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7 Essences of Existence

Updated: Mar 10

A giant factory on an alien planet.

  1. Materiality: Everything that truly exists exists as a material. Without material, there would be nothing, not even illusions, for illusions originate from any material that embodies a consciousness, a mind

  2. Separation: In order to understand a specific existence and distinguish it from another specific existence, that specific existence must be separated and secluded from anything that is not that specific existence. Without separation, there would be no identification.

  3. Atomicity: Atoms are the most elementary particles that construct the entire universe and everything that truly exists within it. Therefore, in order for something to exist, it must be composed of atoms. Everything that is not composed of this universal building block cannot truly exist, as it is only an illusion.

4. Logic: Logic is an alternative way to know and understand existence apart from experimentation and experience. In order for something to exist, it must have a logical origin and an identical, specific, and equivalent definition that is synonymous with the existent being itself. For example, a car is physically originated from manufacture, and an identical definition would be: “a transportation and mechanical device that has wheels and an engine.” However, scientific evidence triumphs logic. Also, note that things do not need a purpose in order to exist. Not only is purpose subjective (and thus an illusion), it can also multiply and does not have a specific purpose, making the object break its trait of separation, as seen in number 2.

5. Location: All things that truly exist must have a space in the universe, so the Great Void must contain it. Unlike in video games, more than one being cannot be in the same spot as another. It must have a separate spot, or else it would be an illusion. The Mental and Abstract Dimension does not hold a specific place. You can have consciousness in a body the same as you could “freeze” and store one in the form of text, painting, video, and so forth. Thus, consciousness and every abstract concept, society included, is an illusion. The same is with togetherness, because technically you are separated from others whether you are in a heavily populated bus or alone in your home.

6. Finitude: Only the Great Void of the Universe can be infinite. For something to truly exist, it must have an end, or a possible end, whether that end is physical in the form of shape, or have a chronological end. The internet, for example, while it can be formless, cannot be unconditionally eternal. If the energy sources that generate the internet are to be destroyed, the internet itself will be destroyed. The Great Void is more powerful than the internet, in the sense that it is not dependent upon anything in order to exist as it is, as space. There will always be space, meaning the Great Void will last for eternity regardless of circumstance in the Reality Beyond the Mind.

7. Change: Everything that truly exists is prone to change by the influence and/or interaction of other things and beings. In other words, nothing that exists truly stays the same for eternity.

With the Great Void being the sole exception, these are the essences I have discovered in my contemplations about what truly exists, and thus what is existence.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher from Israel, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate his life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe. Several podcasts on me, as well as a radio interview, have been made since my career as a writer. More information about me can be found here.

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