Becoming A Master -- Article and Directory
Updated: Jan 26
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Article Synopsis by Mr. John Igwe and Co.
The article "Becoming A Master" offers a profound exploration of the concept of mastery, emphasizing the importance of persistence and dedication. It also asserts that mastery is accessible to anyone with sufficient persistence and determination, making it relatable and attainable for a broad audience.
The article acknowledges societal perceptions of self-proclaimed mastery, highlighting the delicate balance between self-recognition and societal norms.
Real-life examples like Mozart, Beethoven, Newton, and Tesla enrich the article by illustrating that mastery in one area does not imply overall superiority. Personal reflection adds authenticity to the narrative, making the article more engaging and relatable.
In conclusion, the article effectively challenges conventional notions of mastery and encourages readers to pursue their passions with dedication.
Part I: A Wide Access, Domain Specific
The paths to mastery may vary from one to another, even if the practiced art or field at hand is the same. However, one common aspect in these paths is the same, in most if not all of them, and that is the practitioner has to be persistent in their training even after optimal mastery has been acquired.
Mastery is no longer the sole property of the elderly and the highly-educated, nor to those who have an immense amount of followers. In this world where much knowledge and wisdom are available to be attained, even often without the need to exit our houses.
Everyone with enough persistence and determination can become a master of literally anything that can be studied and practiced, regardless of the way it is done. Whether it requires certification in order for one to be deemed worthy to practice it, is something else.
This includes being an expert in certain video games, to the point of being able to finish it faster than most of those who play it, to writers like me who have, truth be told, the ability to write long and concise articles in less than an hour or even half an hour.
When Expression of Mastery is Stupid
The problem with admitting one is a master, however, comes from societal reception. People largely prefer others to compliment them, than hearing others compliment themselves (or, you know, admit their own virtues). That's especially true when the people in question have yet to either witness or fully realize the merit of the other.
In that case, anyone who calls themselves a master in a genuine tone can either be seen as condescending, delusional, narcissistic, or egoistic, even if in reality they are not... Even saying that you are very smart can be considered arrogant, even if you indeed told the truth.
Hence why the authority of norms expects you to be humble about yourself and praising anyone who isn't you, even if it will entail keeping what you are convinced is the truth — to yourself.
Part II: The Perceived Stigmas
"In both directions, our mutual realization highlighted a line of thought embedded in society: the best parts of our lives, selves, bodies, careers, and identities should be squished into a single decade, the narrow window between age 20 and 30 when we’re neither “too young” to understand or “too old” to be relevant." -- Rainesford Stauffer
Honesty is more preferred when admitting your faults than when praising your merit, most especially when you are considered too young, as the younger you are, the more of a beginner you will likely be seen, even if you are not. All because of the stereotypes associated with those who think good of themselves "too much" for their own good.
The young are regardless considered novices because of ageism.
The "He Knows What He's Doing Because He's a Genius" Stereotype
It's hard to say whether his quirks are mere eccentricities or true indications of madness -- Eggman enjoys playing around with his opponents..... In some ways, it seems as though Eggman is trapped in the mind of a child, and that he views life like a game. -- "Dr. Mechano"
One of these stereotypes is a common misconception, that those who believe to be of great merit, believe they are greater than others in general. History has produced many masters of their craft who were, practically, inferior than the "common" men and women of their time, in many common fields.
From Mozart and Beethoven to Newton and Tesla, many great masters had extremely poor social intelligence, and had great trouble socializing with others, making friends, and even engaging in romance and sex. Activities that arguably were done skilfully by the large majority of humankind.
We can also learn from this the following, that even masters can be terrible in some practices, and thus are obviously far from perfect, if there ever was a perfect human being.
Part III: The Self Beyond Society
"But no matter how harsh the journey, you must realize that there are no trials that you cannot overcome. Friends will help you along the way. Surround yourself with strength, the strength of many..." -- Leknaat
The recognition of one's merit is often imperative to discovering who they really are beyond the glasses of society, to their self-confidence, and to the foundation and preservation of their legacy.
In this day and age, we have already decided that some forms of positive self-recognition are acceptable without descending to the association of negative traits, notably on the orthodox social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
People showing their beauty, their financial prosperity, their romantic partners, and their massive amount of followers; such self-promotion is most often common amongst younger audiences, but could be an indication that in the future, such praise would be desired and appreciated in the next generations of humankind.
Because no matter how good we are at what we're doing, the strength of others is always even more useful when done right. Thus, for you to recognize them, they must recognize you first, often. Hence why displays of mastery at a certain field/s fulfil a very important social, if not political, role.
The Dynamicity of One's Own Mastery
None can destroy iron but its own rust -- Ratan Tata
And still, the public recognition of self-expressed mastery, especially in more esoteric fields, are either viewed with suspicion or with condemnation. This also reveals that mastery can be compared to a muscle.
Despite your endeavors, if you will not practice in your craft enough, your skill can be decreased as if you have done nothing to increase it, both practically and in the eyes of others. You can even forget skills.
This is also one of the reasons why I've been spending years writing books and articles in 2 languages. That's even though, technically, most of my life is before me, rather than after. I've missed quite a lot... of regular life, philosophizing in solitude.
Personal Reflections
"One creature's immaturity is another's absolute revelry!" -- Mr. John Duran
Having dedicated much of my short lifespan in my attempt to perfect the art of written philosophy, I believe I have reached a point of being a master in said art, to the point of a specific follower (whose privacy is kept) calling me a master from time to time.
Nonetheless, I think of myself as inferior to most people rather than its expected opposite. I will probably never experience other people experience so easily... I am not a social being, and the shallowness of this world brings me sadness.
To many people, my lifestyle would make them feel imprisoned, frustrated, and lonely, as if they are actually prisoners, and would attempt to restore their original lifestyle. Knowing the life-limiting power of my disabilities, I have turned to writing philosophical content and providing it to the world, simply because I wish to be satisfied, productive, and contribute to the world in my own way.
Now you tell me if I am condescending, when I am to admit the truth: That I've been practicing philosophy since 2013. People are free to delude themselves that I've been doing my first steps in philosophy in the 2020's.. No. It's just that I did much of it in isolation, without teachers, guides, advisors or even much reviewers. I've built my skill up by myself. Rejected, and alone.
Even without my personal example, the point is clear: with enough dedication, practice, and at times, sacrifice, anything can be mastered, and anyone who has truly mastered something, should be worthy of the title "Master."
Agreed. Knowing ourselves is crucial in determining how are we far or close to mastery in whichever field.
Agreed, everyone is a master in his own way`...
Thus the necessity of one to know his or her own self enough in order to see what makes he or her a potential master to become (be come); after reaching this knowledge to a point of touching one self wisdom, the guidance is there to maintain and implement such a mastery`...
Conclusion: I feel that it is worth the time spent in order to know one=self?
Would you agree?
Ayin Tov`...