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Why Genes Are Morally Absurd

Updated: Feb 18

Cubes of different colors

The concept of genes, while could be explained technically, is quite hard to explain morally. Perhaps it's possible to ask how genes are passed from one generation to another, but have you asked yourself, why? Not necessarily, why they do, but specifically, why some genes apply, and others not?

Genes appear to be a matter of chance, regardless of potential. My mother, an authority on mental health issues, told me that a mentally-ill person could transfer their "ill-genes" to the next generation, but it is a matter of chance. This means, that some people are likelier to be born with a tendency to mental health issues, than others, regardless of their genes.

I am a third generation of a branch who has mental health tendencies. However, not all of that branch, the Drucker branch, has mental health problems. In the IDF, the Israeli military service, those with these issues are not even considered to be enlisted, in a country where such service is compulsory.

Nonetheless, my mother was the only one in her branch's generation to not serve in the army, and the same goes for myself.

I could've had more siblings, but they were miscarried. Perhaps, if they were born, they might've had mental health issues, just like me, and they might've not, even though we would have the same DNA, allegedly, transferred to us.

The question of the article is this: Why some people are "cursed" with genes, that don't "curse" other people of the same lineage? In other words, why would a psychologically disabled parent have kids that some are also disabled in that aspect, and others are not? Where is the justice, the MORAL, in the seemingly-randomness of gene transferring?

When people are born, they are yet to actually done anything that would cause them to deserve to suffer from a poor gene impact; and yet, they might have that impact, while their siblings, yes, might have the "better", more fortunate side of the genes that they all were given by their parents.

I don't know if I want children, to be completely honest. One of the core reasons, being me, being a psychologically disabled person in his generation's branch. Who knows? Will my potential children's health deteriorate, just because I have no control of the impact of my genes over them?

I once had a connection with whom I will call the Grandmaster, for he was the master of my former master. He taught me meditation for free and we causally spoke in his house. Despite being a very impressive, very wise and kind man, a child of his decided to end his life. I don't know of the Grandmaster's genes possess a trait of poor mental health, and I don't know if he himself was one as well.

However, seeing a child of yours... doing something like that... I can only imagine how horrible it is, to think of them, opposing your original desire to bring them to life. It's like them saying in your face: "Mom, dad, why did you bring me here?".

I fear that possibility, for I have no absolute control on a descendant, should I ever bring one. If their health will deteriorate because of me, then logic dictates, that it will ME, ME, who will be to blame! Be to blame, for a good and legitimate intention!

Hence why I must ask, even if I won't get a good answer, ultimately: why are genes so random? Do they work under a design greater than ourselves, or is it like a tabletop game, where you just throw some cubes with numbers and hope for a high number value?

Why I, of all of my generation's branch, got to be the one with issues in mental health, and not my other relatives in that branch? Why will they go to serve in the IDF, and I won't, as the Israeli army rejects the mentally ill from compulsory service?

Why it is ME, who gets to be different? Why it is certain people to be prettier, taller, smarter, but not their brothers and sisters?

In conclusion, genes appear to be random upon their impact over the people who get to be born. Maybe there is a so-called, "Grand Design", perhaps there isn't.

The practical "solution" to this is to just accept it, for we cannot change our genes, and not those who have already born from us...yet, at least. Should there be a way to design a baby my own way, I would first and foremost, bring an end to the gene of poor mental health.

They don't deserve this; I, don't deserve this. Sometimes, the "punishment", gets to those who are born, for being born. There seems to be not any more straightforward way, to write this paragraph, and finish this article; the brutal "truth", created from our own ignorance of whether or not there is universal morality/justice.

AFTERTHOUGHT: I.. knew, some people whose children were suicidal. The way, your own genes might turn your children against the imperative of survival, by these genes being poor upon impact... why?

If such a possibility, happen to my descendants, then I prefer doing what I seem to do best: preventing the strike from happening, instead of handling its impact on the victim. Perhaps, I will be the "Alpha and the Omega" of the Rubinshtein Clan; the beginning of its generation, and its end.

AFTERTHOUGHT II: In a grand scheme of things, if there is universal design, why would poor genes even be a feature, to those who don't deserve it? Why would a grand creator, want someone to have poor genes, as a means to an end? Does the end justify the means, assuming the end could be achieved otherwise, or nonetheless?

Life's greatest discriminator is GENES. Those with great genes, survive. Those who were offered a poor hand, will suffer accordingly, and even die because of said hand.

Don't expect the entire world to be accessible to you. For this world is unjust and unforgiving. For people are either too biased towards themselves, or do not care enough for thy suffering.

Divine justice does not exist in this reality, when people carry on with their deeds unpunished, and when the innocent suffer for being too unfortunate, and nothing more/little else.

It's my job to look at the abyss of reality and recognize such facts.

So do not expect me to be grateful for being born. Don't expect me to love being alive.

For life is work, and in death I will be discharged.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher from Israel, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate his life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe. Several podcasts on me, as well as a radio interview, have been made since my career as a writer. More information about me can be found here.

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