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An Article About the World -- Why We Resume Being Alive Even Reluctantly

Updated: Jan 22

an intimidating, dark world.

I think this world is very weird, especially when you look at it through the eyes of an autistic philosopher. That is because of how absurd existence is, theoretically, along with the fact that we are expected to accept life and reality as intrinsically meaningful.

Philosophically, the fact that we just come into the world, without our consent, is weird. No one asked us whether or not we want to come into the world, and we are neither asked where or to which family to be born, what education to receive, or which genes to possess. We just do, without making sure we permit it, even if we could. We are all forced to initially live until we may carry the courage, or despair, to do otherwise: Venture into the complete and yet inevitable unknown of this reality.

What is even stranger about this world is that we are demanded to meet specific expectations, again, without caring about our consent. We are expected to behave appropriately, do our homework, and later in life, have a job and raise our own family. We are expected to repeat the same involuntary sequence we experienced ourselves, all to either be left alone or to try our luck at finding some happiness and/or meaning within existence, because we do not necessarily know better.

The thing is, no one is necessarily compelled to tell us why all of these things are important. Maybe beyond the ad-populum fallacy that we "must" be successful because many others are and/or to please others. Our personal whims, wants and needs are not as important as those of general society is (which can also be regarded as "the world").

We are supposed to contribute to "the world" in exchange of our physical and mental survival. But should we rebel against it, even if by existing alone in a certain way, we will likely be rejected, and begin to view ourselves as different than "the world". When we begin to form this understanding that we are outsiders, for our authentic selves, we would be prone to feel a great deal of feelings related to loneliness.

We may begin to feel that "the world" has forsaken us. It is then when we may also suspect that others see us as insane. "Insane", for our inner core is too different to be accepted by "the world". And that is the double-edged sword of being too unique for many people's liking, even if you can't do much about it.

And that may apply regardless of your contribution to "the world". To this reality, to the planet, to society and so on. Even if there is much virtue in being unique, uniqueness can be seen as a threat on "the world's" order. See how society creates its own enemies by rejecting from it those who can contribute much to it, just because they fail conforming to the norms, no matter how hard they try.

Many of us need to be normal in order to survive in a world that largely refuses to accept the different. That is even though we are not told exactly why surviving is important, let alone being born. So, many of us just have to accept that we exist and focus on the things we are required to focus on by different spheres of influence (family, friends, country and so on). Whether that's work, higher education, or any recommendation of any authority we find valuable to us.

In exchange for conforming to a world that cares little for our consent of being alive, we are rewarded with validation of our work, thus creating this unhealthy dependency between us and between bodies that merely use us for their own benefit.

We become not humans but human resources. Assets. Pawns. Under capitalist philosophies even this very world is an asset to be purchased, owend and sold. To quote Mr. John Duran:

The horrifyingly despised and ignored truth is the earth was given to us as a gift, to be shared, not sold or owned. No one should own land, or the resources thereof that were bequethed to every living species, not just mankind. Humans take, they don't ask, they seize their resources, and resell them calling it capitallism and somehow 'good' which is the worst evil in the history of this planet. Nature is crying, everyday, at the theivery and selfishness of mankind.

The question is, beyond the mere necessity of survival, why should we cooperate with a society that treats us and the world itself as assets that are either high or lower quality? In a way, this reality forsaken us the moment the people around us confidently believe they know us enough. By deluding themselves, they blind their own eyes from our pain... the pain of being alive in an existence many of us find empty and absurd.

There are also many ceremonies and traditions "the world", or society, maintains to preserve itself. These are minor or even grand events that we are required to follow and repeat day after day, again, without telling us why exactly, and without expecting us to care for "why". This is because philosophical inquisition is largely tiring, as I have witnessed myself in my own work.

These traditions are just being done, usually every year, in an automatic-like attitude, mostly to mention something that happened sometime in the past, without necessarily asking ourselves why such rituals are necessary. We can just remember them and carry on, like we carry on with everything else in life. But, the supposed necessity of social cohesion stand strong in the hearts of those who are afraid to be alone.

I dislike birthday parties because I don't see a need to celebrate knowledge that I already know.

When you think about it, this world is very weird, very mechanical, ritualistic and tradition-based. It's a world that always advocates us to do things, to experience and to achieve things, without necessarily telling us why these things are important to be done, to be experienced and to be achieved. Many of us may conform for our own interests and not out of genuine care for others.

In the absence of genuine care for others, we become mercenaries by mindset. Not only professionally but also socially. We may leave without hesitation the moment we don't like being with them, regardless of their feelings and/or distress. We normalize ourselves to see others the same as the world may see us: An asset that may or may not be of good quality, and may or may not be relevant for our efforts.

Just like the planet itself.

Hence why we do what others say, so we won't be outcasted. As being outcasts goes against our psychological needs for respect, appreciation and empathy.

I don’t know why I should live a social life; I don’t know why I should “open doors” to new opportunities; I don’t know why being in my 20's is important for my success. I don’t know why I should continue to study academically after I finished school.

I am merely getting more and more success and influence to escape the void inside of me. To remain sane in a world I wasn't asked to be in; a world that will live on regardless of my thoughts and feelings; A world that expects me to care about it, even though it has little to no intention to care about the true me. The one behind the mask.

I don't know why romantic love is such an important feature in human life. I don't know what it means to "be a man" when I'm already a man. I don't even know why it's important to be happy. I don't even know why I should care about the personal and intimate happenings of famous people, let alone gossip about it to friends I don't know why I should be having.

This gap in explanation is one that deserves to be burned alive if we want people to desire life, and not live it out of necessity or out of pleasing others.

I also find the world to be scary, because it seems that no matter how smart I will be regarded as, the world by large would still remain an absurd, illogical mystery to my autistic mind. I am partially forced to study it, like a puppet on a string, who is governed by the fear of void.

What I am certain about, however, is that naivety is more of an obstacle in the quest of understanding the world, than it is of usefulness. Thus, innocence is, to a large degree, an enemy of the philosopher, even if it appears friendly.

Ms. Tamara Moskal's Comment

I believe the reasons [for the article's inquiry] are social norms needed to keep people connected and behaving in a recognizable way for others; the herd mentality, which therefore makes people easier to control. Predictable behavior is more convenient than surprise. It is easier to characterize and to identify the different ones.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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