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Manhood and Adulthood: Philosocom’s Guide to Masculinity

Updated: Dec 18, 2024

A face of a depressed, adult man.

Articles on Masculinity:

"Manhood and Adulthood: Philosocom’s Guide to Masculinity" is a philosophical critique of traditional and contemporary gender norms, emphasizing the need for individual authenticity. The article challenges readers to explore the intrinsic nature of selfhood, unshackled by societal constructs. It emphasizes that there is no "universal definition" of masculinity or femininity, encouraging readers to embrace their unique self without being boxed into predefined roles.
The article critiques gender roles, acknowledging that both men and women suffer under rigid social expectations in different ways. The discussion on repression highlights how both men and women face their own set of restrictions, creating a balanced critique of gender constructs. Philosophical references and metaphors, such as the Bhagavad Gita quote, elevate the conversation and add elegance and accessibility to the discussion.
The exploration of male loneliness, introversion, and trauma is well-articulated, critiquing the societal tendency to view men as more intimidating due to their size and facial hair. The article makes a strong case for emotional introspection and understanding.
In conclusion, "Manhood and Adulthood: Philosocom’s Guide to Masculinity" provides an intellectual and thought-provoking reflection on masculinity and human existence.


The man who is always engaged in the welfare of all beings, who is free from the sense of I and mine, who is contented, and who is unattached, such a man is a Yogin -- The Bavaghad Gita


A man is a man, not a puppet dancing to the chain of outdated or contemporary societal norms. A man is not defined by his actions, but by his existence. Men and women are loved because they exist, more because they do things. Their actions are merely an expression, of what makes them hated or adored: Their unique existence, which biases people to either despise them with every fiber of their being, or to desire to be around them and love them.

Existence of one thing resonates with another, through unique subjective perception. The mental construct of gender limits that inner light to shine and to attract love, through actions that are made, and do not express gender roles, but the inner self. The one that seeks to actualize its potential, to deprive itself from the pain of being something it doesn't want to be, but is expected to be regardless of any, any consideration of that self!

Regarding the Useful Human Element

Masculinity and femininity do not have to do with limiting others and ourselves. They are both expressed when we allow ourselves to bloom. Bloom, like flowers. Bloom, to become truly magnificent. Therefore, you can never have a universal definition for gender, like you can never have a universal definition of a human being. We are more unique than our simplistic naked eye meets ourselves when we look from within.

The universality of truth stems from this intricate interplay between objectivity and subjectivity. When your inner stars align, and allow a harmony based on truth. That, is when we allow ourselves to nurture the gift of love: the long, enduring appreciation of one another.

Part II: Misconceptions and Their Solutions

A mature flower is mature not only through time but through its own, unique development. A mature flower is a healthy flower. Time is only one parameter in every evolution of progress. Our masculine and feminine selves, regardless of whether or not we are men or women, are expressed when we give each other this loving gift: The gift of allowing each other, to be the best version of the self.

Limitations are there to oppress people, thus hindering them from expressing their distinct existence, thus preventing them from embracing the fabric of happiness.

The basic and only necessary condition to be a man is to reach adulthood and be a male. The basic and necessary definition of a man boils down literally to a male that is an adult, AKA, a male that is no longer a kid, teen, or boy. A healthy man, and a healthy woman are those who are allowed, as well as allow others, to be more and more themselves.

We grow out not only of age. We can grow out of illness and misery too. Maturity, is about growth. Growth of age, growth of our inner light, necessary to make humanity a lot less infantile in its awful behavior.

Does an adult male, AKA a man, have to fit into a specific category of personality and behavior in order for him to be a “real man"? No. If you put all the flowers in the same, restrictive, uniform incubators, not all of them are going to survive. Strict uniformity is the enemy of human growth.

If you want men to not be infantile, you need to stop repressing them so much. Both genders are repressed. Men are repressed far more in some aspects, just like women are more repressed, in other aspects.

Gender roles repress humans per the assigned category. Categorization allows weak leaders to repress people in diverse ways. Every, everyone is repressed per their social category, given by their uncaring leaders and figures of authority. Repression is unhealthy as it prevents us from growing up beyond just the parameter of time.

The "True Man" and "True Woman" Myth

Men and women are "real men" and "real women" in their own respective ways! Some men and women naturally fit their gender roles. However it doesn't mean others can or should fit these roles, necessary for their unique growth.

The real, raw actualized self is not expressed because you are a man. It is expressed because you allow your inner seed of light, to grow and prosper. Your inner seed is to be fought for, as you become a truth warrior. As you rebel ruthlessly against those who are too fearful, to resist their fears, and allow you to be yourself.

Why do men have their own unique brand of loneliness? That brand is a social construct, not something biological. The misery of male loneliness is as painful to males as it is painful to others who value them for the fact that they exist. Extroversion and Introversion are fluid. Our personalities change per our need to be ourselves, per other people's reaction to our honesty. Extroversion is nurtured by harmony and love, introversion is nurtured by trauma.

The naturality of traumas biases people to be introverted. The more we are alive, the more traumas we may experience. With each trauma, we have to process information, resorting to solitude.

Those who are busy processing emotional data, and process mental content in general, can't afford learning how to be social. Women can have a more pleasant time because the female brain is hardwired for social cognition and verbal communication. The male brain has a stronger connectivity within the two hemispheres, rather than between them.

To Each Sex Their Own

Men are stereotypically seen as a threat more than women. With our natural ability to grow facial hair, we become more intimidating no matter how sweet and sensitive we are. Being mostly taller and larger than women, we are naturally more intimidating.

Seen as a perceived threat by default biases and the past traumas from abusive men, we can be rejected more easily than the clean-faced, smaller woman. Rejection is painful. Emotions require processing. Solitude is vital for rest and for sleep.

As such, men are usually better in motor skills and perception than women. Of course, it's why men make better soldiers and hunters. That, and the fact that we by average are taller, more intimidating, and have greater muscle mass than women.

Natural soldiers and hunters in more than just warfare, we men are usually more goal oriented, and often care less about developing deep, meaningful relationships like many women try to. Failure to balance more than ourselves only hinders ourselves, not just others. Therefore, specified loneliness affects others as well, in a world interconnected by reason, action and circumstance.

Women are often better at bringing people closer to them due to their charm. Men are often better at repelling people away from them. Women may have their own loneliness due to the difficulty of balancing societal expectations in a world of increasing arrogance and individualism, and their own desire for a profound, emotional connection. Males are lonelier and repressed because their intimidation factor draws people to be away from them.

Final Words and On the Interplay of Features

Genes and the environment are mutually interactive, which implies sexism is a habit our brains develop, and thus becomes truth. The brain is developed by habits. Habits are developed and changed to survive, for survivability rests on adaptability. We are conditioned to repress and be repressed by an uncritical, arrogant, pretentious human environment, that really believes it knows what it is doing, and thus turns its most competent followers, to darkened, twisted beings, from Darth Vader to Metal Sonic.

Sexism therefore exists and is hardwired in the human brain. However, sexism is anti-human as all forms of social categorization, as these mental frameworks are our chains. To expect growth using concepts that hinder growth, is illogical. Therefore, sexism is illogical.

Sexism is merely a developed tendency because behavior is contagious. In addition, humans regulate themselves to conform for the sake of surviving in society. Depending on applying illusions to reality, the human brain may struggle discerning the logic it developed and between the world beyond the mind.

As much as we may try justifying things we're biased to confirm, logic is limited per our inability/lack of desire to expand our knowledge, and per our hubris.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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