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Political Rubinshteinism; T. Rubinshtein's Political Philosophy (PIN)

Updated: Sep 17

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(Not to be confused with Rubinshteinic Individualism. For more on that, click here)

Synopsis By Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac:

At its core, Political Rubinshteinism, inspired by the teachings of Tomasio Rubinshtein, stands as a right-wing libertarian ideology rooted in individualism. It champions a capitalist economy and emphasizes personal freedom within the confines of the law. While individuals are free to make their own choices, they must also accept the consequences, including punishment for breaking laws.
Rubinshteinism sees the state as necessary for maintaining order but advocates for limited state intervention in personal matters. It places high value on democratic principles and the rule of law, opposing absolute monarchies and advocating for rebellion against authoritarian regimes.
The ideology supports progress over tradition, individual rights such as abortion and freedom of expression, and the provision of basic services by the state.
Additionally, it emphasizes skepticism, free media, and the prevention of corruption within government. Ultimately, Political Rubinshteinism aims to balance individual freedom with the maintenance of a just and orderly society.


Rubinshteinism, or Political Rubinshteinism (spelled Ru-bin-sh-tei-ni-sm), is a political ideology that's on the right-wing, libertarian area of the political compass. It also features elements from Tomasio Rubinshtein's philosophical teachings.

It is capitalist, supporting a largely free market economy, while also being individualistic in nature. It views the State as a body one is born into, and that alone does not dictate that one must desire it.

The individual is free from the State, preference-wise, but is confined to it, law-wise. It believes that the individual should be free to do as they wish, under the condition that they be aware of the potential consequences of their actions.

For example, it is your "right", to make potentially unwise decisions in your life, but that does not mean that the State cannot punish you for breaking its own laws.

In other words, Rubinshteinism is a right-wing libertarian ideology, combined with neutral-lawful morality.

The Rubinshteinist submits to the necessities enforced by the State. These necessities are required for the maintenance of an orderly society. Beyond these necessities, the Rubinshteinist remains individualistic, if not reclusive. Their motto would be: "Society is only necessary to an extent"

If you are to be imprisoned, then you must follow suit as long as the verdict and the conviction are legitimate. The same goes for conscription and other duties, including participation in democratic elections, as that is the very reason for democracy to exist.

Rubinshteinism holds that the State should have no say in one's lifestyle, no matter how smart, dumb, conventional, or controversial it may be, because the individual's life is their own property, unless the individual is not autonomous from obligatory services, forced by the State (compulsory service, jail sentences, and so on).

Like with any other property, one's life is to be lived as one pleases. The individual exists, or is capable of existing, beyond the framework of their society, State and community, and the norms of society should not be seen as equivalent to actual laws, but rather, as mere recommendations.

The same principles apply to the government. Its money and its laws are to be dictated according to how the elected representatives of the population see fit, unless they illegitimately meddle with the most valuable property of the individual -- his or her life.

For example, it is legitimate to sentence people to jail as punishment for crimes, but it isn't legitimate to kidnap people from their homes without proper, official justification.

Likewise, unless it is within the law of the State, the individual should not be executed for their actions, should there be no law that allows that punishment within the State. Should the State execute people as it pleases, it would be equivalent to the pursuit of a serial killer.

In other words, the law is above all, and the law is to determine the fate of both the common man and woman and that of the elected representative, for the same crime committed. However, there are cases where the law may deserve to be broken.

Legitimacy in this case is based on the common sense of the modern man and woman. While in countries such as North Korea you can be punished horribly for the most minor of things, such as expressing disapproval of the Kim dynasty, such minor things are obviously legitimate in a truly democratic country.

When regarding legitimacy, the Rubinshteinist values it in relation to undemocratic countries, where the legitimate can easily become illegal within their jurisdiction.

The Rubinshteinism flag represents its political alignment as a right-wing, pro-capitalist ideology, marked by the star in its lower corner to the right.

In the center, the letter R stands for Tomasio Rubinshtein, the founder of this ideology, and the line connecting it to the symbol known as the New Enduring Pillar represents Rubinshtein's teachings, which are combined within this political philosophy.

Finally, the lines aiming for the four main directions, emulate the political compass, in order to better clarify the meaning of the positioning of the star.

Finally, the current colour code of this political flag is Blue. It symbolizes freedom and the element of water, which is a necessity for life.

Originally, the specific variant was "Global Blue". It refers to the argument in this philosophy that our existence is no longer confined to our local State, as with the prowess of technology, we are able to express, share, and expose ourselves to media across the majority of the world today. That also implies progress, a value that is also important.

Finally, in order to be brief, here are a few extra points regarding the positions of Rubinshteinism on various, relevant topics of existence:

1. Progress should be prioritized over tradition. The key to survival and development is adjustment to the environment. Even though one's life is their property, they are still confined to their current circumstances, even if their character exceeds that of their local socialization. Charles Darwin defined this as the survival of the fittest.

2. The purpose of education is to teach students the skills they need to survive and thrive after graduation. Reading and writing are essential, as is the ability to operate basic technology such as computers and other devices. In addition, students should have a basic understanding of both local and international languages in order to develop as individuals and future jobseekers.

3. Welfare is not something that every country can afford. However, if a state places a priority on human development, it should consider supporting its weaker citizens. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what to do with the support provided by the state, as their life is their own property.

4. Abortion is the right of every woman. Since the woman hosts the fetus within her body, which grants her ownership of her life, it is her decision as to what to do with the person inside her body. An analogy: a landlord can evict their tenants at any time, since the place of residence is their property.

5. Corporations do not transcend humanity. In other words, corporations are ultimately a collection of people. As such, the corporation is primarily owned by its executives, and the state should not meddle with its management, as the corporation is private property and does not belong to the state.

6. A basic income tax should be applied, purely for the sake of allowing the state to function and provide its services. The tax should be affordable to even the poorest of citizens, and thus, it should be done by percentage, rather than by a specific amount of money.

7. The State is the property of its elected representatives -- the property of the elected representatives of the country's people. Absolute monarchies pose a threat to individual freedoms that are legitimate, and thus shouldn't be deemed legitimate in modern eras.

As progress marches forward, hopefully, all absolute monarchies will be transformed into democracies. Should there be a danger to democracy, or should dictatorships refuse democracy, then the individual has a right to rebel as an act of protest; as an act of advocating and preserving their right to self-governance.

7.1. (As such, the state has the right to defend itself, and thus develop its military as it sees fit, even if it leads to the initiation of compulsory service, which is the desire of the elected leaders. Compulsory service is justified by moral egoism (better defense means better possibility of survival, even if one eventually sacrifices themselves to the State).

8. Any view should be categorized as a basic part of individual freedom, no matter how controversial it may be. The exclusion is hate speech, as it could lead to the avoidable deaths of others. Thus, people should have the right to choose any religion they want to believe in, or not believe in at all.

9. Harassment should be seen as a crime, even if it is done online. Public forums do not justify harassment and do not imply that there is absolutely no moderation within their frames. Harassments can deteriorate the victim's mental health, and ultimately, could even lead to suicide, or in some cases, to violate the law themselves.

Examples of such cases are mass shootings, assassinations, or anything that is plausibly labelled as "acts of violence". Thus, should harassment be prevented from the beginning, it could bring greater safety and order to the general public.

10. The government should have no say in one's private bedroom. Intercourse is an intimate feature, especially while it is being done. Whether or not the people in question are married or not, should be no one's concern, as that status applies under one's self-ownership.

11. Women should not be discriminated against on the basis of their gender, and that goes for any other minority, being a minority. Women deserve equal pay for the same job and should not receive less just because they were born into a different gender.

That goes for any other social category (race, nationality, and so on). In the end, the pay should be determined by the job being done, and not by an irrelevant characteristic of the employee in question.

12. The main purpose of any State should be, to provide basic services to anyone who is either a resident or a citizen. Basic services include basic medical care to prevent the spread of diseases; Public transportation for those who cannot drive or afford a car; and basic security in the form of either a police force, a military force, or both.

Basically, anything that an average individual could afford if they could work and, thus, be a taxpayer. The state should allow freedom by being limited in its power, and yet, provide basic public services to anyone within its jurisdiction.

13: People should be able to spend their money however they please. If they spend their money on something illegal, then they should be punished according to the law of the State. It is up to the State, to determine what is legal and illegal to purchase, both as a minor and as an adult.

Those who break the law, deserve to be punished accordingly. The State should have no obligation to help those who harm its authority, and it could've chosen otherwise, to obey the legitimate law that allows the functionality and safety of the population.

14: There should be a separation between religion and state in order to allow religious minorities, and the secular, to better navigate and manage their lives, without being forced to obey the laws of a religion they do not believe in.

The major religions in the State should fend for themselves, just like everyone else. However, in the natural competition of electing representative leadership, it is up to said leadership to lead as they please, as long as they do not violate their own laws.

In other words, if the leading majority desires it, they have every right to elect a candidate or a party that intends to restore the union of religion and state.

15: Constitutions should not be considered unless there is a monarch. Then, the creation of a constitution is essential to prevent the current monarch from taking over and thus abolishing the people's right to live in a democratic nation.

If the creation of a constitution is considered, then its top priority is to ensure the continuation, and stability of a proper democratic regime.

16. Philosophy should be taught in school in a way that the students understand, in order to encourage skepticism and non-conformism. With this in their minds, the general population should be able to make better decisions and eventually "combat" the voice of the majority, through intellectual debate and inquisition (as in inquiring).

A good democratic citizen is one who is able to doubt and convince, instead of doing so through force or herd mentality. People should present their opinions and arguments, instead of getting their agenda through intimidation or violence.

17. Free media is imperative. However, the State should have its own media as well, as its representative. Private and public media should be broadcast in coexistence, and the population should decide about their media consumption themselves.

The State Media should be funded by taxpayer money due to its special position as the de facto voice of the selected, leading representatives.

The private media should not be funded by the taxpayer. Should the private media struggle, then it should deserve donations in order to continue its duty as an independent journalistic medium. The State Media should not remain the sole media channel in the State, or there might be a risk to the stability of the regime as democratic.

18. Absolute monarchy should never be an option. However, should there be monarchists/loyalists/ultra-nationalists, they should be free to voice their thoughts in public, unless there is an actual danger to the sanctity of democracy.

19. It is up to the State to determine its position in the international community, and to strive to gain the position it believes it deserves. However, it should be done through legitimate means, such as diplomacy, trade, and international aid.

20. As a part of its right to protect itself, the State has the right to consider developing nuclear arms, merely in the name of self-defence against foreign nations that too have nuclear weaponry or are planning to develop them.

Should the State receive opposition from the international community, then the State also has the right to justify its agenda in front of the protesting nations.

21. Independent militias and paramilitaries within the State should be met with opposition, as their power poses a threat to the security and independence of the State and the people that it serves. There should be a single, unitary military, whose purpose is to serve, protect, and prevent coups d'état from hostile forces, both within and outside the State.

Likewise, the public education of the State should encourage anti-separatism, in order to prevent unnecessary bloodshed and ensure the stability of the Democratic regime.

22. The people have every right to privacy, under the sole condition that there is no threat to security.

23. Propaganda should only be broadcast by the State media during election periods. In addition, the people should vote on the maximum number of times the same representatives are allowed to stay in power, should they win the elections continuously (AKA, a term of office). That should be decided in order to prevent corruption and/or a possible abuse of power by the winning candidate or candidates.

24. It is up to the People to decide whether their democracy will be parliamentary or presidential. In addition, anyone has the right to establish a political movement and attempt to run for office, as long as said movement reaches or overcomes a minimum number of officially declared supporters.

If you have comments, now is the time to sign up, if desired, and provide your input publicly. I will even consider ordering a song for this new political philosophy, as I've been recently inspired by a certain trend of such videos. Please keep in mind the rules I've set for you, the commenters. I've pinned the rules on the homepage.

Thanks for reading.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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