Nov 18, 20194 min

Love-Bombing -- The Manipulation of Love

Updated: Mar 9

Love bombing is a common method used by others to attract you into a cult. While other methods are also possible, love bombing is a sadly very efficient way for cult leaders to gain more members to their cult. As I have said many times before, love is a biochemical drug that can be addictive.

The more you consume this drug—like any other source of unhealthy addiction—the more you will become dependent on it, to the point of losing your freedom and sacrificing things to preserve it and what else comes from it, such as money, and even family and friends.

This is a major reason why people form cults—to gain money, power, and sometimes, s*x. If you are treated with intense love, to the point of it being love bombing, your mind slowly adjusts to this love, to the point of doing things in the name of it.

You then may try to maintain it and to avoid deprivation of its high levels of consumption and reward. This might bring you to a state of desperation, making yourself beneficial to those who pour their intense love upon you.

Here are some additional details about love bombing:

  • Love bombing is a manipulative tactic used by cult leaders to gain control over new members.

  • Love bombers shower their targets with attention, affection, and praise.

  • They make the target feel special and loved.

  • Love bombing can be very effective in making the target feel like they have found their "soulmate" or "true love."

  • Once the target is hooked, the love bomber will begin to slowly isolate them from their friends and family.

  • They will also begin to control the target's thoughts and behavior.

  • If the target tries to leave, the love bomber will use threats, guilt, and manipulation to keep them in the cult.

If you are being love bombed, it is important to remember that it is a manipulative tactic. Do not let the love bomber control you. Get help from a trusted friend or family member, or from a professional.

Another possibility, which I think is very rare in day-to-day living (i.e., in life that is not of staged shows and anime), is that the love bomber may be a yandere. This is a Japanese term for someone who is in love with you in a sense of not only great desire, but also great possessiveness. Yanderes can be authoritarian and extremely suspicious of you, even if you are only interacting with someone of the same gender.

I would not say that all yanderes will kill those who they perceive as a threat to their relationship with you. However, yanderes, whether male or female, can still be unstable.

It is important to make sure that the person you are dealing with is not actually a love bomber. They may simply be obsessive, which is fine, innocent, and unthreatening. Here are some things to look out for:

  • How much do they express their love towards you?

  • How intense are their expressions?

  • Does the lover possess any kind of mental illness?

  • How much do they talk about you when you encounter them?

  • Can they interact about other things as well, besides you?

  • Do they have anything else in their lives that is not about you and them and you together?

If you are unsure whether the person you are dealing with is a yandere, it is always best to err on the side of caution. You can ask them about their mental health history, or you can simply avoid them altogether.

If you are convinced that the person you are dealing with is not a yandere, it is possible that they belong to a cult. Cults often use love bombing as a way to recruit new members. Here are some things to look out for:

  • Do they belong to a certain "forum," "community," or "non-profit organization"?

  • Do they try to isolate you from your friends and family?

  • Do they try to control your thoughts and behavior?

If you are concerned that the person you are dealing with may be a member of a cult, it is important to get help. You can talk to a trusted friend or family member, or you can contact a cult-monitoring organization.

Regardless of the circumstances, what we can learn from love bombing is not to trust anyone who loves us, as their affection towards us may not necessarily be for our own benefit. This also goes to show that the notion of love, although desired by many, can be a dangerous tool in the hands of others.

If we better understand the person who loves us, to whatever degree, without falling into deception, we have the chance to save our lives from one or more potential deteriorations.

Here are some additional tips for protecting yourself from love bombing:

  • Take things slow. Don't rush into a relationship with someone who is showering you with attention and affection. Get to know them gradually and make sure that they are trustworthy.

  • Trust your gut. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. If you have a bad feeling about someone, don't ignore it.

  • Talk to your friends and family. They can help you to see things from a different perspective and offer support if you need it.

  • Get professional help. If you are being love bombed, it is important to get help from a qualified professional. They can help you to understand what is happening and develop strategies for dealing with it.

Love bombing is a serious issue that can have a devastating impact on your life. By following these tips, you can protect yourself from this harmful behavior, and reduce the chances of you being the victim of manipulation.

Take things at face value, and you will sure to be manipulated by ulterior motives.
