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My Philosophy to Avoid Suicide (Philosocom's Subcategory on Suicide)

Updated: Feb 21

A gentleman starring at somewhere.


It should be known that some people are more inclined to die than others. One of the reasons for that is that they don't believe they have a good enough reason to continue to stay alive. The things or beings that make you feel you shouldn't die yet, or shouldn't die at all, could be called "Life Guards.".

These are the very beings that prevent you from doing harmful things to yourself, like committing suicide or making an attempt at doing so.

It is also true that some people feel a greater need to justify their existence than others. Some people are just too comfortable, light-headed, or distracted to even consider questioning the value of their own existence, and when they do, family, religion, and philosophy come into play — not necessarily all in the same order.

Those who feel more inclined to consider the worth of their existence, are likelier to be suicidal than those who don't see any inclination of that whatsoever. It's only natural for one to be suicidal if they believe they don't have enough reason to continue living. On the other hand, those who are to be occupied with other things, will see little reason to constantly reflect on the worth of their lives.

The negative reflection of existence goes like this: If my existence is unnecessary or a waste of time for whatever reason (people don't like me enough, I don't make enough money, and so on), why, then, should I continue living, if my existence is either wasteful, harmful, or just unnecessary?

In order to overcome the possible negative decision of self-reflection, one must have these "life guards," external things worthy enough in their eyes to justify their existence. No medication, love, or therapy will help you overcome suicidal thoughts if you do not have strong "pillars" to keep your spirit afloat, alive, and kicking!

I created this website to justify my own existence because I know that if I don't do something that makes me feel worthy, suicidal thoughts will come. My duty to write is not only for your own convenience but also for mine. It's to remind myself over and over again that my existence here is worthy enough to continue.

The objective worth of something does not matter because it is subjectivity we're talking about. You could have all the luxuries in the world, and still feel empty inside. Emotional attachment, therefore, is more important than the objective worth of something; it is the same attachment that might make you desire this life and not think of leaving it.

It is all well and good to reflect on the worth and contribution of your life. However, when it becomes too constant, you might risk questioning its value and, thus, its continuation.

This is the double-edged sword of self-reflection, as is reflection in general. It's all because reflection is about doubting the current state of affairs. However, the question of whether or not to submit to this doubt is entirely up to you.

Each philosophical reflection is like an exam you give yourself, with your own life probably at stake if you fail too much or are too courageous for your own good.

If you are naturally reflective and you wish to continue living, you must find ways to justify, philosophically, that you have a good enough reason to continue to remain alive. That's despite the problems and hardships that may be in the way!

Countless of readers, an army of them, visiting for the first time, then some returning; some may call it a normal feature, but for me, you see, it is something I live for; a Tuesday worth waking up for; a basic, yet essential, life philosophy.

I can... kill myself... anytime I want, but I won't do so. It is a waste of potential, even if I had one last day left to live! Each day can birth a new article or other form of media. Why should I give up, then?

That's the philosophy that keeps me alive. It is one you can adopt to, based on my example. Whether you like to create things, or are a creator of sorts as a profession, then surely you wouldn't want to give up life when you can produce new things while alive!

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher from Israel, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate his life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe. Several podcasts on me, as well as a radio interview, have been made since my career as a writer. More information about me can be found here.

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