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Using Numerology and Gematria to Understand True Love - Part 3: Tarot Cards (By Mr. R. Leblanc)

Updated: Dec 20, 2024

Anime girl in glasses with long hair stands in a dark room. Tarot cards float around her. A lit candle casts a blue glow nearby.

Article Synopsis by Mr. Chris Kingsley and Co.

Mr. R. Leblanc's article "Using Numerology and Gematria to Understand True Love - Part 3: Tarot Cards" delves into the interpretation of the quote "Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them" through Tarot card analysis.
The article begins by numerologically analyzing the number 297, breaking it down to its prime factors and associating them with specific Tarot cards. Each Tarot card is interpreted, with judgment representing awakening, reflection, and a new phase in life. The Moon symbolizes dreams, illusions, and the subconscious, while the Hermit symbolizes introspection, solitude, and wisdom.
The Chariot represents triumph through balanced use of physical, spiritual, and intellectual powers, emphasizing self-control. The High Priestess symbolizes intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual growth.
Strength represents inner strength, compassion, and overcoming challenges with grace and determination. The Empress represents nurturing, fertility, and abundance through patience and perseverance.
The article concludes that achieving true love requires self-understanding, forgiveness, and the integration of both intuitive and rational aspects of the self.  

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In this third part, I will introduce you to Tarot Card interpretation used to access the deeper meanings of the quote:

"Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them" -- Kalen Dion

The results we had were the following:

  • 297 (We did get this result from adding the numbers pertaining to each letter; a number from 1-9), so : 200, 90 and 7.

  • From which we get : 2+9+7 = 18, so : 18.

  • From which we get : 1+8 = 9, so : 9.

  • And from further using prime factors of : 297, we get : 3x3x3x11, so, if we add the factors, we get : 3+3+3+11 = 20, so : 20.

  • And from further reducing 20, we get : 2+0 = 2, so : 2.

  • And, as a second way of seeing things, we get some more insights by looking at the prime factors of : 297 themselves; 3 and 11, so : 11 and 3. Note: to convert those numbers into Tarot cards, one needs to look at the Hebrew letters that are associated with the above numbers:

  • 200 is Tarot card 20

  • 90 is Tarot card 18

  • 7 is Tarot card 7

  • 20 is Tarot card 11

Then, we will look at:

Tarot card of Judgment shows an angel with trumpet, three figures rising from a coffin, vibrant colors, and the text "le Jugement".

1. Tarot card 20: Judgement: The Judgement card represents the judgement day or awakening call heralding a rite of passage. As one cycle comes to an end we need to prepare for a new stage in our development, the future is waiting. Now is the time when past efforts yield positive results, when we can reap the rewards, when we realise that we are drawn in a new direction and recognise our true calling. In it's positive meaning the Judgement card reminds us that through honesty and true reflection we can realise where we have erred on our path and that we need to forgive ourselves to regain a feeling of self-worth and accomplishment. Placed in a negative situation, Judgement symbolises indecision, a fear of letting go, remorse, and regret, and imbalance, imprisonment.

Tarot card "La Lune": features a moon with a face, two towers, a dog, a wolf, and a crayfish emerging from water. Starry background. Mood: mystical.

2. Tarot card 18: The Moon: The Moon in all its phases represents the world of dreams, illusions, and the subconscious. Traditionally the symbol of the feminine, the card's meaning encompasses the maternal, the Great Mother, womanhood, and cycles. The Moon is an ambivalent card, its imagery signifies the difficulty to see things clearly: inspiring and lacking courage, enchanting and bewildering, deceptive and receptive - all sides of the same coin. Signalling fluctuating moods and uncertainty we must pay attention to our dreams, confront our subconscious and deal with the issues that come to the surface in order to progress to a higher level of awareness. Being able to put our imagination and creative talents to good use is an added bonus. Negative qualities, such as ambiguity, confusion, hidden fears, deception, can be a cause for failure.

A robed figure holds a lantern and staff, with a snake on the ground. Text reads "l'Ermite" and Roman numeral VIII. Earthy tones and mystical mood.

3. Tarot card 9: The Hermit:

The Hermit card symbolizes meditation, reflection, and solitude. As one of the cards resembling old age, it also represents bearing the light of wisdom, looking into the unconscious, and observing dreams. There is an emphasis on peace and patience, by which maturity is reached, and a striving to connect to the higher spiritual self. The Hermit also depicts the spiritual leader, the taskmaster who leads with purpose, conscience, and wisdom. A mature person, the Hermit symbolizes deliberation about which path to follow, reassessment of achievements and goals, and taking the time to reflect and plan. In a negative environment, this card can resemble excessive isolation, lack of communication, intolerance, crisis, and doubt.

Tarot card depicting a figure in armor on a chariot with starry canopy, flanked by two sphinxes. “Le Chariot” text below, Roman numeral VII above.

4. Tarot card 7: The Chariot: The Chariot symbolizes enthusiasm, competitiveness, and triumph. Employing all powers at one's disposal, physical, spiritual, and intellectual, one achieves success and victory. The positive sides of the self, being strong and self-controlled, balancing conflicting emotions, triumphing over obstacles, and sustaining an effort, support attaining goals, thereby leading the way to transformation and self-knowledge. A dictatorial approach, recklessness, and extreme ambition can be on the other, negative side of the equation.

Tarot card "La Papesse" with a seated figure in robes, holding keys and a book. Features checkered floor, vibrant colors, and a calm mood.

5. Tarot card 2: High Priestess: The mysterious High Priestess jealously guards her secrets and occult wisdom. This card symbolizes the unconscious, a concern with our internal worlds, spiritual forces, and the understanding of higher truths through dreams and intuition.

As a wise woman, the High Priestess is the Goddess of fertility and is seen as a healer, possessing intuitive powers and clairvoyance, trying to create harmony and inner balance. She emphasizes the necessity to get in contact with our inner self, to reflect and meditate, to trust our feelings, and to let dreams and intuition guide us. Observing rather than participating or acting, the High Priestess can also represent platonic love, manipulation, a pause in a process that was progressing, or even a standstill, causing doubt and confusion.

Tarot card "La Force" shows woman taming a lion. She wears colorful robes and a feathered hat. The background is brown. Card number XI.

6. Tarot card 11: Strength: The Strength card, depicting a gracious queen-like figure and a wild lion, shows that real strength has to be combined with graciousness and gentleness to become a force. It symbolizes inner strength, determination to overcome obstacles, self-knowledge, and self-discipline, as only when we know ourselves and act in a responsible manner will we be able to deal with challenging situations and overcome difficulties successfully.

Yet this card does not only represent physical strength; moral and emotional strength is included in the meaning. Patience, compassion, dealing with frustration, accepting of others, tolerating imperfection (in oneself and in others), all leads to being a complete person. The negative qualities of strength include misuse of power, aggressiveness, and intolerance.

Tarot card of "L'Impératrice" showing a crowned woman with wings, sitting, holding a scepter and shield. Stars in the background.

7. Tarot card 3: The Empress: The Empress signifies the queen of life, the perfect woman, the archetypal mother. She represents the matriarchal goddess, being part of nature, fertility, sexuality, and the generative forces. As the life-giving mother, she is connected to the Earth and the natural rhythms, the appreciation of the senses.

As a card of good fortune, she signifies that if we are gentle and caring, as well as patient, we can bring anything to fruition; we have to be able to wait until the time is right for action so that we can reap the rewards; hard work pays off and relationships become satisfying. The Empress can, in negative situations, also depict vanity, undeveloped creativity, stagnation, and apathy.

Conclusions About True Love:

* The Judgment card suggests to us that we pay attention and make sure we are willing to start over again and get on track as often as we need to. There is no sin, but opportunities to readjust ourselves for the better each time we are at a crossroads.

(Mr. Rubinshtein's note: The card can thus teach us the value of making mistakes and that we are imperfect beings. We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves even though we should learn from our mistakes -- specifically to make better decisions with others and with ourselves).

* The Moon card is suggesting to us to become able to use our dreams, our intuitive part, and our subconscious in a positive and clear way.

(Mr. Rubinshtein's note: It is imperative to listen to our hearts in romance. This obscure song tells us why, even when choosing partners).

* The Hermit card is the goal that we can reach once we get on a truth-seeker path; it is a valid choice as it enables our reach of Wisdom within.

(Mr. R's note: How can you expect to truly love if you are not interested in seeking the truth? True love is the path of the truth seeker. The philosopher is a lover of wisdom, therefore he or she seeks it honestly, like the partner seeks his or her significant other genuinely and not out of pretending. The lover, like the philosopher/truth-seeker, isn't interested in deluding themselves with lies. They look into reality just like they look into their partner's eyes -- with love).

* The Chariot card is a result of our capacity of using both our intuitive and rational aspects in order to apply those in real behavioral situations.

(Mr. R's note: Is true love pure from rationality? I am not sure. Either way, it's imperative to keep a sense of rationality in true love because rationality allows us to behave appropriately in society. Would you do something explicit in public with a true lover just because your heart tells you so? Rationality tells us that you shouldn't).

* The High Priestess card is reminding us to trust our intuition and be patient and resilient in doing so.

* The Strength card is telling us that true strength is from within.

(Mr. R's note: I'd like to argue that true love requires strength many do not have. It is the strength to be brave and not to be afraid of getting hurt. After all, love hurts, as with any possible human connection. You need to have the strength to be vulnerable. Otherwise, true love won't work. You should not fear your emotions and the emotions of your lover!

Let these emotions be! Strength in true love is not expressed by self-restraint but by daring to remove the masks you otherwise put on your face with other people. In short, that true strength is the strength to be you, with as little filters as possible. Ideally, no filters would be required. Your lover wants to know you, not a false self. As mentioned -- true love is the pursuit of the truth about those whom we truly love).

* The Empress card reminds us that hard work pays off.

In Short Conclusion:

If we try to get in a better relation with all the others, we have to accept that we must forgive ourselves as well as forgive others. We need to consider hard work and a lot of perseverance reaching the goal of knowing ourselves and others as well, so we can be in a true love relation!

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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