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Thoughts On the Law of Attraction -- Why I Disagree With It

Updated: Dec 1, 2024

A village that attracts bad fortune to it.


The "Law of Attraction" is a spiritual principle that argues that our thoughts have a direct influence on existence in relation to us.

In other words, based on your "mental life", a.k.a., your positive or negative thoughts, different things will happen to you, based on said thoughts. In simple words, your thoughts are like a "magnet" for different occasions.

Part I: Controversies

This concept is actually seen as a pseudoscience, but if we may think about it, everything that is either mystical or part of the "new age movement" can be seen as a pseudoscience. Science, of course, is not perfect, far from it, and that is why it develops with time, as it seeks truths empirically through research and experimentation.

If it was perfect, it wouldn't have any reason to develop further, as perfection requires no necessary development. Either way, scientific research is better than believing in scientific theories that have been proven as false (such as the law of attraction, at least when it comes to our minds).

Intermission: On Scientific Inquiry

Things that scientists thought were true may turn out to be false in the distant future. Science, unlike religion, does not "pretend" to give you all the answers to everything. It's a developing body of knowledge whose purpose is to give you technical wisdom.

It's simply because it does not have all the answers yet, and it perhaps might never be able to have all the answers if it cannot unlock omniscience in any way. It is flawed simply due to the fact that it has more to advance towards, which is good. If it were omniscient, then scientific research wouldn't been necessary at all, as we would already have all the answers.

Things that were considered beyond the realm of possibility, for example, have become possible as time progresses. Such as flight, international communication for everyone, space tourism, and so on. Perhaps, based on this logic, the realm of thoughts will be more thoroughly researched, and new insights, not proven before, will be proven.

Although I'm not a scientist, I also tend to agree with the scientific method. That's because I can make up my own mind as to how positive thoughts won't necessarily attract good people or good situations.

Practical Application of Law Of Attraction: Questioned

Let's say you're serving a life sentence in prison for committing murder. How can you attract good things to happen to you while in prison?

First, you are surrounded by other random people, so you have no privacy. You are prone to bullying and harassment by other fellow prisoners; you may have to hide your homosexuality if you are gay, and so on.

Should you find yourself in a gang, which could be dangerous, you may given orders that do not align with the rules of the jail you're locked in. Things such as beating up someone from a rival gang, or smuggling contraband from outside of prison.

These are not problems that positive thinking alone can help you overcome. Also, it's not likely that you'll get out of jail unless you're young, depending of course on the severity of your crime. Finally, there is no evidence that good thoughts help decrease the time you were initially told to serve. What will release you sooner from prison is good behavior, not good thoughts.

On the contrary, when I look at my personal life thus far, it seems that whenever I was more positive, energetic, and confident, more people were inclined, by their own will, to connect with me. That's because human beings emit energies others can sense, intentionally or not.

I did not do anything in particular to attract them into my life other than being myself. Some have left, some have stayed to this day, and I'm not talking only about this site's regular visitors.

Perhaps the way I looked, behaved, or used my facial expressions, intrigued people to come to me. It was especially true when I was in high school. I attracted not only the one with whom I was in love but also audiences of younger students who, sometimes, gathered around me.

I don't know how to explain it properly, other than the appeal I had back then. Of course, this is no attempt at boasting but simply recollecting the past before my path to (physical) hermitage. It's an example that could drop some insight on the article's subject.

Now that I am dead inside, it is usually the opposite nowadays, and people keep their distance. You need not know my truest self.

The only explanation I can give, other than "emitting energy" is the way I behave, which may give subtle impressions to others. I have learned from those who have seen me as disposable, and thus I made up my mind to not dispose of anyone. After all, human beings are more than mere resources or tools that you throw away once you have no need for them. Who knows when they will be of use to you?

Who knows when other forms of potential might arise as a result of your communications? I know it may sound cliché, but friendships shouldn't be underestimated, even if they are not as close as other friendships. Even partnerships shouldn't be discarded when they are unnecessary for the time being. A large, loyal network is most beneficial.

Attraction In Fiction: Suikoden IV

As a child, I learned my initial outlook on life through a particular video game that I already wrote about. In that game, you need to recruit an army of individuals to help you defeat a common foe.

This union of people whom you cannot get rid of normally is the thing that might've created within me, the desire to not see anyone as disposable, as long as they do not cause any trouble or stand in my way on purpose.

As you recruit more and more of them, your HQ becomes livelier, and your odds of beating the game increase as you have a more diverse selection of warriors to choose from as you see fit. Some are not even warriors and could help you otherwise.

Part II: The Necessity For More

In other words, if you want to attract certain situations and people into your life, mere thoughts won't cut it. You need to build your confidence and charisma and give people a reason to appreciate you, AKA, give them a reason to care.

It's not something that you can necessarily do by sitting in a dark room and just thinking. No friend, reader, or follower will come knocking on your door just because you have socially-attractive thoughts and ideas in your head.

It works through your behavior. Your words, your posture, and your appearance. Some of it is within your control; some of it is not. It's based on the individuality of each person.

People can't see your thoughts, only the behavior that may be a product of said thoughts, given that you'll let these thoughts translate into behavior, with awareness or without it. Be good enough at pretending, and people might not know your true thoughts.

Sometimes you can give yourself the "privilege" of being passive and just let people make contact with you.

However, there are other people, who may be passive, like yourself, and will not, as a result, be attracted to your presence. It's simply because you yourself need to initiate the move and you might lack the confidence to do just that. It doesn't matter how joyful or optimistic you are. These are not substitutes for getting close to someone and making contact with them.

To be concise, putting yourself out there and increasing your chances of getting noticed is far preferable to staying passive in the hope that someone will come to you.

Some people are more attractive than others in terms of physical appearance and thus might have the chance of attracting more people than you simply because they're prettier than you are.

Although Some are much more social than others, and no amount of physical attraction may compensate for one's natural social tendencies. Also, attractive men and women can also intimidate some people by their looks.


In conclusion, while the Law of Attraction may be a popular concept, it lacks empirical evidence to support its claims. While positive thinking can undoubtedly have a positive impact on one's mental and emotional well-being, it is not this magical formula that necessarily attracts our true wishes.

Genuine human connection, active engagement with the world, and consistent effort are key factors in shaping our experiences. By understanding the limitations of the Law of Attraction and focusing on tangible actions, we can foster meaningful relationships, achieve our goals, and lead more-fulfilling lives.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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