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Visioning The World's Best Philosophy Blog -- What There is To Know

Updated: May 14

A nice-looking city

Synopsis by Mr. Ephraim Peter

The article discusses the taboo surrounding suicide and its link to escaping from life's hardships. It explores the author's mission to create the world's best philosophy blog, aiming to evoke emotions and provide practical insights to motivate readers. It emphasizes the importance of depth in philosophy to give people meaning and a reason to live.
The author sees their blog as a contribution to helping people find purpose and overcome challenges, advocating for embracing competition to strive for relevance and fulfillment.

Introduction and Personal Premise

In the modern world, suicide seems to be a disturbingly increasing problem for humanity. It is probably one of the biggest taboos in human interactions, and this may be one reason why many suicidal people choose to keep this subject to themselves.

Why? Because suicide is one of the most repulsive things that people can know about someone, and it is not necessarily bound by culture. It is generally a very uneasy subject for people of all cultures and nationalities. Therefore, it would only be natural for suicidal people to keep it to themselves and not seek external help, even if such help is available.

Unless you are a fanatical terrorist who believes in afterlife rewards for suicide-bombing, the motive behind suicide is simple: to permanently escape from life. Not only from commitments, but also from emotions such as tension, anxiety, depression, melancholy, and anger. In many cases, our emotions can turn against us by deteriorating our mental state and even causing us to harm ourselves, such as through suicide.

Suicide is simply a means to stop whatever is happening in our lives, whether it is external, internal, or both. After all, it is assumed that when we die, we will feel nothing, or at least not feel the current hardships that we are facing.

The pain, the suffering. For some, if not many, the notion of feeling "nothing" is a reward in itself. The reward of not facing our responsibilities, our problems, our antagonists, and our current circumstances. A genuine desire for suicide out of escapism and the belief that things, theoretically, cannot get any better than they are currently.

I now understand that if I take this article empire for granted, its worth will not be as optimal as it could be. This means that every article I write and every post I publish will not matter as much as they could. Thus, I see no reason to escape.

I also understand that it is my choice, as the publisher of this blog, to give you a good enough reason to delve into the depths of this site's many articles. If I fail to do so, these philosophy articles, with all of their worth, will be overshadowed by those who compete with my own blog.

This is comparable to money. Anyone in a free society has the right to get rich, but many may unintentionally choose to live a life where their income is not as high as it could have been. This is just an example to show that life will not necessarily show you the way to success. You have to create and walk thaat path yourself, even if it means walking alone in the dark with many risks in your way.

Definining the Concept

What would "The World's Best Philosophy Blog" be? I believe it would be a container of content that motivates people to emote beyond their usual behavior, making the content at hand relevant through their own reaction and understanding of it. In my journey as a writer, I have realized that receiving hateful feedback is ironically a "good" thing because it is evidence that it makes people emote and be moved by your words.

If one's philosophical words are relevant enough, it is evident by the ability of the reader to not only think but to feel as well. After all, philosophy is all about life and being alive, both literally and metaphorically. Either way, it does not have to be purely hypothetical, and it does not have to be purely intellectual.

A good philosophy writer nowadays would employ his or her charm and charisma to motivate people using their own helpful insights, to improve their lives and mentality, and give them hope to resume not only reading -- but living. Give them hope to not give up so easily when facing adversity. They would turn their blog into a helpful and practical resource and research center that is both admired and in demand.

Philosophy is not as relevant today because it fails to make people emote like other, more shallow pieces of media, which are easier to understand and digest. Thus, contemporary philosophy writers are in quite the though competition over getting a following, as philosophy is regarded to be very complex and impractical. However, it does not have to be that way, should we be able to improve our own writing, to make it clearer and understandable, while still delievering the same, deep and important messages.

When you write your own blog, you have the opportunity to change this common perception, by providing people all over the world with content worthy of their time and energy, without resorting to less desirable means of obtaining said content, such as books and academic lectures. So, in other words, the philosophy blogger is both at an advantage and at disadvantage compared to its rival forms of content creation.

Should your content be in demand enough, your readership could in fact "work harder" by investing more of their time and effort to comprehend you and to reflect on the insights you provide. That is a sign of a loyal readership.

Depth, Benefit and Potential

The internet, philosophy, and competent writing skills are the "holy trinity" of reaching both my and this site's goals and being worthy enough to be relevant. The internet is the setting, philosophy is the material, and writing skills are the conveyor. Combine them optimally, and you can benefit from such establishments as well.

Maximize their potential, and you will be able to both make a presence in the world at large while giving the world what it both needs and deserves: depth. For depth is still needed today by consumers, and perhaps even more than ever before.

Depth is the "energy" that keeps people alive in high spirits. It gives them meaning, and gives them a reason to desire life. If the meaning found in philosophy is not good enough to prevent any possible case of suicide, or any other misfortune practically, then philosophy is not doing its job: Keeping people invested in life enough so they will not feel the need to kill themselves, or to deteriorate in whatever aspect (as in the case of moral depravity).

The End-Goal

Do you know the purpose of all of this? It is not just to make myself satisfied, but also to strive to achieve relevance through contribution; a contribution that could make people feel like they are doing something worthwhile with their lives. A contribution that would make people want to live, and live for more. That is, in essence one of the functionalities of practical philosophy on the existential degree.

And, in order to do that in the best way possible, I must thus strive to be the best philosopher according to my abilities and disabilities. Even if I do not do that, I will at least reach some place, worthier than currently. It is better to compete in the name of relevance than to be afraid of competition and stay in obscurity.

After all, obscurity, or irrelevance, is a state where your potential is compromised. Why compromise your potential? Why not work hard to at least try being the best?

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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