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My Take on Death's Definition -- Directory On Defining Death

Updated: 7 days ago

A woman touching the chest of an undead skeleton.

You should not lament over the inevitable. -- Bhagavad Gita

The Naturality of Death

Death, a finite end of the mind's engagement with the illusory realm, is a natural state. The body, a vessel for consciousness, becomes obsolete when the mind's connection to the animated reality is severed. It then joins the inanimate objects of the external world, devoid of thought or sensation.

The illusory realm, often mistaken for the whole of reality, is the realm of the mind. It is the ceaseless chatter, the shared thoughts that bind us to our fellow beings. The world, however, is not merely existence within this life-made illusion. Rather, it is a conscious engagement with the true nature of reality, a realm beyond the limitations of the mind.

Beyond the lively chatter of biological existence, the universe exists in a state of profound silence, of profound void. Only through the interplay of forces, of matter and energy, does sound emerge. The electric roar of machinery and technology, these are human-made disturbances in the cosmic symphony. Otherwise, the cosmos remains a silent, eternally desolate expanse, akin to the tranquility of the grave. Other species throughout the stars are, too, biological and mechanical expressions of animated chatter. Mere chatter we learn to see as concrete, in order to survive.

Life and Death as On and Off-line States

Imagine your consciousness as a fragile network connection. It is connected via something called the "Mental Dimension" is like the vast internet, a realm of information and experiences. A strong connection allows you to access and interact with this "digital universe" with greater freedom of action and desire. A weak connection limits your access and can even lead to disconnection (AKA premature death). The connection weakens through the naturality of trauma.

Just as a slow internet connection can be caused by poor hardware, viruses, or interference, your connection to the Mental Dimension can be weakened by unhealthy habits, negative thoughts, and harmful stimuli. Becoming mentally stronger is how you improve the anti-virus from within. Choosing positivity over negativity, helps as well.

By nurturing your mind and body through practices like meditation, exercise, and a healthy diet, you can strengthen your connection and improve your ability to navigate the digital realm of consciousness.

Conversely, exposing yourself to harmful content, such as toxic relationships or addictive behaviors, can damage your connection to the mental realm, shared by humanity through intersubjectivity. It's like downloading malware that corrupts your system. By avoiding these harmful influences, you can protect your connection and ensure that you remain grounded and centered. You can also subvert trauma and the pain of rejection, to build your mind to be stronger. Stronger than the desire to die.

The stronger your connection to the Mental Dimension, the more fully you can experience and participate in "the digital world" of consciousness. Just as a high-speed internet connection allows you to stream videos, connect with others, and learn new things, a strong connection to the Mental Dimension allows you to access your full potential and live a fulfilling life. Mentality is, essentially, virtual, and our experience of the world is simulated like your computer simulating these words you read.

The only escape from it is in the unknown death.

To Enduringly Live, To Enduringly Seek

The warrior's path, though filled with glory, is often short-lived. The peaceful seeker, however, endures by avoiding conflicts which could disconnect him or her from their inner light, necessary to stay further from evitable death. It is in the balance between rest and the active pursuit of purpose that true fulfillment (or the fabric of happiness) could be embraced peacefully, without the need to cause much harm and ill to one another.

To seek risk for the sake of thrill-seeking is to unnecessarily minimize one's potential in the long term... Why risk your life so much when you can live in stability? Cultivating a peaceful mind not only strengthens the connection between your inner world and society, but also preserves one's vitality and desire to be alive.


Each being is a vessel of potential, a seed able to either bloom or wither. To live a life of purpose is to nurture that seed, to cultivate its unique gifts. The inner light is not to be withered, or death will become sooner than expected. That light is to be kept through ethics, and thus, life itself is kept. 

The limited time we have on this earth should be spent realizing our potential, leaving a lasting imprint on the world.

For those burdened by despair, know that death is inevitable. Death's definition will eventually come regardless of your endeavors. There is no reason to hasten its arrival when so much potential remains to be realized. Embrace the journey, cultivate your inner light, and discover the beauty that lies within any of us.

Beauty to be had, to be enjoyed, to be actualized.... and to be overcome.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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