif est beaucoup moins cohérent dans l'action, en comparaison). ******************************* (English, original) (Disclaimer: The guest posts do not necessarily align with Philosocom's manager, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. The point of guest posts is to allow a wide range of narratives from a wide range of people. To apply for a guest post of your own, please send your request to An alignment system typically refers to a framework or set of moral or ethical principles that help individuals or groups determine what is right or wrong, as well as guide their actions and decisions based on these principles. Alignment systems are often used in various contexts, including philosophy, role-playing games, and discussions of ethics and morality. Moral alignment, on the other hand, typically refers to a classification of a person's or a character's ethical and moral beliefs or behaviors along a spectrum or system. It is a way to describe where someone or something falls in terms of their ethical values and decision-making. There are various systems for describing moral alignment, but one of the most well-known is the alignment system used in role-playing games and popularized by Dungeons & Dragons. This system uses a two-dimensional grid with two axes: Good versus Evil: This axis measures a character's or entity's moral compass regarding benevolence and altruism. Good characters tend to value the well-being of others and act in ways that promote happiness and minimize harm, while evil characters are typically selfish, cruel, and willing to harm others for personal gain. Lawful versus Chaotic: This axis assesses a character's adherence to rules, order, and societal norms. Lawful characters tend to follow a strict code of conduct and respect authority and tradition, while chaotic characters are more individualistic, value personal freedom, and may disregard rules and authority. The combination of these two axes creates nine basic moral alignments: Lawful Good: Characters who are principled, uphold the law, and strive to do good for others. Neutral Good: Characters who do good deeds and help others, but are not strictly bound by rules or laws. Chaotic Good: Characters who are rebels and non-conformists, but have a strong desire to do good. Lawful Neutral: Characters who prioritize rules, order, and neutrality over personal ethical considerations. True Neutral: Characters who are indifferent to ethical concerns and often act in their self-interest. Chaotic Neutral: Characters who value personal freedom and may act unpredictably or selfishly. Lawful Evil: Characters who are ruthless and selfish, using systems and laws to achieve their malicious goals. Neutral Evil: Characters who are selfish and malevolent, but not strictly tied to a code of conduct. Chaotic Evil: Characters who are destructive, chaotic, and driven by a desire to harm others. It's important to note that this alignment system is a simplified way to categorize moral values for the purposes of fictional storytelling and role-playing games. In real life, moral and ethical beliefs are much more complex and nuanced, and individuals often do not neatly fit into these categories. People's moral values can change over time and vary significantly based on cultural, personal, and situational factors. Additionally, there are other moral alignment systems and philosophical frameworks for discussing ethics, such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and relativism, which offer different perspectives on how to evaluate and categorize moral behavior. How to Detect Good and Evil using the Alignment System: Detecting whether a character or individual in a moral alignment system is "Good" or "Evil" typically relies on their actions, intentions, and values as portrayed in a story, game, or role-playing scenario. Here are some ways to detect and assess moral alignment, specifically in terms of Good and Evil: Observing Actions: One of the most straightforward ways to determine moral alignment is by examining the character's actions. Good characters often engage in acts of kindness, empathy, and altruism. They may help those in need, protect the innocent, and promote the well-being of others. In contrast, Evil characters may engage in cruel, selfish, or harmful actions, such as theft, violence, and deception. Assessing Motives and Intentions: Understanding a character's motives and intentions can provide insight into their moral alignment. Good characters usually have benevolent motivations, seeking to do what they believe is right and just. Evil characters may have selfish or malevolent intentions, aiming to benefit themselves at the expense of others. Examining Relationships: The way characters interact with others can also reveal their moral alignment. Good characters tend to form positive and supportive relationships, while Evil characters may exploit or manipulate others for personal gain. Considering Moral Dilemmas: Presenting characters with moral dilemmas and observing their choices can help determine their moral alignment. Good characters might make decisions that prioritize the greater good, even if it requires personal sacrifice. Evil characters might choose actions that benefit themselves, even if it causes harm to others. Evaluating Loyalties and Codes: Characters with specific loyalties or adherence to codes of conduct can also signal their moral alignment. For example, a character who follows a strict code of honor and justice might be Lawful Good, while one who follows a code of deceit and manipulation might be Lawful Evil. Character Backstory: Often, a character's backstory and past experiences can shed light on their moral alignment. Traumatic experiences or a history of making morally questionable choices can influence a character's alignment. Narrative Context: The context of the story or role-playing scenario can also influence how a character's alignment is perceived. Sometimes, a character's actions may initially appear Evil, but as the story unfolds, their motivations and values may become clearer, leading to a reevaluation of their alignment In Summary Alignment systems are tools for discussing and understanding ethics and morality. They can help guide decision-making in various contexts, whether it's creating a character in a game, making ethical choices in real life, or engaging in philosophical discussions. It's important to note that these systems are simplifications of complex ethical considerations and may not fully capture the nuances of real-world moral dilemmas. However, it's important to recognize that moral alignment is a fictional construct primarily used for storytelling and role-playing. In real life, moral judgments are far more complex and context-dependent, and individuals often exhibit a mix of moral traits. Additionally, different observers may interpret a character's actions and intentions differently, leading to variations in how a character's moral alignment is perceived. In Real Life In real life, people rarely fit neatly into categories like "lawful good" or "chaotic evil." Human morality is multifaceted and often depends on the specific circumstances and personal values of the individual. What's considered morally acceptable in one culture or situation may be seen as morally wrong in another. Furthermore, different observers can interpret the same actions and intentions differently. This subjectivity adds another layer of complexity to real-world moral judgments. In Conclusion Moral alignment systems are a fun and useful tool for creating fictional characters and exploring moral dilemmas in storytelling, but they don't fully capture the complexities and nuances of real-life morality. (Mr. Rubinshtein's note: It is possible, however, to capture some moral complexity, should the person in front of us may be consistent in their actions. Since being consistent is key in putting productive plans into practice, it would be at least more effective to understand a planner's morality than a person who acts more on impulse, and isn't as calculated. That is because the impulsive is far less consistant in action, in comparison).

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