The Internetization of Cotnent -- A Video Lecture
Updated: Dec 22, 2024
Dear readers,
Today I gave a short lecture on a subject that I think a lot of people would find interesting and maybe even insightful, especially if you are a content consumer, content creator, or both.
Here is a 5-6 minute video of me giving a lecture on the the Internetization of Cotnent, which is the trend of more and more content being uploaded and consumed on digital platforms, rather than on books and other physical forms.
Unfortunately, I'm not very good at YouTube and I wasn't able to turn on automatic translation for the video, so it is still in Hebrew. However, you can find key points that were mentioned in the video in this article.
1. When it comes to finding information or knowledge, we are more likely to do so through our phones or computers than by taking a book or going to the library.
2. Overall, the age of physical books is on the decline, while the consumption of digital content is on the rise. Therefore, content creators should focus more on creating digital content than physical content, as this is where the exposure (and the money) is.
3. When it comes to exposure, even if you write a book in English, people are more likely to find your content online than to find your book and buy it, given how many books are on sale. People can more easily and better find your content through articles, and still generate revenue through advertisements and affiliate marketing. Besides, financially speaking, it is cheaper and more efficient to manage a blog than a collection of books that not many people will be willing to read for long, as blog articles are much shorter than books, obviously.
4. With the rapid growth of technology, readers, viewers, followers, and content creators need to learn to adjust to the changes of virtual communication in order to stay relevant and preserve their presence in the world. Perhaps there will be a future where books will become rarer, and even antique, like old video games and consoles. Simply writing and publishing a book is no longer sufficient for most authors in order to elevate themselves to public consciousness.
Mr. Nathan Lasher's Feedback:
Physical books might be not in high demand, but isn’t that because of e-books and technology? No longer have to hull around heavy books anymore when you can access all your books on a smart device. You really do have the whole internet right on your phone so it is nothing more than a tool which replaced a bunch of physical assets with digital ones which take up way less space.